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Show His Holiness ami America. Loudon, 24. A Rome dispatch says the American pilgrims numbered fifty ecclesiastics and 150 lay rnern-hers, rnern-hers, an I were led by archbishop of Philadelphia and the bishops ol Alleghany, Nachitoches, Albany, Louisville, Galveston, Detroit, Green Bay, Hartford and others. About loO Catholic resideuti and ' visitors were also present, with students of iho American college and American students of and the propaganda. Alter the address they were presented to the pope, who was seated on the throne, rle replied that he remembered how an eminent cardinal had told tiim at the commencement of his uontifi-eale uontifi-eale that from America would come great comfort lo the church. He now saw the luifillment of that prediction. He spoke in great praise of the American nation, of the great things it had accomplished, and how, in the flower of its yeuth, it had acquired strength sufficient to arouse the joalousy of Europe and other nations, but there were errors of youth in nations as in man. aud he would remiud them of two, he had not noticed in them too great prec'ipita tion in thopursuitof material things, and too proud feeling ot independence. They prided themselves on beiuc republicans. (Here there wa3 a laugh, in which the cardinals joined.) But they must romemher that all must bow the head to enter paradise. Tiiey must be humble and not let material things interfere wilh prayer. He blessed all American people Catholics, that thty might coutinue firm in the faith; Protestant", that they niuhl be illuminated, and prayed that good might descend in abundance abund-ance upon lhm all. |