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Show WASIJIXGTOS. '2'iie Outs auil the Ins. Tho jiny and Festive Simcu Cameron Iuim Kesigued the .NcuatornhiiK Spuiiiurdu Object to Schurz tmd JtvarlH. Tho Siccative fciosjn;! Shop Selected. Capital Kcws Xotrs. Washington, 12. In surrendering the interior department to Schurz, today, to-day, Chandler made a brief speech, in which he took credit for leaving the department in a better condition than ho found it. Ho also recommended recom-mended the clerks and employe; as honest and capable. Secretary Sebuns said: I thiak I am expressing the general opinion ol the country wheu I say you have succeeded in placing the interior department de-partment in a fur better condition to an it br.d been for year;; and the public is indebted to you for the very energetic and euccessful work you, have performed. I enter upon the arduous duties with which I have been entrusted with the earnest desire de-sire to discharge them conscientiously and shall bo happy when leaving ihe department to havo achieved as good a reputation for practical elucicnoy as you have won. Turning to the dorks aud heads of the bureau, Seeretary Schurz continued: contin-ued: Gentlemen 1 desire to say to you that I iulend to conduct this department upon busiuess principles, and you may be assured that I brini in my official relations with you the best oossibie nersonal fm.h.io- hope you wid serve the country as faithfully and efTeclually under ins a. under my predecessor. Subsequently Schurz and Co.andlcr had . a private conference, lasting half a:i hour. Schurz t-K-n rec-ived visitorj. C.nn.i-Icr C.nn.i-Icr will remain in Washington temporarily. tem-porarily. Key was formally inducted into the p-oto;Vice department tins atler-uoeiu. atler-uoeiu. Tyncr introduced to his successor suc-cessor tho chitiiaof all the bureaus ud divisions, and in a lew oriel remark expressed his appreciation of taeir ediccney, and p2f3.,.n rr-R-t at parting wi;h theai. K-y remcd merely J-.,.; he felt some SQiDarrasimaat iu e.-m::.- amon?-t :hem as a strainer, but he wish ed .liera to know tiutl.e had no" inten-.;on inten-.;on of maiic-z any chir-' -s I1 he clerks an 1 empW-s were then .ed in, and were greeted tv the new1 postmaster goaeral with a cordial' aaice of t::e hand. I Frederick W. Seward will arrive' lero in a few days to accept the I position of a:s:staat secretary 0: state, I Senator Morton was at the exeeu- . live mansion this afternoon, mid tne president left his office and entering , the carriage, in which the senator, ; uwicijr to Hie condition oi his healtn, j had remained, pad tome tune iu , cuiivt-rsati-in '.villi him. ( S -uatur W.tlUce and other genUu- men, todn-. reeeiv. d prmi-o ad- : vices coi. liruiing the re.-igna'.iou of ! Simon Cann'.-on. . . ! Senator Cameron of W con.-m ts j reported much better. The attention ot the SpAuUli minister min-ister was, tn day, called t- a Ca1''" yram saving the journals of Madrid express "marked displeasure :t tne appointments ol Evarts aud&chuiz to positions in the new Ameiican cabinet, cabi-net, on the ground that they have supported Cuban filibusters, and entertain fears of the result of their accession to power. Tho mmwter said he doubted whelhor any Madrid papers of note had made such unfavorable un-favorable comments, but if they had they certainly did not express the opinion or sontinieuls ot the Spanish government, nor of well-informed Spaniards, who appreciate the friendly relations existing between the two governments, which was never more satisfactory than now, and for which thero is uo possible reason or motive to disturb. Assistant Attorney General Gaylord of the Ulterior department has resigned. re-signed. . It is understood that at the cabinet meeting to-day, a committee of two members, Evarta and Schurz, was appointed to frame civil service rules for adoption by the different departments. depart-ments. Chicago, 12. Inter - Ocean s Washington : The prosiueni says uo extra session of congress will be I called unless absolutely necessary to supply the army. The president will send a batch of minor nominations to the senate tomorrow. to-morrow. He seems iu no haste to bestow patronage. The diplomatic list will not bo roviaed at present. Ex-Governor Aiken, of South Carolina, Caro-lina, an old whig who has been acting act-ing with the democrats for a few years, will bo made collector of customs cus-toms at Charleston, aa another olive branch to the old whig elenjont of tho south. Postmaster Geueral Key pays no attention to the many letters he receives from southern democrats, asking for postofiices. He. docs not intend to uso any influence whatever in making appointments. He only deaircs that compoteut men be selected when vacaucies occur. This is tho president's idea also. Mrs. Hayes haa selected for the family tho Foundry Methodist church as a place of worship. Secretary Thompson arrived this evening and will ba sworn in tomorrow. to-morrow. Tribune's Washington: An aggressive- South Carolina democrat, bring ing a petition numerously signed, applied to Po3tmastor Key to-day for a postoflice in his state and evidently expected immediate and favorable attention. Key naked, "Who holds the office now?" The answer was a colored man, who of course -.ought to be put out at once. Key Has he mismanaged the office? Applicant I have beard nothing about that. Subiequently on being closely questioned ques-tioned he admitted that there was no complaints on the score of efficiency. effici-ency. "Then," said Key, "there arc only two ways in which he can be displaced without my opposition. One is by the United States army, and the other ,by an order from the prchidenl." j Key continued: There would be no element of civil service reform in such a change as was urged, and there was no intention on his part to neglect putting the principles of that reform into practical operation. The anti-conciliation republicans aro indefatigable in seeking out press correspondents and urging thorn to insert in their pnpers statements that they have never opposed the president presi-dent nor never dreamed of Buch a course. |