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Show America's Greatest Living Actress ( Miss Rose Ey tinge appears for the 1 first time in Salt Lake this week, j Since the death of Charlotte Cush- j man Miss Eytiuge has taken the lead u the American stage in legitimate 1 acting. She is beautiful, aud is ( said to be a Datural actress, who has improvsd by hard study and careful training. The eastern papers ' are enthusiastic in their praise of the lady, and her magnificent impersonations imperson-ations of the pathetic and emotional chaiacters. Speaking of a recent performance in New York, a leadiDg journal of that city said: We saw the tears coursing down her cheeks, and heard piteous wails, and felt the keen panys which had bruised her broken heart. Oh, it was a grand piece of art a work that will live in our memory while that memory mem-ory lives. The Bacredness ot a mother's moth-er's devotion is neit to the devotion and solicitude which our Savior manifested towards his children, but it never seemed 6o holy, so pure or so soul-inspiring as when depicted by this majestic mistress of the emotional , art. An additional interest attaches to Miss Eytinge siuce her late attemptat Bolf destruction. IIr heart -suffering, occasioned by the cruel treatment treat-ment of a brutal husband, have became be-came knowu to the public who warmly sympathize with her. The affection for her expressed everywhere is assigned as the reason lor her casting cast-ing aside the intention ot taking her own life. Next Thursday evening she com-meaoes com-meaoes l er engagement here, when we coufi'lently expect to eee the house 6'owdcd, |