Show SECRET G A RJames R RJames James B post No 1 held a reg ular meeting last Saturday night when the monthly ly reports were presented and acted on an I O 0 O 0 F Salt Lake lodge No 2 had de degree ree work last Frida Friday night that the staff gave If i an acceptable manner Naomi Rebekah lodge No 1 hud had one ne candidate to initiate on last Saturday and had a large attendance of sisters and brothers to witness the staff work of the Golden Colden Rule encampment No 2 will have a regular session under the new officers on tomorrow night The patriarchs are In to come that the they may see how well these new officers fill their stations The installation of the Officers of Oquirrh and Golden Rule encampments on last Tuesday evening was successfully conducted b by the district deputy deput grand patriarch Boes assisted by other past grand patriarchs There was a toad good at of the especially those who have passed the offices Jordan lodge No 3 I O 0 O 0 F on Mon da day the I Yo S Giesy D D G M 11 Installed the following officers Of the e lodge R G Buckle N G G L Smart V Vs G R Y T Hopkins secretary Wllliam Willia m GrImsdell treasurer W G Lawrence trustee The fOllowIng lodges were In as guests ot of our lOdge Utah No 1 Salt Lake No 2 Enterprise No 15 and FidelIty No 17 11 Their officers were als also o Installed making It a union Installation The grand master with his staff of of f cers was resent present At the cio e of the In the grand secretary In a touch Ing speech presented to Brother S MCComsey MC Comsey a veteran jewel The brothers thEn adjourned to the he ba ban Quat hall where the sisters or of Naomi and an a Rebekah lodges served them the m with a sumptuous repast We e had th the great honor of having present one of the th e founders of Odd Fellowship In Utah Pat Pas t Grand Master Charles Popper who made mad madean madan e an able talk on the birth and pro progress ress ot o f Odd Fellowship In Utah and told of things thing s that Were new and stran strange e to the young Joung Odd Fellows He was followed b by interesting inter interesting esting speeches from fram the other grand gran d lodge officers Dr Dc G L Smart acted as i toastmaster Modern Woodmen of America Great Salt Lake camp No was filled with Ith neighbors last Tuesday night VerY little busIness was transacted most or of the evening being taken up by Wood Woodcraft craft teachings Consul Jones appointed Neighbor U S 5 Grant as chief forester A number of applications were received and approved I Excelsior camp held another of Its well attended m meetings last Monda Monday evening There was pas a splendid entertainment pro provided provided vided by the committee which was well cell carried out The state has been arranged to take place on August 22 The committee Is preparing some same Excellent dl di diversions versions for that day including II a base ball game between Great Salt Lake camp and Excelsior camp The camp voted upon four transfers last meeting There Thre will willbe willbe be a meeting at 8 this evening In Inthe inthe the Eagles hall corner West est Temple and Second South Women of Woodcraft Silver Maple circle No holds a camp fire at Odd Fellows hall ever every Friday night at S Last Friday night the circle was called to order by Guardian Neighbor Mar Mary E Bear The following officers were Installed for tor the coming term Past Guardian Mollie G guardian neighbor Mary Mar E Bear advIsor Maggie Bowers clerk Susan l Free banker Lydia Ldla Ball magician ma Annie Her Herrick Herrick rick attendant Crissie Dykes Inner sen sentinel tinel Harriet Moore outer sentinel Em Emma Emma ma captain of guards George GeorgeM M Cr Cramer mer manager Ella must musi musician clan cian Margaret McFall The entertainment committee for next Friday consists Of Neighbors Ball Bal Bates Bowers Johnson and Woodbine circle No 1 held no regular meeting on Monday evening July 8 on account of their public Installation After the Installation work worle was completEd Cap tain Evans put on a very ver beautiful drill drift with hiS guards which was appreciated very much by nil all present The circle also presented our past guardian neighbor I Mrs Owens with a beautiful jewel as n a token of the high esteem In which she I Is held by Woodbine circle The officers and ancl guards also presented our guardian neighbor Mrs Irs Bowdle with a lovely bou bouQuet bouquet of carnations and rosES showing their appreciation of oher her past efforts for Woodcraft Ice cream and cake was served In the banquet hall Our next meeting will be on Monday Monda July 15 5 In the Eagles hall Meeting opens at S 8 Loyal Americans of the Republic Loyal Loal Americans of the Republic held their regular meeting Friday Frida evening July 12 with President M 1 E Conley In the chair All Ail officers present After the bus iness meeting was over the Loyal Ameri Americans Americans cans and friends repaired to the banquet hall hail where r refreshments were Served and anda a real social tour hour was p passed W O 0 W Salt Lake camp No i 3 met In regular session Tuesday with C Laubley In the chair The regular business was gone through and a social time was started with a comic song by V Pearry A Aspe speech ch by Neighbor King then a song by R Beynon Degree of Pocahontas Waneta council No 1 had a good attend attendance ane ance at Its regUlar meeting on oil Friday evening last The lodge is Colum bla bia hall hail and ev every ry member ti requested to be present pr sent next Friday as rt nt mat wIll be up p for consideration Ladies s ot of the G A R The ladles ladies of Reynolds No 1 G A R will wUl give a social I July Tul 17 11 at the home or of Mrs 1 L Grovenor Grot enor 1102 Vest Seventh South street Royal Neighbors Salt Lake Valley camp No will hold their regular meeting in III I O 0 O 0 F hall Thursday evening July 18 at 8 W R CGeorge C CGeorge George R It Maxwell W R C will no not hold any meeting untIl the last Wednes day In August Mrs Lester will enter tain tam n the George R Maxwell V R Cand C Cand i and all friends on Thursday afternoon next at 2 at her home Tenth Tent East street Improved Order of Red Men Mohawk tribe No 5 held It its regular regula r meeting In Eastman hall ball State street at last Friday evening New working paraphernalia has arrived and next Fri da day night the new officers will be in installed installed stalled The Installation will be pUblIc Past Noble Grand Club The Past Noble Grands club met at the th e home of Mrs Hard Hardy West est Fourth Fourt h eh I South Thursday July 11 and spent a very ver y enjoyable afternoon After a short meet meetIng I leg Ing the hostess host s entertained the club with wit h games and eight little boys and girlS girl hk dressed In the colors of the clUb pink pin k I I and green extended to the club a we wel welcome come The hostess served the ladles ladies with wit witha wita h a dainty luncheon K O 0 T M Utopian tent No 12 held Its regula r meeting In the I 1 O 0 O 0 F hall haU last Wed Wednesday Vf evening The excursion committee committe e announced everything ready for the Mac Ia excursion to be yh ten en at La Lagoa oon next neat Thursday It has secured upward of o In prizes to be given awa away at Lagoon There will be a prize for the oldest coup the youngest married couple the prettiest pretties t bab baby the homeliest etc Eer Every body will get a prize Tents No 12 and an anIva No Iva 2 will pIa baseball L O 0 T M Ladles Ladies your Jour attention Is called to the th e fact that Salt Lake City City hive No 4 J hAS ha s changed Its meeting to y sy r and hold held its regular renew on tiVe ed evening July Jul Ii 17 Banner hive No 11 L O 0 T I wIll wt hold regular review Tuesday July 16 at E 2 p m In I |