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Show JOKES AM SIII KUAN. The .Silver Nrimlor iiotn the 4olil Scxtnrj vu the Hip l.fvelj' l.ltlle IlHlutfuc WaHliint.'tors, 9. The Baltimore Gazette's Washington special says Senator Jones called ihu morning at the treasury department and the following fol-lowing emus fire took place between him and Secretary Sherman: Secretary Well, Jones, I eee you are driving ahead with your plans; do you know that you've got the people aoroes the water very badly scared? Senator Glad to hrar it. We scared them in thR Revolutionary war, mid again in 1812, ami it's a. pretty good thing to know we can scare them atinin. 1 never did see the srnse ot letting tbe hankers and capitalists of Europe tell the people ot America bow to manage themselves. That ban been gome on about lone enough. Secretary But dou't yu see, Jones, what power this will place in the hands ut the penp'e? How it will enrioh them and hint the gove:n mt n ? Senator Exactly, As to tbe first part they haven't made anything tor a loug time now, and this will be a regular godsend; but how is it going to hurt government for every dollar you owe you can pay in nilver, and the money you cnlLcl h also receivable receiv-able for debt?. Secretary But y;u can't gft it in circulation, becatmo the importers ... ' H-J "ii uuiim mm. Senator Well, and what beconi' a of it, then? When silver is paid at the custom ho'He does tL hecome the property of the collector? If so, j can understand why pe plc are so crazy ior the position.- No, Birl it is covered at onoe into th? treaaurv, and when ynu get it there you just try and keep it and see what happens. Don't you know that you have already annoum-ed that the revenues are barely enough to mpet the ourrent expense? I'd like to know bow you can innnagw to shut up a lot of circulating medium when things are in that condition. You can never do it in the world, and you would not care to try the experiment. You will be glitd etwugh to pay it right out as tact aw it cornea in, to avoid any contiioi with congress. No sir, I'm not afraid ol that part oi the business. v Here the interview ended, both parties realizing that reituer could convince the other. Senator Jones said to-day, afterward, after-ward, that if he bad his way about it he would favor an ameudinuot 1 joking jok-ing to a change in the subsidiary coin, such, for iuntance, as ordering the secretary ns fast as silver half dollars came in, to seod them to the mint to be coined over again and raised to the exact standard of half the silver dollar in weight. They are now a little degraded, aud this would make the coinage uniform. He would then limit the legal tender Qualities of subsidiary coin Irom quarters quar-ters dotrn to one dollar. Ho gays there is great ignorance on tbe capacities capa-cities of the mints. They cannot, according to Linderrnan'a recent statemant, turn out more than thirty million dollars annually, and at that rate it would require from five to ten years to place in circulation as much of the sliver dollar coinage as the country requires. There could not possibly be an overflow of silverdollars us some people have predicted. He also predicted that when tbe bill became be-came a law, and the country saw that ruin did not follow as a consequence, the hard monej men would be pitching pitch-ing around for explanations of the rvaon. |