Show I Fifty Years th H EA i Improves s the fhe fia flavor r and aI adds to id the tho of tile the fo fod a d PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO I ONE LINE ALL Have Halle Planned to fri Make Mahe This a Wonderfully Busy Week by Offering Many of the Most lHost Remarkable Values 1 in ifs its History On 01 Sale Today Black Blach English MohaIr New Velvet Waists 19 II 1 Pieces only of a fine tine lustre Black Mohair a good A Swell Waist of extra quality abe alie at on sale at velvet h with fancy f front trimmed t in t buttons tucked i back baek and front to bust in colors K green royal navy nav maroon ear car cardinal at dinal and black an exceptionally V S I good go al le at atTo Very ery Special S 50 0 To persons wanting extra sine sise Blankets size sise Ie genuine Cali California fornia forna Australian fleece white whim Blankets worth 1100 this week School S C h 00 I Stockings S 1 per pair For boys oos and girls made mad of tine fine S 7 15 h r woo wool extra hea heavy y and unsurpassed sed for durability all stares Mass they are the best befit e stock tock stocking or lug ing you ever bought You get I L of Two II WO Lots 0 t S them here today at Curtains Consisting of Arabian and elegant White Curtains In plain center canter 10 18 Pieces 1 hemstitched scalloped effects ett tJI as an extraordinary bar and aBd cut int White edge Silk Embroidered rain Sain for toda today per pair dered de Flannel yard wide ten dif dit different S 2 ferent t designs worth lO JUO lw l lp p a U as and 1175 17 all on sale today per yard Boys Pants In navy blue brown light and dark gray cheviots extra well Ladles Ladies Kid Kd mad good strong stron school PUtts Pants ages aRes 4 to 14 M years Price per Foxed Fo ed felt fIt warm lined Shoes lace pair or button 13 values at SOc 1000 I QUIT WALKING TU THE FLOOR AT NIGHT Nl UT Turn your jour bad bd debts to us then have haye money to pay with a mans man trade worth if he ha dont pay If peo people pIe pay you you can pay others AU All debts axe are bad if you cant get your m money meney ney The T e longer you wait the worse worse they get et If its a los lo take it and get what you yo can now Merchants Protective Association tion COLLECTORS OF o BAD DEBTS Francis G Luke General Manager Man Top Floor Commercial BIo k kOME OME SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE US USI I r make no misleading state statements statements EUI V L I Ii I I ments or prop propositions proposItions MY METHODS I Fil H to the dieted afflicted in ia order I I to obtain their money AN N HONEST DOLLAR HONEST e SERVICES AND RE BE RETURNS REt t TURNS is my motto Should the experience of a man who has hu received the unqualified indorsement of ot clergymen play phy and aud laymen not be worth something In your own case Ln Un der my care eare you fU art are ar absolutely assured of ot the most modern meth methods methods s and the latest latent discoveries Li known to medical m science The iF unsolicited testimonials from cured patients and aDd business b men should be of some eom value to you and the amount I charge for fot treatment nt is insignificant compared with re result re suits sult I treat BLOOD POISON of every char character acter actor V PILES LOST MANHOOD STRICTURE and it REFLEX CONDITIONS ii I 1 cure these disorders to STAY 1 CURED forever for or lose lees fx expense x en nae e compared with results andin anal in a shorter r time Ume than any specialist In iu Inthe inthe the city ctt Examinations are a free and ad al advice adice alvice vice ice cheerfully given ehen If II you vou can cannot canN N I 1 not call at my office write for forI II I booklet and question que list My W A COOK JL X D cures Ad Address are rc guaranteed d in writing Oldest Olde t Reliable Specialist COOK MEDICAL G CO iu 1165 S Main iian St I Ii i t L m I A HAIJ FED PED H HORSE iISE I 1 IA Is usually about I half a I horse If It you yon buy bay your feed of us your horse I will be well fed fedI ain consequently I BAMBERGER Tile The Man MiD on In St Sl WHY NOT Look up your broken jew jewelry jewelry elry and bring it to us We will viii repair it for br you and make it look like new at moderate cost and guarantee our ur work to give you satisfaction SALT LAKE CITY t If Somebody S j Is Sick I Ii i AT y YOUR TOUR HOUSE YOU WILL II PROBABLY WANT A PRE PilE PRESCRIPTION I TILLED IF yOU XOU I WANT IT rr TO RECEIVE TN T t I j I POSSIBLE ATTENTION I BRING IT WHERE I ONLY ONrY EXPERTS WILL HANDLE HADLE IT 1 I I II I Where the Cars J JI I Stop f fI fI I I P 1 P 1 P p U P