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Show ) ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. 'New Modes in STEAW GOODS for 77. CCO 5LO .0 are displaying an unrivaled Stools of I Straw Hats at prices unparalleled before j j CLOSE BUYERS ARE SPECIA TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS OR CORRESPOND. New Arrivals in Spring and Summer Clothing, together with a full line of the celebrated Burlock Diamond Shirts and Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description. H. S. ELDREDGE, Supt. AUCTION COMMISSION. WE BAVE DETERM1NKD TO add Auction aud CouimiH- Sioo to eur regular Furniture & House Goods Trade. Our Siuth Room has been set apart for that purpose . Wo will Sell on Commission, Advance on all Goods, OR BUY1 We will have ADGTION SALES every SATDRDAT Until fur' hor notice, in our South Itoom. Barratfc Bros. Salt Lake City, Nor. 7, 1870. n8 FOR SALE OR TO LET, K Rnn":-! DEVl.VSIHBE iii'LU tor nrii-u jri irmly o WW ME l.AM. atth-fbleof U..El,IB.VD(1F Utii ward. Salt Ukacity. -atJJU K. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f, mm & eeo.,. 55 EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITY. fl af III 0 0 I! j Arriving Daily, To be sold at Prices to meet the SIIARPEST COMPETITION!!! 3,000 Pieces Cnoicest Prints, Percales arid Cretonnes; 1,000 " Bleached and unbleached Sheetings; 1,000 " Choice and Desirable Dress Goods, Irom 10c. ) yard uptwd; 800 Cheviots, Denims, Stripes, Cbects and Ticks; 500 " Swiss, Crossbarred, Sln'nes, Jaconets, Nainsooks, Piquei, n ., 5amasse&, Striped and Plaid Dress Linens, Grass Clotbs, etc, o.UOO Ribbons, from narrow to Sush; 500 Dozen Towels, from $1 doi. upwards; 1,000 Ladies' Parasols, from Cotton to choicest Silk; 100 " Corsets, from cheapest to 500 Bones; 300 Pieces Mosquito Bars, all colors; ''Jm D"en L"!ea' and Children's Stockings. Irom tl "0 dot. upwards; S, ,. ,.. '.' , Shoes, in Serge and Leather; d00 Ladies' Linen Suits, from $2.25 upwards. MILLINERY GOODS AT WHOLESALE ONLY. . The Largest Slock West of Chicago. Hats in every style; Silks and Turquoise in all new Shades; French Flowers and choicett Ostrich Tips. BLAGK & COLORED SILKS, Ladies' Dolmans aud Dolman Mollis, SiLK AND WORSTED FRINGES, LACES, Tf IMMING8. ELEGANT EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' TIES AND FICHUS, HARRIS AND ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES, RUCHINfiS, ETC. 1,000 Geni 'Stylish Suits, from $7 upward-2.500 upward-2.500 Pai.-s Stylish Pants, from $1.50 upwards- 500 VesJB, from $1 upwards; ' 300 Boys , YouthB' and Children's Suit, lastv and stvlih- 600 Dozen Gents' While Shirts, Cheviot'and Csssimere ' Underwear, in various materials; J'JJ Coarse to finest Socks, very cheap; 1'000 " "hd Boys' fine Felt, Wool and Straw HalB new stvle. very cheap; 1 eB 500 Cases Men's and Boys' fine and coarse Boots, Brogans Buckle Shoes and Gaiters. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, TABLE OILCLOTHS, PIPES, JEWELRY, CUTLERY, ETC., ETC. ' " TO THE TRADE ; Our Stock in every line is now complete, and we recognize the lad that times have changed, values have decreased, and the successful merchant must buy close and sell ou small margins. Orders promptly filled and honorable treatment guaranteed. ESTABLISHED 1864. Carter, Sloans Co.. . SUCCESSORS TO TIIOS. CARTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEIIS IN Cigars, Tobaccos, PIPES AND KERyAETICLES. Hart's Squared 0 Cards, Decatur's Mogul-, Patent freezers, Steamboat, JN OS. ia and U8, Poker and Faro Checks, Gnus, pistols, cartritfges, Ammunition, Pocket Men, Notions, etc etc THE LARGEST ST01T OP CIGARS AND TOBACCO IS UTAU. NOTICE. T"?, J?-T,AL MEETING OF TDK s r. ""I1' "" ",,h Central H.il- "'"tw.n'i.n,'.0" C"" OSWua, GEORGE SWAN, PecraUry. 8.1t L.ko Cily, Ij , T. , Maj 8th, 18:7. m'.q FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. itMive. relUbla man of lnQuonro and la-no por-onl aoiiBintaDca. at Ajran! for fait Lak. Comm-on anj 0,-08r to.m. lib-ral. Reference required. Addre-i FiralDSuranco," box l'Jlti, ban Frncwo, J. E. JOHNSON, Silrer Reef, Wasniiiloii Co., nial' COffiMISSIOH t SUPPLY HOUSE' WILL BUT or RECEIVE ON COMM 19 , Bnn, Lnmhar. Shinl. h'loo- ''rain "'n. Pirn, and Orchard 1'roduro. ard overy !lIe ,,rtlcl of Horn Produot.on, ard WlkMi a c-miTetA Plonk of Orreertei. rovuio-i i and Minora' Hoodi. tion pry, I'riisi ard Mrd-in"., .d ard 'hr-waro. frrh. I'riad Htid annrd I ruin, tr. etc Con.i irniuentf 5uncitts' in any line abora noted, aud rciult t.aid order ol oonaigoor a i toon m turd. 14 10 Dai mdC aS |