Show SILVER MINING COMPANY MAKING A GREAT PRODUCING MINE according to a recent press report splendid success is attending the efforts of the silver mining b company in making 6 a real mine of the old prop property erty in the extreme northwest corner of the state of utah to the north and west arest of the park valley mining minina 1 1 1 district following the acquisition of the property by the present company something like a year ago when it was equipped with operating machinery and mill the development of the mine has steadily progressed and a large tonnage of high grade concentrate has been marketed through the installation of added equipment and the enlarging of the buildings it is stated that the caDa capacity city of the milling plant has been increased from about fifty to over tons of crude ore per day in the meantime development of the mine is progressing and the near future it is asserted will prove up the ore bodies at considerable additional depth for some time driving of the phelan tunnel was greatly impeded A shale formation of unusual softness made driving of the main adit difficult however since a hard shale has been entered better time is being made at present the face of the tunnel is 1300 feet from the portal two thousand feet from the portal the bore will be turned n orth north and about feet of drifting and crosscutting will be done to connect with the incline shaft being sunk on the vein from the A level of the upper workings completion of this tunnel will give greater depth on the ore deposits and also facilitate drainage and transportation and eliminate the necessity of hoisting from the portal to the mill the tramway distance would be approximately 2500 feet the management is now considering the building of a surface tramway if aderial conveyance of ore is abandoned ore trains will be hauled by an electric locomotive sinking of the incline shaft from the AP A level along the of the vein to connect with the phelan tunnel level is also progressing satisfactorily the bottom of the shaft is now feet below the A level and at a depth of 1350 feet on the vein at this depth the silver value of the ore is said to be showing a gratifying increase and indications of persistence about tons of ore are being min mined ed daily by combined sinking and operations according to present calculations this shaft should connect with the heading b from the phelan tunnel at a depth of approximately feet raises t to 0 the ore body are being b put up through 6 the rhyolite of the lode at intervals of feet road conditions for the past few weeks have made impractical hauling of concentrates to oakley idaho a distance of twenty six miles from the mine which is in boxelder Box elder county it is believed that by the middle of may if weather conditions are not out of the ordinary the road will be open until that time concentrates are being stor stored ed atthe at the mill |