p I P P P 1 P 2 r P r P r P p pIa a a 0 c C K Ia I WILLIAM KNEW ow I a e ow a aa II a When V en the great bard wrote ow 0 ow owa 5 a a Thy Tny Tb glass Ia will show thee how thy b bt beauties war 0 Sonnets he hf evidently had hadin ow 5 II 5 in mind our stock of German and a aa II a French elate mirror all aU sizes I a Frames made to order I the Answer E 6 I 20 E E First South St StI I I PalMs Palts Glass Glus Brushes Br sJ Vanishes Varlis es esI Z I G c d j iL 1 dd g gorth for tor orth tb I Benefit 6 n fit of I Patrons We have a high hIck das daH stock ot or for Cor medicinal u use We I have bAve got a license to sell sett this tha dana clUB of goods and our customers wIll wiil rot ct cod values value for tor their money mer Whisky Cognac c Brandy Brandv and all high class ciau cia wic w a x pan can l be e bought here Our ur stock of pi high grade cigars is II 1 unexcelled and suitable for au a i A C Druggist Main Street I II I II I II Established 1 Offices The Oldest and Dd Largest I R 6 G DUN cCO CO GEORGE RUST BUST General Manager Utah Idaho Id and aDd Wyoming Offices in ix Progress building Salt Lake City McCORNICK CC BANKERS BANKER SALT LAKE CITY alTY UTAH UfAH Dr J JB B KEYSOR DENTAL PARLORS P MO S Main lain St StOver Over Ovar Davis Davia She Store Fifteen Pitt years yean continuous ac tic dae in ta Silt Halt Lak Lk City CI Goed Good Set iet of Tact THUI f Amalgam or Sliver Silver r n n iLl Gold tilling fillings 1 and up ii T Tests th cleaned ean 11 iLl 12 Solid Seiad gold pId crown Bridge work wor per tooth CreW aid I fridge Work Werk a 1 7 Sunday from tr M iS 1 a m te IC t ICI I J JJ av J I J I THE D T SAVINGS BANk T W W Riter T I Mei Mosea M That Th Vice Ice Pr iu n 11 niJas iJas A Smite r Ca j James J ames Sh Sharp irp J 1 ft It Jf Barn Bam J Jhn h hat Cutler Livid I 1 des eles A V at an i ir G eorge ohn oon R ft T W r K I Smoot S K E It H 1 l Ei ridge dr W VI V r F mrs me Four Fou i lac r cut cent merest l pail paid ia a d 11 COMMERCIAL C NATIONAL BANK BASK Capital paid in 0 OO General Banking In AH AlL It Its t I itch tali Directors J B Co j j 1 j Dd jev rf O 0 J I Salisbury C C i J i 1 1 Cosgriff W P Noble r GurJi Giorge or M 1 n nJohn John ohn J Donn Donnellan llan A F P ATIAt f TOE TilE U V 8 s DEPOSITORY DEPOSITOR RANK FRANK F KNOX President JAMES AMES J A MURRAY t Preside et t W F 11 ADAMS CAPITAL CAPITA PAID IV IX I N J s 0 Banking in all its branch s t i Exchange E drawn on the i firn r n J j 1 a af of ot o f Europe oD INTEREST D PAID ON OS TIM Tan D fl OS IT ITI I I L Ia 8 S MILLS KILLS President I MOSES KOSES THATCHER Vice r p pr H B a S YOUNG Cashier K L 8 HILLS BILLS Assistant C Ca ash Ld r t TJ 17 S DEPOSITORY o Deseret Bank Salt Lake City Utah CAPITAL C J SURPLUS S Safety Deposit sit Boxes for Rent t Capi Capita Capit Folly Paid W ALK R I BAN BANIS S SALT SAL AK AKI I I Established InS 1859 ai OFFICERS AND M K H WALKER Ml oi THOMAS WEIR Vie VICH n Ir nL f n lent Jent j nt L H FARNSWORTH i nier Dier DierE E 0 O HOWARD HOV ARD Assist i iJOHN Cashier JOHN H WALKER ALK ER A AH vI Cashier H II G W r MONTAGUE FERRY FERn Y I 1 a I c Safe Sale Deposit Boxes For Rent THE STATE BANK OF UTAH Corner comer C orner Main Kain and South Temple TempI Streets Salt Bait Lake City JOSEPH OSEPH J F SMITH President WILLIAM B PRESTON Vice President CHARLES CHARES S 8 BURTON Cashier HENRY HENKY T L Cashier Cashi r rl l J NES Accounts Solicited S I attention ta fa country count c trade dade Correspond nce r in a u ci ted A I I DONT DONTi Fir i THE GET i I I HABIT Of letting the man t f ft t counter select your cigar lit s Hk always instructed to hand band out tte cheaper grade of Levy Levys Famous Cigar Costs Costa a little Attie more and is a little Ii tt 1 e better then than must most cigars Alwa union made Sam Levy f South Main S Street treet u Dainty tickets We can show ow you m ri rii i assortment of loo locket brooches and other p r ces cesI I of jewelry jetry that will mk rn ike ikeI I you think you have havened v P ped ned into iato t e Prices rices are so l that the likeness i i ithe is I Ithe the more striking Dg We have no nf fake elry eur enre ato sto JS is genuinely irY good tJ Mill Mail Street Tel Tal r No Matter Hatter Whatever may be desired ir ii i l the way of Sine Pine Jewelry Silver Plate Watches 01 or 0 Clocks yon y will find a good god godIn selection in our stock st at prices that induce buying I II i Establish Prices 1862 0 I Iu I ruki HULBERT HUMBERT BROS TRUNKS MEw HEW LUTE IE WRIST BAGS JUST ruST XAIN AIN Adjoining Kenyan Kenyon I ri E teL n j 1 |