Show Stat tV Ii I I Special to The Kaysville Aug Aue 27 MelvIn F Barton Will was a visitor villi tor to tU Salt alt Lake during the week John Walsh of Farmington was In town Sunday Sunda Mrs Joseph Mort of Ogden spent Saturday in town as guest of ot relatives Mrs Dies John Manning Sr left on the ex excursion excursion excursion Saturday for a two w ks visit to Garland Box Dox Elder county Kobert Hobert Morton way wan a visitor yi to Ogden Sunday Miss Mis Myrtle Jones Jonos Jon spent Monday In Clearfield Mr lr and Mrs Irs Levi Taylor raylor Jr and Mrs Mr i Emmeline Taylor were visiting relatives in on Friday Miss MUs Ellen Anderson who has been working in ill Salt Lake is le enjoying an extended vacation at her home in Kays Rays Kaysville Kaysville ville Ule Miss Alice Cotes Coles l left ft Saturday morn morning mornIng morning ing for tr a months visit to Idaho Pails Falls Herbert erbert J B Barnes Barn spent Sunday in n Ogden Mrs hire William Curtis Is Ss visiting rela rein relatives lives tives in la Richmond county for two weeks Mm Mrs Arson Anton Payne eft tho the first of ot the till week for a short visit to Pocatello Idaho Mss Misa Myrtle O C Blood is enjoying a two week weeks vacation In I Ogden Canyon Mr Ill George W Terrill has bas been spending spend spending spendIn ing In the week in Denver D r an as guest gue t of or friends William Blood is Ic visiting in Logan this week as Iii gu guest st t of his hie daughter Mrs Hl S II ll Linford Jr Hubert C Burton spent Wednesday in Bountiful Mrs Irs Rufus W Adams Adama returned Mon Monda Monday da day from Box Bux Elder county where she had hail spent ten days visiting relatives Mrs Irs Robert Hobert Birkin has baa returned homA fr m nn an extended visit iaU to Provo Kobe Hobt t King is spending pending the week in Morgan county Miss Maggie Green is visiting rela relatives tives Ures In Peterson F Miss bliss Blanche Lewis Miss Nora Smedley Sm d Icy ley and Miss Mies Sadie Lewis who have been I here visiting their cousin Miss lIas Olive for tor ten days returned to their theirl I hume l ume in Dingle Bear Sear Lake county I Idaho Tuesday morning I Miss lIiS Daisy Ansel Aneel of Salt Lake visited here hr with her bel friend Miss Klas Marguerite Thorn r om seen for tor a few days daya this week Harry Ih rry Strong Stron spent a few days in IJ wy WhY Idaho Idabo this week Mrs cars r Hannah Harvey has bas returned home borne after a three weeks we visit to Fish Haven Han Idaho as guest RUt of oC her daugh daughter ter Mrs Mr Lyman Conley Mrs LIllie Harris Ind nd children and Mrs Ethel Ithel Potter a all aU 11 of t Salt Lake are spending the week In i t guests R of Mrs Hyrum Strong and aDd fam m 11 v Mrs Robert Green and children are visiting relatives in Weston tOft Idaho Idabo for foru forI vo u I weeks week Layne of Ogden oden is I spending a few fewin fewIn fewin in Kaysville e and Mrs Charles Cottrell Jr of oC fI awe e spent Sunday here as ail guests of t relatives Miss Emily Maylin MalIn entertained a large 1 number of her young friends to toa a hayrack ride OH UR Monday evening T y rode all an a through gh Kaysville Kay ville and andLa La Layton ton and serenaded the most moat prominent prominent nent nf nt people with th songs etc After a arlUe aride ride rlUe of two hours the guests assembled at the tile home bome of Miss MI Mollie Barnee Barnes s uh 1 ere a watermelon feast feut was served Among ant fig those present wr were Owes l 1 s Olive Ove Blanche Lewis Lel Millie Mellie Barnes Is nt i a Smedley Sadie Lewis Daisy Strung Ruby Phillips Helen Anderson Janet J rot Swan SwaB Millie Criddle Lucy Bar Bark Barkr k kr r Tina Vina ina Nance Nanee Edna Ha na Hare Hazel re zel I Bishop Irene Swan Allene Owen Vina wa ua Anderson Myrtle Burton Blanche Id Bs I J nes ns Mi Miss Ii s Myrtle Jones visited friends in La Layton ton this week Lawrence R Layton was visiting f t friends In U Preston Idaho the first or of ort tL t week Mr Yr and Mrs Benjamin A McBride n a 4 j 1 daughters May and Lillian of Salt