Show WOMEN HERE AND THERE New ew York Evening World orld Suffragette demonstrations In New NewYork NewYork C York and London are not at all aU alike In New Sew York the ladles ladies undertake to toI call caU on the mayor maor they are aro informed InfO I that he hp Is not at home they attempt to tomake tomake tomake make a few ten speeches fp and are howled down don by the hoodlums after which they drive drie uway tway a under the tile most amia amla amiable amiable ble and courtly of police pollee olice escorts On the thiC th same game day Ilay in London the tile ladles ladies called calle on the house hoU of commons and marie made such a disturbance that a big bi police detail removed them bodily bodil the thep performance p causing so much noise and disorder that members of parliament lost their nerve nene and ordered the gal galleries tories eries closed Probably there would have been less trouble In London if 1 the authorities there had Imd been able to meet the movement in the first place with more politeness and patience In other things as well as In Jn love Jove oe hell hel hath bath no fury tUl like hike a woman scorned x I |