Show GASOLINE AND OIL production gasoline production in the united states attained i a near record in october the months output of gallons having been exceeded only by the figures for last july when but gallons more were refined states the bureau of mines the october production represents an increase of about gallons over the september output and is 28 per cent greater than the gasoline production for october 1921 domestic consumption of gasoline decreased about gallons from the september consumption figure but was about 75 per cent above the figure for october of last year exports and shipments to insular po possessions session s amounted to approximately gallons st stocks 0 acks of gasoline on hand 1 were gallons an increase of g gallons during the month the number of refineries reporting to the bureau of mines during october was with at total daily capacity of barrels these refineries were operated at 8 86 6 per cent of their capacity I 1 production of kerosene in october amounted to gallons an a n increase of per cent over ove r september exports and sh shipments of kerosene to insular possessions amounted to gallons gallon si an increase of of 1694 per er cent which largely accounts for a decrease of stocks amounting to per cent stocks on hand november I 1 we were re gallons total production of gas and fuel oils reported to the bureau of mines during october was about gallons above the september figure and amounted to gallons stocks of these oils on hand november 1 were gallons an increase of gallons both the output and stocks of gas and fuel oils for october 1922 were 1054 per cent above the figures 1 I for october 1921 exports and shipments to insular possessions during october amounted to gallons bunker oil laden on vessels en engaged 0 aged in foreign trade amounted to gallons the output of lubricating oils and Z greases in october amounted to gallons an increase of about gallons or per cent over september production and about gallons or 1497 per cent above the figure for october 1921 stocks of lubricating oils on hand at refineries november 1 amounted to gallons an increase increase of approximately t gallons 1 exports I 1 sports and shipments to insular possessions during october were an gallons allons a decrease from september of about gallons |