Show NEWS HISTORY THE PAST WEEK A complete history of what pas mas been happening throughout the world WESTERN the casino tit at tonopah To Tonci pall nev center of t sport for those who turned up pay dirt when gold mining was at its height beight in this thia district strict 11 Is no more the fatuous rendezvous known to thousands ot of gold cold hunters as a place where in palmier days roulette wheels hummed and cards were turned fr for bagh stakes now lies in the center of a fire alra devastated area which wept swept the Tono tonopah pali tenderloin dis district the ime fire thought to have been of incendiary origin did property dam to ago estlina estimated ted at and more than persons were made homeless the largest body of yellow pine timber owned by br the federal government ern ment a tract ot of acres in eastern oregon Is soon to be opened for or sale and ami development the forest ervice annun announced ced the tract Is on the watershed of the silvies river in the malteur malheur SIal heur national forest and Is said aid to contain feet of mature saw timber forest reserve officials said that the land would be sold regulations so framed as to insure for or development under government continuous production for all time of to GO board feet annually jerry illges 27 escaped from the utah state prison ile he was serving an indeterminate term for second degree burglary committed in carbon the ordinary wooden shingle Is a grave danger in almost every city fire chiefs from all parts of the united states decided at their convention recently in san francisco the interstate commerce commission has held that existing carload rates on apples from idaho and utah points by way of 0 salt lake city to bisbee douglas and nogales Ko gales ariz are unreasonably high and directed that the rates be reduced to per hundred pounds never in the history of the intermountain west have there here been more motorists touring than this summer since the latter part of june they lave have swarmed into this district by the hundreds daily all previous estimated and actual records have been shattered haltered by at least a 25 per cent increase GENERAL what is said to be the first training camp for farm women in the united states is in progress at jackson hills W va eighty five women from farms located in IS 18 counties of the tate state are registered tangible assents of allan A ryan I 1 all street broker and manipulator of the famous sauz corner comer who recently went into bankruptcy with liabilities of 1800 oM yX bere ere sold flor ar threats of death it if he goes into williamson county to conduct an investigation vesti gation gatlon lot the herrin massacre have been received by attorney general Brund agee of illinois because a rejected suitor threaten ad d to get civila 18 and frank Trap pint 23 as they entered the church of st anthony of at rochester N Y to ta be married police were on guard A cordon ot of police met the bridal party and escorted it to the altar keeping step to the trains strains of the rin wedding march and the peal of wedding bells harry D white said to toe be wanted by F federal postoffice Fost Post office inspector 11 II E H graham on a charge of swindling S tuch of plainfield N J of ca at miami fla on march 17 1921 was as arrested by agents of the derived district attorneys office who have been conducting raids on nit an alleged million dollar confluence ring william I 1 E Cha Chatin nn 18 Is said by police bi have confessed responsibility for a fire which did damage estimated estimate d at about half a million dollars la in the downtown downton section of winton vinton salem N C leaders are alarmed over reports that the president will not seek another term increased wages averaging 47 per cent and affecting between and nonunion miners in westmoreland and payette fayette counties west virginia were decided upon at a meeting of operators it was officially announced noun ced three big steel corporations employing nearly workers have announced a 20 per cent wage increase for or all day laborers in ther their manufacturing fac turing plants the state governments of the united states have a total debt of 1 or 1018 tor for every man woman and child in the country according to a nationwide nation wide surveys of 0 state finance just completed by tl dank cank ot of america new york washington f an order instructing postmasters post mastera throughout the country to stop the delivery of malls at every dulling house not having buying a slot or box tor for mall mail at the front door was issued by assistant postmaster general barlett arlett Il results of oc the semiannual semi annual motor gasoline survey just concluded by the united states bureau of mines indicate that the average gasoline sold in the country Is of better grade than has heretofore been the case exports lix ports of american foodstuffs for the month of july and the seven of tills this year ending with july showed a material decline the department of commerce announced tile the general decline Is to be expected ot of stated due to the formal readjustment Juet ment and return to prewar pre war conditions meat and meat products and wheat took the biggest drop while exports of coarse grains due to the low price in this country continued to increase conferees on the tariff bill expect to have their report ready for the enate and house by september 15 efforts to get henry ford to withdraw his offer tor for muscle shoals tor for the reason that acceptance of hla his bid by congress would remove tiny any possibility tit af his ben being a presidential dental or senatorial candidate will be made shortly by a group of ford political backers A favorable report on the amended pomerene ro Bo merene bill to regulate expenditures in connection with the election of sell senators and representatives was ordered by the senate elections committee As amended the bill would provide that a candidate for the senate could expend not more than in any campaign for selection as a candidate and for his election ti 0 the senate while a candidate tor for the house c could not expend more than 3 breeding a dairy cow which will give enough milk to teed feed thirty children a day more than six times the capacity ot of the ordinary cow is one of the latest teats feats of the industry which has been accomplished by the united states department ot of agriculture and which can be done by proper feeding and selective breeding on the maryland government farm payment by the government ot of ar to the person who discovers a permanent cure for any one ot of five alvo diseases was proposed in a bill by representative sproul republican illinois the diseases enumerated are tuberculosis pneumonia epilepsy do de kentla praecox pra ecos the crew ot of the giant seaplane sampaio correia which collapsed and tell fell into the ocean between cuba and while attempting a flight from new york to rio de janeiro probably will be landed at guantanamo cuba by the U S S denver all members of the crew were picked up by the denver after the plane made a bad landing and was smashed FOREIGN the german mark is selling on new york market at five cents per hundred the hotel employees of buda rest pest have proclaimed a general strike tol owing refusal of their demands for inclusion of a 10 per cent tip in all bills presented to guests the guests including a number of americans are being obliged to cook their own meals the unionists in guatemala have overthrown the government of aresi dent orellana and the president I 1 Is fleeing the country Shan shanghais ghais experiment begun so some me two wo years ago to eliminate commer vice from the international settlement has been occasioning widespread discussion in shanghai and elsewhere by renson reason ot of recent official reports that seem to indicate the be 11 lit that the plan adopted will not work manuel L quezon president of the senate addressing address ng the phil ilaine agricultural ann cnn congress ress wednesday blamed hot bot lithe Republic em and the democratic parties tor for non lav estment of 0 american capital in the philippines great britain will hold an international air congress in london the last week of 0 june 1023 1923 the con terence ference will be open to all countries which are signatories signa tories ot of the international air convention the technical and scientific development ol of aeronautics in all its aspects will be discussed En rn glands policy on reparations Is scored by andre tardieu in speech an american steamer is tired fired on by chinese troops and the captain badly wounded klak alfonso wins francs at deauville races by backing american jockeys iov keys austria bankrupt credit Is sole hops hope for or rehabilitation A bucket brigade ct t armenian orphan boys from the industrial school recently saved thousands ot of turkish homes homei at Beyl erbey on the thickly populated asiatic shores ot of the bos li horus from destruction b by y ira fira cyrus C K curtis philadelphia publisher returned to the united states after seven weeks in ia europe with ith word from former premier clem nicean lacea ii that french war leaders fe e A america never finished her job |