Like Ike are spending a fe feT f weeks In Mrs Sarah Swift of oj daft alt Lake Lako Is visiting relatives here this week James P Bennett left Saturday for an extended visit In Blackfoot Idaho Miss Mis Marguerite Is a guest of Miss Alice Kuhre in Sandy for fora a few tew days Miss Jennie Phillips and Mss Jen Jenness Jenness Jenness ness are spending two weeks In Logan anti ana an Preston Mrs Paul son Ferris R Rand Rand Rand and Willie Strong were all Salt Lake city visitors on Tuesday Mr and Mrs George W V Hill of South Weber were Kaysville visitors during the week Mrs John W Burton is visiting rela relatives relatives relatives tives in Grace Idaho for a II few days John R n Bonnemort son eon Robert and Miss Cora Bonnemort have returned home from a weeks outing in East Hast Canyon Mr and Mrs Mn David Dald Davis of Salt Lake were visitors during the week Miss Nora Ingram and Miss Mattle Mattie Thornley have hae returned home from an extended extend d visit to the Yellowstone Na National National National park Mrs Rachel Mansell and Melvin F Barton Darton spent sIlent Tuesday in Syracuse as I guests of relatives Mrs Mr Francis I of Salt I Lake is visiting in Kaysville this week Miss Maggie Reed visited friends In Ray Weber ober county on Tuesday Mrs Henry H Blood spent Wednes Wednesday Wednesday day da in Salt Lake Misa WI Ileene Barnes Bernas of Kamas Sum Summit Summit Summit mit county Is visiting relatives in Kaysville Mr and Mrs Clyde Squires and son of New York City George T Odell of Salt Lake Conrad Odell of Logan and Mrs Ella Squires of Salt Lake spent Friday here as guests of Mr and Mrs Hyrum Stewart Mr Wr and Mrs D C Turner and Mr and Mrs A H Gibson and daughters Helen and all of at Salt Lake were in town Sunday as guests of Mr i and Mrs Arthur Dustin I Mrs W J Corrigan of ot Benson Denson Arizona Ari Arizona rf I Izona zona Is here visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs Irs Charles Backman Robert Green of Malad Idaho is here visiting with his brother John H Green GreenA GreenI A number of ot the relatives and nd friends of Mrs Annie Fisher and tend tendered tendered tendered ered them a farewell surprise party at their home on Wednesday evening prior to their moving to Logan where they will reside Among those present were Mr lr and Mrs Will Lavender Mr and aad Mrs Joseph Ware are Mr and Mrs William J Cowley Cowie Mrs Ellen Sandall Mr and Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs Irs Joseph and Misses Laura and Gladys Cowley The Ibe primary school of Hooper held Its Us annual outing at the home of Mrs T Oleson on Friday Irda David Stevenson returned on Friday from his hla mission to Turkey where here he be has been laboring for the past thirty Rise nine months Mrs Maggie Neilson and Katherine Pilling left for tor Preston Idaho Satur day where they will visit with their brother Joshua Adams and family tamn The engagement of ot Miss Mae Soule and Herbert has been an announced the marriage to take place in St Anthony Idaho early in September Mr is Ia assistant cashier of ot the First National bank Special f to The Willard Aug 27 William Parsons and wife have gone to Star Valley Idaho to visit their daughter Mr and aDd Mrs Mr Iva spent pent part of ot the week In Garland the guests of Jeff Jett of that place Miss Mias Mabel Johnson who has been visiting here for tor two weeks has re returned returned returned turned to her home in Tooele W Yo A Robinson H Ottee D Parkinson and Prof Prot Norton of the B D Y YC YC YC C of Logan LogaR spent Thursday up Willard canyon the guests of several local stu students students dents of the college E A Grandpre spent part of the week in Ogden John has gone to Ogden to enter the employment of the O 0 S 1 L railroad Miss Ida Jones of Almo Idaho has returned home after ater visiting relatives here for tor a week Winslow Cole was here during the tho th week visiting his father and sister Mrs Orawell Williams Imams and family of Salt Lake are artl visiting with Mrs Wil VII Williams Williams