Show TARiff THRIFT TALK TAL BY MR BEVERIDGE i Indiana Senator Would Take j the Matter Out of the Hands of Congress GERMAN PLAN ADVOCATED PROTECTED INTERESTS INTEREST LISTEN LISTENED ED TO SPEECH Washington Feb 5 Senator Bever BeverIdge BeverIdge BeverIdge Idge of or Indiana today addressed the senate In advocacy of or his lith bill to create a permanent tariff commission The sen senator senator st n ator was accorded a careful hearing by byboth b byboth both the Republican Republica and Democratic sides of the chamber and also by the crowded galleries In the galleries several sections had been reserved for members of commer commercial commerS S dal cial and manufacturing bodies now Inthe Inthe in inthe the city for the purpose of bf promoting the Interests of or Mr bill He said In part The tariff is fixed by b facts fact how to get at these facts is the first question in the whole tariff problem Common Commonsense Commonsense Commonsense sense and experience answer the ques questions qu s wo we should create a It body tody or of ex ox to find out these the facts for us The Themen Themen Themen men should shoua be the fittest men that can be found for this work they should give their whole time to this work and lay before us the result of their work Commission of Experts Tills This bill seeks to create such a com corn commission commission mission of experts to find out the facts upon which congress builds a tariff and to make a classification of articles to which congress can plainly and accurately fix customs duties By this bill the commission itself Is not allowed to fix duties or even to suggest any rate The fixing of or duties Is left to congress The commission Is kept strictly to the task of gathering facts and making clear dear classifications the first Is expert Investigating work the second expert clerical work Neither Is legislative work V We must have more foreign trade We ie must open foreign markets to our Jive live cattle which are now kept out of those markets Our manufacturers ask J j the same advantage in foreign trade c that the German government gets for fo German Gennan manufacturers American pro producers producers producers demand that the doors of other nations which are open to their rivals shall no longer be closed to them thorn We cannot open these doors doom by a purely revenue tariff tarIl because such a ariff riff merely mere gives other nations trade Advantages with us without getting tom m those any trade ad advantages advantages adVantages vantages in return Maximum and Minimum Tariff We must have a system that gives us the same samo weapons that our rivals have by which we can get for our pro producers producers producers the same favors that our rivals get for their producers We Ye must have havea a maximum and minimum tariff the first to apply to all nations that will not give our producers special favors in their markets By this plan German producers are selling more German goods abroad than any an other nation If V te we consider area wealth history and andall andall andall all other elements of the problem Ger German German German man producers are selling more German goods abroad than any other five na nations nations nations of or the world put together Ger Germany Germany Germany many Japan and the world followed our h plan of ot a single protective tariff and f V then logically developed that plan Into 1 a double protective plan Double Protection Plan We must be as wise now as they vero ere ero then and just as they took sin single single single gle protective plan from us so now must we take the double protective plan from them Our manufacturers our cattlemen our agriculturists our miners our whole producing classes ask only the same that their ri 11 rivals rivals vals have havo In the markets of the world They demand no more m re than titan this but they will accept no less than this Tar Tariff TarIff iff for trade trade for prosperity com corn common common V mon men sense methods for both these must henceforth be the American watchwords in the worldwide contest for commerce Remarks by Mr Culberson When Senator Beveridge concluded Ms his remarks Senator Culberson of Tex Texas Texas Texas as remarked that the senator from In was to be congratulated because m n fl some ame degree at least he had joined the army arm of or tariff revisionists He said it had been announced in the a decree had been is issued Issued Issued sued on the Republican side that the tariff could not even be inquired into at this time Mr Culberson called attention to what he ho said was the fact that the average ad valorem tariff Is now 45 per cent that it is greater than the difference between the cost of labor here and abroad that many articles manufactured in the United States are sold abroad cheaper than Jn In n this coun country country country try and that a protective tariff en encourages encourages encourages trusts He then asked to have llave Inserted Ins In the record an article from a book he exhibited Mr Ir Beveridge asked to be given ghen the name of that book I 1 will give it replied Mr 11 Culber Culberson son as I 1 am sure It will appeal to the senator as an authority It is 15 the Democratic campaign book Regrets of Mr Beveridge I thought so replied Mr Ir Bever Beveridge BeverIdge BeverIdge idge and he then proceeded to express his regret that partisanship should be e Injected into the th debate Tactics Mr Beveridge may be bel 4 l worthy of the senator asa leader of his party but It i Is not worthy orthy of ot any Continued on Page 2 TARIFF TALK BY MR BEVERIDGE Continued from Page 1 man appearing in the capacity of a II statesman in this country That is precisely the difficulty we must get I over We must get away from inject injecting InjectIng Injecting I ing politics into every great question here So far tar as he is concerned he had always alwa s been a tariff reformer but he had never nover belonged to the class that would reduce such reform to a partisan basis England he said was about to abandon her tariff for revenue policy polley for protection and all the great na nations nations nations had first adopted n tariff system system system tem and then a double tariff system involving a maximum and minimum tariff The senator from Texas he said will have to learn a new tariff speech for the next campaign Mr Newlands then discussed the general subject of the tariff tarl f declaring declarIng declaring ing that the law should provide for a gradual reduction red of the tariff so that no duty should ba bo over 45 per cent cont centA contA A StandPatter Stand Patter Senator Scott pronounced himself to tobe tobe tobe be a stand patter He believed the present Dingley tar tariff tarIff tariff iff had done more for this country in inthe Inthe inthe the past ten years than any law ever enacted I dont believe in revising the tariff before an election or after an election he said |