Show KAYSVILLE KINKS lawrence lawton of this place and miss fannie of farmie farmington ton are to be married the latter part of this mouth month ferris who was sick last week with what was supposed to be lagrippe developed a case of smallpox the first of the week mrs airs and four children were vaccinate ed it is supposed that thai ferris contracted thy the disease while riding ng to school and back in salt lake on the train mr and mrs sandy walsh and mrs mother mrs K S sims returned to their home in burley on wednesday of last week senator J W thornley and wife accompanied the legislature to logan glogau 0 saturday george D bennett of oregon was in salt lake on business the first of the week two cars were loaded with canned tomatoes this week one was shipped to liberty kansas A telegram was received sunday announcing that ji J G M barnes had bad arrived in new york city where he will attend the national canners convention which will convene fijn feb 8 to 12 it was lyday it at the brickyard on Th chuday uday of last week abe canning co recently paid the growers nearly half of what is due them for tomatoes joseph alar allred ed who died at thatcher ariz on the of last month was an early time resident of maysville kaysville Kays Nays ville mrs william blood was still very sick when last heard from sterlin sterling M morton has purchased a building 0 lot from mrs bri brigham 0 barton the lot is located between the barton home and charles abrams considerable excitement was caused on wednesday of last week when some se school hool C children hi I 1 dren saw some soot burning t thinking the schoolhouse school house was on tire gave the alarm but G F pattillo put out the blaze with two lesof water the matter of reducing 0 t tuc c dru druggists 0 0 7 ests license which 1 is s alleged C to be 20 higher than any baher drug store in the county pays came up in council meeting monday evening but no action was taken mrs E C barnes was very low the first of the week mrs airs nemmie smith who had been stopping t here with her mother mrs M rs sarah taylor since early in december returned to her home in wells nov nev 1 sunday her health was very much better than it was when she came miss ethel ashdown of cedar city who taught school in kays ville a year or tw ago recently underwent an operation at the L D S hospital for appendicitis |