Show OLT M R RAILROAD A I 1 L R OA D FROM FAIRFIELD a junction point with the oregon shoreline Short line railway TO MERCUR UTAH THE HE most wonderful A mountain railroad in the w world orld and the only road into the most celebrated gold camp in I 1 n the united states the largest chani cyanide de mill in ill in the world I 1 is s in the camp of mercur A trip to mercur will add years to your life and expand your ideas of ir the importance of this immediate country T TRAVELERS S visiting A salt lake should by all means travel over this famous railway which 0 carries them beyond the clouds to miss it is to miss seeing one ot of the g grand rand sights 1 I gh t S of the american continent t anent and be the regret of a lifetime train for mercur leaves salt lake in orang m returning in evening allowing about tour four hours in the camp J I 1 C G JACOBS cen mgr offices McCornick Ellk SALT LAKE CITY 4 v ORIENTAL POWDER MILLS ji PORTLAND ME manufacturers OF BLASTING A AND N D S SPORTING PO cunnington CO agents salt lake city y S HE burlington HOLDS ALL records CORDi RE the fastest time ever made between 5 chicago and denver is 18 hours and 53 minutes the burlington i made it february 15 1897 the 5 fastest time ever made between x chicago and council bluffs is 9 h hours 0 u sand and 14 minutes the burs 11 langton n glon made it february 17 1899 S the fastest time ever made be tween council bluffs and chicago f ls Is 9 hours and 23 minutes the 5 burlington made it january 3 1899 t two two trains a day denver to omaha ai and chicago the chicago special ta at p pm m and the flyer at p m tickets at 1 I offices of connecting lines 4 P W F M 0 M I 1 LLA B F N E s 4 0 gen abt sa salt aft lake lak e trav pis ft abt 9 its s P aw s sars ah C IFS s ss S r se s ia r s ev ss 9 e s ss 6 r se t 1 I 1 POPULAR LINE w fix W io TO fi ib KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS xa fix io CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST w elegant pullman sleepers luxuriant in reeling chair cars free to holders of ill regular train be sure your tick ai ets read via missouri pacific railway kai fix W H C TOWNSEND G P at agent st louis ax H B KOOSER G F P A ent salt lake ft E J FLYNN T F abety salt lake 9 E 11 ainis pres R W NICOL seely SALT LAKE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 00 AW contracting electricians wholesale and retail electrical Sup supplies lles 15 west first south street telephone no 6 sat salt lake city utah X Z V X U I 1 H TO THE X EAST XV VIA X 0 R KANSAS CITY AND ng CHICAGO for passengers or freight L L DOWNINGs DOWNING commercial AGENT salt lake city utah L F A N NASH ASH WES berit T OM OMAHA AHA NEB arb y B K x ft B a wac 4 I 1 ENVER ario GRANDE I 1 4 4 f RAILROAD 4 A A 0 y 44 4 SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD I 1 i 12 the e favorite and most direct 1 route to all mining camps in 4 41 6 colorado and new mexico SC 4 the popular and best route to C glenwood springs X X T L 1 k X J pueblo A X X v IL J f 4 Z cripple creek A ft 0 and all points ea east st two da daily ily I 1 fast express espre ss trains rains equipment E 4 e the very best for all in c 1 fl 10 formation apply to ac X X X c 3 4 2 1 3 4 B F NEVINS H M CUSHING S Z general agent trav pass agent fc 1 Z R mckenzie manufacturer and dealer in FINE AFINE monumental WORK OFFICE OTO AND SALESROOM WEST FIRST SOUTH ST SALT city t f f CHICAGO s ass s i B t B aws f yai yf i i 1 4 I 8 best dining gar car service j BUFFET LIBRARY SMOKER t ELEGANT EQUIP MENTI I 1 I 1 chair cars free t S |