liams Hams parents Mr and Mrs John L LEdwards 1 LEdwards Edwards Edward Miss Nellie Robison of oC Salt Lake has been visiting in Willard during the week Mr and Mrs William OGorman of ofSan ofSan ofSan San Francisco will make Willard their future home homeR W R E Eo Seamen and wife of Park City are visiting here with Mr Ir and Mrs Alfred Cordon Miss MIa Mabel Edwards entertained Saturday in honor of her guest Miss Nellie Robison of Salt Lake Lale Those These present pre ent were Misses es Jennie Harding Harding Altha Hubbard Mahal Mabel Edwards Nellie Robison Hobl on and Me Geo H Lowe M I B D Miller Perry Perr Dal Dai Dalton Dalton ton Waldemar Call and William K g gDavis I Davis J E Anderson of ot Brigham was visit visiting visiting sit ing in Willard lIlard Sunday Hyrum Ward Yard has gone to Bingham te to spend the winter J D Call of ot Brigham was a Willard visitor during the week Miss MI Etta Edwards has gone tu tv salt Lake to visit relatives and friends Lucy Hubbard who has been living In Wilford Idaho for a year has returned home Miss Isabella Dalton was visiting her parents here Wednesday Miss lIs Elsie Ward ard spent pent part of the Use week In Brigham Lars Hansen of Brigham was a Wil Willard Willard Willard lard visitor Sunday L 1 M Brewer Breer of Ogden was here Men Mon Monday day dayL L 1 M Bailey DaJley of Ogden Ogdan spent part of the week here Joseph Joaeph Holland of or Brigham was Visit Visiting visitIng r isit ing here during durin the week Next Wednesday the Harvest Home Heme celebration is le to be held and several hundred visitors are expected from Utah and southern sou thern Idaho J E Red Rd of oC Ogden was transacting tran business here Saturday W H II Bott Dolt of Brigham who has been Willard for ten days has return home Miss Mae Owens has haa returned home hame from fro a months visit in Wilford Idaho Ida H II Le Lee Bradford of Ogden was visit visiting visitIng ing lug here during the Parley Day of Brigham was a Willard visitor Wednesday and Thursday CITY Special to The Herald Republican Brigham City Aug 27 Announce Announcements ments are out for the marriage in th the Logan temple on Wednesday Septem September ber 14 H of ot George L 1 Zundel of this city and Miss nON Jiote Mae Bell of Logan Mr Zundel Is popular in this city and Logan where he has been attending the he Agricultural college and will com oom complete complete a course in agriculture this year The has been at the heal head hea of the sewing department at the col college college lege for some time Mr and Mrs Zun Zundel Zundel Zundel del will make their home in Logan Locan Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple Miss Mias Florence Floren 8 Wright and Joseph Bott were married The bride is the charm charming ing fag daughter of Mr and Mrs C W Wright a prominent business man of this city and Mr Bott Bolt Is one of the younger sons of Mr and Mrs John H Bolt Bott The young oung couple was tendered a reception at the home of the brides parents upon their arrival home homo from Salt Lake Mr and Mm Mrs Bott Batt will wilt make their home In Brigham City Monday evening Miss MIllS Amelia Amelio Carter daughter of Mr and Mrs Mra Simeon Carter Car Carter Carter ter and Vance were united in marriage et t the tile home of President Oleen Olsen N Stohl who performed the ceremony The bride had been en engaged engaged by the board of education to leach teach school s hool the coming year which position however she will not accept The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs Henry Tinge Tuesday evening a party was given by b Miss Mae Anderson at the home of her ber parents Mr and Mrs John Ander Anderson son liaR Third South and Main streets The social was wal a farewell to her many friends and Miss llIs Anderson will leave with hi hr har r parents in a few weeks for tor foran an tJI ex r 1 d tour lour of Europe I Dainty j were re served senad during the tho evening and a most delightful time was enjoyed by the guests Those present were Mae Anderson Paula