Show THE JOHNNIE MINE AND MILL v A correspondent of the goldfield news writing from johnnie nevada gives the following description of the johnnie mine and mill at that place the mine is developed by a main shaft sunk to a depth of feet on the dip of the vein at an angle of 45 degrees and laterals literals late rals have been run from each foot level from the surface to the foot level tho the dip is 45 degrees is maintained but between the COO and foot levels the main vein flattens out and shows a dip of 23 degrees at the lowest workings there is very good ore in the and foot levels some goes etc the ore for the mill has nearly all been taken out of the foot level on this level a large body of quartz qua itz probably twenty feet wide is exposed and shows fifty feet up the main shaft this ore is being held in reserve for future use in case production from the other points should run behind the milling millin s scapa capacity c 1 ay iy the average sample through the mine is about 12 per ton the foot sample was 2258 2522 1571 2258 at the OO foot level the ore samples run 2272 2232 2480 an a average of 2328 23 28 at the foot level the average is 40 i the johnnie mine was closed on june 11 andas and is now in charge ofal of al meyers s of goldfield abeld who will start up aae operations r november 1 the nissen stamp mill the new sixteen stamp stamo nissen mill erected under the doubleday Vou bleday regime is entirely modern and complete in eve every ay iy way its cost was in excess or of the derived from the treasy treasury ry stock taken up under the deal by which mr Doub doubleday ledak obtained control the mill was erected by the fairbanks morse company and an d consists of sixteen 1350 pound stamps which drop seven inches at the rate of from to times a minute the plant is run by an 80 horsepower three cylinder gas engine of the fairbanks morse pattern fed with crude oil of a specific gravity of 26 this engine also runs the electric light dynamo by which the mine and building are supplied the twelve drill air compressor is run by a horsepower two cyl inder engine also of the fairbanks morse company and run with crude oil there is a sixty horse hoist run with distillate |