Show I c HARKNESS FUNERAL FROM MASONIC TEMPLE The funeral of or Martin MarUn K Harkness was held at yesterday esterday aft afternoon afternoon from the th Masonic Temple Services were vere conducted under the auspices of or Argenta lodge No 3 A F FA FA FA A M n a majority ot of the members of which attended In addition Imme Immediate Immediate immediate diate friends friend an relatives were pres present present present ent at the service C B D Jack grand grandmaster grandmaster grandmaster master of the grand gr nd lodge of the Ma MasOns Ja Jas sOns s ns of Utah presided over the ritual ritualistic ritualIstic ritualIstic service assisted by F E B Crager grand master maser of the Argenta lodge Those acting as pallbearers were F FE FE FB E B CT C 00 G Goss H F Evans F E B Crager John Reeves and L M 3 L May ay Interment was in Mt Olivet cem cern cemetery et ry During D the services the casket was surrounded by a large embank embankment meat ment of floral tributes |