Show NEWS FROM HART sp special ecial corres correspondence p ordence dence on hart calif april 28 the big chief lease on the oro is taking out 50 ore in its the upper tunnel at a distance of feet has cut the vein which on the surface at shallow depth assayed per ton for one foot across the balance being a good grade of mill rock in the west tunnel which is being driven through the mountain four feet of low grade ore was uncovered last laist saturday this working will have a depth of feet and cut in its course three more known ledges traversing the leasehold the sloan lease on the jumbo is now working in thirty feet of ore portions of which average 50 per ton over three hundred sacks of high grade have been taken from this lease the past two weeks the quartette company owners of the jumbo estate installed a hoist this week and three shifts are employed sinking the shaft the jumbo lode is fifty feet in width and can be traced for nearly 2000 feet in length bever barrett owners of the rambler the southern extension of the jumbo lead are in a good grade of milling ore at a depth of 35 feet two leases are also developing ve loping the ra rambler abler both of which are in ore andrews marsh lessels lessees les sees of block I 1 oro belle are in four feet of 30 ore in a crosscut running from the 50 foot level the entire face of the drift pans colors an inch long the tunnel being run by hart hitt on an oro belle no 1 has reached a distance of feet and for the past 50 feet th the e working has been in an immense body of low grade in the upper workings at this property an ore zone GO 60 feet in width has been opened up portions of which run as high as per ton extensive prospecting has been going on the rast past week on the fairview and providence groups owned by the hart consolidated mining company two good sites have been selected for tunneling and active work at this property will start the coming week at frequent places along the ledge traversing the fairview for a distance of over 1000 feet good bannings pann ings were obtained this week the holdings of the hart consolidated soli dated are the direct north extension of oro belle no 1 upon which claim hart hitt made their original discovery and which resulted in the great rush to this camp A hoist and compressor will be installed among the important developments the past week has been the strike made by J od D goodwin on the sunrise located a mile northwest of camp at a depth of 50 feet five feet of 20 ore has been opened and the owner is now drifting in the ledge which is daily showing up greater than when first encountered rock running into the pictures is found in the face of the conservative average is around drift but a 20 per ton the strike was made 1 in a section of the district where little or no work has been done to date and extends the area that distance in a northwesterly direction the quartz mill for the big chief company arrived this week and is now bein being installed ore from the big chief lease and hart hitts oro belle no 1 will be treated the quartette company will install a mill of large capacity as soon as sufficient water is developed two carloads of ore is now on the dump at the th e lease on block 5 of plute belle at a depth 0 afi 50 feet the lessee is drifting in the vein the values average around 23 per ton and as work progresses the ore shoot has evry indication of being an immense one |