Gleerup Florence Valentine Ruth Clark Hazel Loughney Sylvia Sylla Gleerup Mirl Anderson Alice Allee Morrison Mar Marguerite Marguerite Marguerite Scott Helen Mack of Ogden Hope Fishburn Florence Lee Mar Marguerite Marguerite Marguerite Wight Ight Marco Madsen Edna Stohl Mary Young Earl Knudson Wil VII Willie Willie lie He Phillips Stewart Horsley Carlyle Stoney Henry t Cheater Chester Knudson Milton Hubbard Clarence Wight Ight Lawrence Young Earl Karl Morten sen Joseph Young Alex Floyd Knudson Lowell Be Bevard Bevard Beyard vard yard Nichols Noble Fishburn Fern Pett Pelt Mrs Joseph Bowden of oC Lewiston I Idaho is in this city visiting her parents Mr and Mrs James Stokes Charles H Hart of Logan was a Brig Brigham Brigham ham visitor a day or two during the week Miss Mary Jar Woodland returned Mon Monday Monday Monday day morning from a weeks visit with her sister Mrs Chadwick in North Ogden Mrs Norman lorman Lee and children are in Farmington where they will spend several weeks visiting Mrs Lees parents Mrs C A Finn and little daughter returned to her home In Oakland Cal Monday morning after atter a visit of sev se nn eral erat era t c 1 k tc rr parents Mr and Mr t jul i ul Si stark ark Mr Jr and Mrs Mra C N Christensen and family of oC Salt Lake spent part of the week visiting Mr par parents parents parents I in Brigham Mrs D R Hughey and daughters Sylvia Sylla and Ruth of Los Angeles Oal at are visiting Mrs mother Mrs Sylvia West Vest here for tor several weeks Mr oil and Mrs Joseph Madsen Mads n and i children and Mrs Luke Luka Crawshaw of I Ogden spent several days of the pas past i week visiting relatives and friends here W T Davis spent a few days In Marsh Valley Idaho this week Mrs Davis and family who had been visit visiting visiting ing there a number of weeks returned to this city with Mr Davis Mr and Mrs Ephraim Mathias were visitors to Preston Idaho Sunday where they were guests of Mr lr and Mrs Rees Wight H J Tool returned to his home in Ogden Wednesday day after a pleasant visit with Mr and Mrs Hans of the Second ward Dr and Mrs McGee of Chicago are in this city for a visit They are guests of local physicians W v H Porter of Minneapolis is a visitor to Brigham City this week C A Glazier of Salt Lake spent a aday aday aday day or two here as guest of W 1 T Davis Mr lr and Mrs John Anderson and family will leave the early part of or September for an extended visit to Europe EuropeA A H Snow of Salt Lake is spending i several weeks visiting in this city Mrs M L 1 Ensign entertained a few women friends friend Thursday evening at ather ather her ber home on Second East Bast street t The afternoon and evening were pleasantly spent in social chat music and serving dainty refreshments Those present nt were Mrs Irs A W Yo Ensign Mrs Julius Wright Mrs Amy Wright Mrs Thomas Evans Mrs Irs Roy Roskelley Mrs J T M Hess Mrs M L 1 Ensign Carl Hauck of Montpelier Idaho was wasa a visitor with relatives in Brigham City Wednesday and Thursday lal to The Hera n Farmington Aug 27 Mr and Mrs Arthur pleasantly entertained Sunday afternoon at dinner in honor bonor honorof of Mr and Mrs D C Turner and Mr and Mrs Mr A H n Gibson and daughters Helen and of Kaysville Mrs E B Clark left Wednesday for Chicago where she will join her husband hus husband husband band and visit all points of interest before returning home John Walsh and daughter Miss Bertie Bartle Walsh were Provo visitors Wednesday Miss Sadie FOBS Foss Is la a guest of her aunt Runt Mrs Yn Jane Rawson of Logan this week A L 1 Clark was a Salt Lake visitor I this week Mrs Irs A L I 1 Clark gave birth to a son Wednesday at the L 1 D S hospital hos hospital hospital pital All AU doing well Mrs HI Milton Hess Heas gave birth to a bouncing baby girl Wednesday Mother and child doing nicely Miss Maud Robinson and Bishop Henry Robinson were Salt Lake vis visitors visItors visitors Wednesday Miss Jennie Phillips is s a Logan vis visitor visitor Is this week Mr and Mrs Colley Stayner attended H the lawn party |