Show NORTHWEST MIST NOTES floyd bushman need 5 died tit nt soula is as the result of spinal ln jurle i rec received elved when run nin over by an antomo automo bile several days before washington Walt hIngton state college has followed the exil example mide of tile the university f montana by announcing the abandonment for tho hi period of the war of 0 intercollegiate one hundred delegates were in attendance at the opening sessions of tile twenty fourth annual meeting of the utah state Bl medical edical association which assembled tuesday morning nt at salt lake james 3 ryan n locomotive fire mailot spit lake who poisoned his seven y year earold ear old son anti and took himself will probably recover but the boy lg Is dead fyans wife sonic some time ago so heavy ahas h as been the demand for farm loarts loang in montana Blon tana under the state stale low law that nt at chiq time there are as applications pending amounting to lo which aich exceeds the money on hand by about governor stewart has notified the national red cross that the white house wool 1001 sold in fit montana through that organization has netted 47 oilman gilman paid the most for the wool ith boulder a clote close second it Is estimated that 1 absent voters in military service have hav applied for and will be sent ballots that they may participate in tile the elec election tInn in mont montana ana on november 5 about GOW names have already been certified A jury in the case of ole San sandwick divic postmaster at of mitchell mont found dead in his barnyard returned a verdict to the effect that he had been kicked by a horse and fallen into a pool and drowned murder had been the theory coal production in utah Is hampered at present to a slight extent through it a shortage of open cars according to A D pierson assistant to state fuel administrator moroni gielner II Il elner who has just returned returned from a conference of coal men in denver salt lake Is to have a government bo hospital pItal similar to the walter reid hospital at Washington D C and constructed probably pio bably on the scale used in the erection of that institution ution which Is the largest of government er hospitals president was asked in a resolution passed by y the international gold conference held at spokane under the auspices af X the northwest mining association to ip name on the U united tilted states comin commission I 1 stion to russia a practical mining man the polytechnic institute at billings mont has been designated for membership in the students army training corps the war department has designated more than colleges for this corps corp which will be used for training tile 18 year old boys the tall fall run of sheep and cattle from the nevada territory Is now on and according to officials of the stockyards stock yards at north salt lake the movement Is likely to be the heaviest in the history range and hay conditions making it necessary for the flock masters to cut down their herds in the civil war period mrs alice machan now of helena was a sturdy ohio farm girl every able bodied mau man in her district went to war and she plowed last week at 77 she was awarded a silver cup for a arizo war garden of which every inch and plant has been cultivated by herself lists compiled by the helena independent show that in fou fourteen iteen montana counties nonpartisan non partisan league candi dates for the senate were nominated at the primary of augusa 27 17 while in twenty six counties candidates pledged to the nonpartisan non partisan league have been nominated tor for the house jnoes james P F callahan callaha millionaire min ing operator ot of northern idaho was granted a divorce from mrs alel helen elizabeth callahan by judge R N dunn duna in district court nt at coeur dalene mrs callahan was awarded alimony attorneys fees of and 18 suit money in addition to attorneys fees already a flowed allowed her J C johnston and C A Wyl gress of anaconda pleaded guilty to selling liquor at it a farmers picnic Wit without holit a license the men were wire fined and costs the affair Is the aftermath of an all attempt to sell ll liquor quirIn In a secluded part of the picnic grounds the boy scouts found the blind pig hidden among come some bushes and I 1 notified the officers an alibi which showed it was nn an im p pr sivility lity to be in two places at the same time was responsible for the release of four men mea who have been held at the county jail at bozeman tor for four weeks on the charge of having attempted to blow a sate safe tit at threce ahrea forks july 15 more ulan young men of butte and anaconda have already enrolled for entrance to the branch of the tha students army training corps to be established ti tilli shed at mount blount st charles college helena this month arthur verling Verll ng aged 0 of butte sustained the loss los s of his right hand when a dynamite blasting cap to which the child had bad applied a natch match exploded tearing off the member and severely lacerating he be hands of his sister aster 5 years old fred mccullough mccullogh was found dead in his born barn near chimneys Chimney 1 hock mont blont and conditions indicated that he had bad been dead two days before the hotly body was disco over vered ed ly by neighbors me mc Cullough iras about 76 years was livings alone while his bis wife was at nn a allt |