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Show SALT LAKE MILY HERALD Sunday Mokniso. July 15, 1877.; tflE DAILY I1KKALD Is publlahcd every morning, Moudaya oscupt-cd , at EsjiI Temple struct, near Firat Mouth, tiait Lake City, by the il skald Puint- Mli and PUBLISH. uO (JoMl'ANY. Mub-ncrijition Mub-ncrijition price $lu.iiU por milium; post-ago post-ago included, iarts u( a ywtr at the same rate. lo wutjldy uLiecribeis, collection mailo by carriers, twcnty-Uvo ooou a weok. THK SEMI-WEKltLY IIEKALD u published OTtiry Wednesday and Saturday Satur-day moraing, at $4.20 a year, postage included, parta of a yoar at tho tauiu rate. KiH HERALD preponU daily full and Mliabte retort) of all mattcra of interest in the territory, dtvothi( a largo portion of iU jauB to Utah alliura, U Lah industries indus-tries and Utah enterpriaoi. THE HEHALDib not responsible for the sentitnuuta of its torrvapoiidt.'iita, nor dons it ueciisaftrny arca or dUtigroe with tho exprcisioBs and ideas which appear in coramuuicalions published in these columns. JOB PKINTLNG. In connection with the Uekald esUbliahnnjut is a tlrvt-olass tlrvt-olass Job Printing otlico, whuroin plain and fancy printing of every description is done in tiie boat style of tho art, eipo-ditiouaLy eipo-ditiouaLy and at reasonable cbar(08. |