Show I HOW HOV LAWS ARE MADE MADEI Modem I eJ statesmanship s it was rampant m lit I bhe be ta I l WE house huse of congress last week k It lit I was wits a season ss of triumph for forthe f forthe r the new n school sel There were several l l t bouts bout but hut the real par pa parliamentary contest cne was itI n n of mn ad aid Rep Hepburn Hebur of J oth ad administration ministration leaders lee of recognized ed abil ability abi I ity Iy in ht the house hus i Cannon wee ws ws a measure of f I importance He was wa opposed to t its is passage and questioned the sincerity of of I some S who wh flavored ft it I The shoe t to ft fit Hepburn Hebur vho who rose iose trem trembling I bUng bling voice and an flashing eye to resent re the 8 un In doing du g o J lie he e called o 11 1 the chairman of the Ithe ways and means committee a par Bar ia declared t there ther t were wre men mn going about the h capital ly lying y yin j jug ing in hi In i the Interest of pet projects ts but denied that he heWs hes was one ne of them 1 The Te gentleman gente from Illinois Ilni retorted in kind and informed the a from Iowa that 1 he was wis WiS generally re regarded r regarded as a something of a liar lar him himself himsel himself self sel The two tw statesmen stood at od and glared at nt e other ather Hepburn Hepbur quivering with emotion and Ind Cannon taking hi hi measure Finally they let loose on one each e other ot with an eloquent flow fow of billingsgate Hepburn howled howle and ad Cannon ca en cavorted c vore The voice pierced the he theair theair air all like a flying r at ata a cake cakewalk walk on the tho levee leve The he Sucker stood his ground gon and waved his nis arms arm like flanges flange of a t Holland windmill In I a gale The rhe house hou was w in terror ter The speakers speakers teeth chattered as a if the ague nu was wa upon him Members dodged dodge behind their desks dek They Te dint know what mo moment meat ment one of Uncle Joes Jos arms might fly fy off nor when the e blaze in inBI Billy Y Petes Pots eye would ignite the ithe paper par in inthe inthe Inthe the waste baskets and ad start a three tree ringed rge holocaust But the danger dag passed Uncle Uncle Joe Joer ran r down Billy Bly Pete melted meled down and the d congressional ring was wa cleared cleard for forthe forthe forthe the scrap aop which did not i keep ke the te audience waiting wal |