Show ACTIVE MINING STOCKS information formation regarding properties dealt in in on the salt lake market capitalization NAME OP OF MINE LOCATION KIND OF ORE par no shares value ajax mammoth utah sold gold and copper s 10 0 albion little cottonwood utah gold silver and lead 10 alice Wal walkerville kerville mont sold silver and lead 2500 25 00 alliance park city utah silv 1 00 anchor park city utah silver 1000 10 00 bullion beek beck eureka silver lead G old copper IJO 1000 bill billoye ophir utah silver lead and gold 1 00 bull abee e eureka utah silver and lead 1 00 blue bi rd ex diamond utah silver and lead 5 00 boss weed Tweed tintic gintic utah gold silver and copper 10 boston I 1 lei a W DeLamar Nev gold 10 bright light diamond utah silver and lead 01 buckeye diamond utah silver lead and copper 1 00 blue bird extension diamond utah silver lead and copper centennial eureka eureka utah gold ailder silver lead copper 50 00 chloride point ophir utah gold and silver 1 00 congor bingham utah gold and copper 00 camp floyd camp floyd utah gold century box elder county utah gold 1 00 central mammoth mammoth utah gold copper and silver columbia ophir utah gold S silver ve and L lead ead 1 00 comstock park city utah v silver and lead 2500 2 00 crown point tintic utah silver and lead 25 crusader con gintic tintic utah silver and lead daay s camp floyd gold 3 00 da daly park city utah sliver lead and gold 2000 20 00 da Daly ly avest West park city utah silver and lead 2000 20 00 dalon alark bingham utah lead gold and copper 2500 uCO 1 00 dexter tuscarora nev gold 5 00 dalton marysvale Marys vale utah gold igo 1 CO diamond con diamond utah I 1 silver lead and copper eagle mercur utah gold 2 1 03 eagle blue bell eureka utah gold silver iver and lead 2 cooj 1 00 emerald mammoth utah gold silver and lead 1 00 four aces silver city utah silver and lead aco 1 CO frisco bingham utah silver and lead 1 00 geyser marion mercur utah gold galena fish springs utah silver and lead 1000 10 00 galena king stockton utah silver and lead ia golden gate ex mercur utah gold ico 1 CO grand cent 11 mammoth utah gold silver lead copper 2 1 00 gold cable mercur utah gold golden eagle humboldt county nev gold i iza oo 00 gold goldhill hill Hlll humbolt county nev gold 1 00 golden star gold mt utah gold herschel mercur utah gold 1000 1 00 horn silver frisco utah silver lead and copper 2510 25 CO hercules ophir utah gold and silver 1 1 00 homestake Home stake tintic gintic utah gold copper ad and silver ilver 1 00 ingot mercur utah gold 50 international thoele tooele county utah silver and lead 1 00 joe bowers diamond utah silver and lead 1 no joe bowers ex diamond utah silver and lead 25 kremlin bingham utah I 1 lower mammoth mammoth utah gold copper and lead 1 00 la reine eureka utah silver and lead 1 00 little pittsburg camp floyd utah gold 0 00 malvern sunshine utah gold 2 50 Mami noth mammoth utah gold silver lead copper 2500 20 00 mercur mercur utah gold 2500 25 00 manhattan mammoth utah silver and lead 10 M washington silver city utah copper gold and silver TO 50 may day eureka utah lead 25 mckinley McK ophir utah gold and silver 10 midnight bowers diamond utah silver and lead ca 10 monarch ophir utah gold 1 1 00 northern light ophir utah gold and silver S 00 north swansea tintic gintic utah silver and lead 2 00 omaha camp floyd utah gold ontario park city utah silver and lead 00 orient 4 west gintic tintic utah gold silver and lead 1 00 overland sunshine utah gold 6 00 petro bingham utah lead sil silver v er and coppa copper 5 00 rabbits foot silver city utah gold and c copper p er 1 00 R tintic gintic ut stati aTi silver and va lead aa 1 00 rover sunshine utah gold 1000 sacramento mercur utah gold 5 00 sunbeam silver city utah gold 1 00 19 sunshine sunshine utah gold 1000 10 00 silver king park city utah silver and lead 2000 20 00 star con tintic gintic utah gold silver lead copper 1 HO 00 swansea silver city utah silver and lead 5 00 south swansea silver city utah silver and lead 1 00 showers con diamond utah silver and lead 5 00 sea swan tintic gintic utah silver and lead 25 27 silver cloud silver city utah silver and lead 1 00 success tintic gintic utah silver and lead 10 eureka utah silver and lead 1 CO triumph silver city utah copper silver and lead 1 00 0 utah fish S rings utah silver and lelaa 10 00 valeo paricity Park City utah copper and gold 1 00 west mercur camp floyd utah gold 2 00 W mt placer bingham utah gold 1 00 yankee con utah silver and lead 1000 1000 10 00 |