Show LL U S game laws are explained uncle sam compiles bulletin of state regulations washington D C with the opening of the hunting season hunters in nil all parts of the united states are keen to obtain copies of the lie government bulletin epitomizing the game laws tor for 1924 25 it Is sold said this bulletin contains as much information as could be crowded into its 38 pages for it includes a summary of the united states laws and regulations the hie statutes of all the individual states and the laws of canada newfoundland and mexico no hunter should be without a copy according to george A lawyer chief united states game warden because it will not only contribute toward the hunters own protection but will assist materially in the enforcement of 0 the game laws a thing in which every true sportsman Is interested it Is estimated that there are about in this country last year approximately state licenses to hunt vi were ere issued and in addition there are suld said to be at least a third that number of hunters who are not required to take out licenses because they confine their hunting to 10 their own lands no federal license required no federal lie license ense Is required at present but it if a bill now pending in the lower house of congress Is passed as officials predict all hunters of migratory birds mill have to obtain permits from the llie government for which they will be taxed the sum of 1 I 1 thi the funds created by this fee will be devoted one half bialt to the administration and enforcement of nf the federal tei leral game statutes and one halt balf to the purchase and development of water and marr marsh 11 areas as feeding grounds for migratory fowl the lawful killing of migratory birds began august 16 when file I 1 he season open for black blach bellied and golden plover ond and yellow legs in the bordering on the atlantic and lying north of chesapeake bay ond and for reed birds or rite rice birds in tile states of virginia north slid and south carolina georgia and florida no federal season lasts more than three and a halt half months and all open seasons for migratory birds close on or before january 31 one of the most important provisions provision of tile federal law la 19 that which pro hibits hunting between sunset and halt bait an hour before sunrise hunting from tin an airplane from a power or sail boat or from anything towed by a power of 0 sail boat Is forbidden and no gun that Is larger than no 10 gauge may be used no state law can conflict or interfere with the federal statute governing the hunting of migratory birds the sale of game Is prohibited everywhere ery where by both federal and state laws the government has 70 bird find and big game reservations on which there Is no hunting with certain minor and unimportant el exceptions and hunting in the national parks Is absolutely forbidden the essential information which a hunter must have includes the dates date when seasons open and their length the hours buting which birds may be killed the bag limits and the means by which game may be taken of the utmost interest to outdoor enthusiasts and others who for years have urged the lie enactment of appropriate legislation to check the everin ever in creasing menace to wild life by oil and other forms of pollution which bae contaminated our coastal and inland waters destroyed aquatic life therein and seriously endangered the tha public health Is the oll nil pollution bill chidi became a law on june 7 last this act prohibits any vessel using oil as furl fuel for the generation of propulsion power or any vessel carrying oil or having oil thereon in excess of that necessary tor for lubricating purposes from discharging oil oil sludge or oil refuse into the coastal navigable waters including nil inland navigable waters in which tile the tide ebbs ebba and flows another new law of interest to hunters which also became effective june 7 Is that which authorizes the acquisition and setting aside as wild life refuge of about acres of s and low lands along the mississippi sis sippi river between rock flock island ill and wabasha gllnn public sentiment with respect to abc th observance of the laws protecting will wild tl foni has changed appreciably the last few years officials cinis say hunt bunt ers era hae learned that instead of in ter fering alth their inalienable these laus are in reality safeguarding the sport in which they are interested and they now see that they have better hunting than they could possible pos sIbl allu lime e were there no restrictions |