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Show WASHINGTON, DESPERATE CROOKS. Washington, 13. Information has been received that threy illicit dis tillers were released from Picker's courthouse (South Carolina) jail last ight, by an armed mob who threaten to drive the officers from that section. Commissioner linni nan otuhorized the officers to employ a hundred men, to enforce the law. THE FORTIFICATION BILL. The uenate committee on appro-pactions appro-pactions lu day pa-eed upon the formication formi-cation appropriation bill and agre.d to report it na it came from the houae without any amendments. ANOTHER SUBSIDY SCHEME. The bill introduced by Senator Kellogg to-day, in aid of (he New Orleaua and Pacific railroad company proposea to give it tbe right ol nay via Alexandria through public lands between Ntw Orleans and the eastern terminus of the Texas Pacific railroad together with a grant of tbe same number of alternate sections of public landa per mile as tbe Texas Pacific company has been granted in the state ol California, WHEN ROaUEg FALL OUT. Chicago, 13. Journal's Washing-ten. Washing-ten. Toere is a very bitter feeling between Jtre Black and Montgomery Blair in ccnaequeuce ol-tbe McGar-raban McGar-raban claim expo-urea. Tbe latter aeserla that be can prove that Black was paid $15,000 to assist McUarrahan when he was attorney general aud a member of Buchanan's cabinet. Kicb diacloBures are promised on the part of both Black and Blair. HEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION. Much satisfaction is felt among Ihe republicans over the result of tho Now Hampshire election, and many are agreeubly disappointed at the eleciion ot a republican legTalaiure, insuring the election of a republican senator. Adminiatration republican do not claim tbo victory is in con sequence of the indorsement ol the president but is due more directly to the fear of trusting democrats with power. GOLD FOR SLLVEtt. It !b proposed to pay gold for the fi'st lot of bullion purchased under Hie new nilver bill. The director cf mints received 200 new silver dollars lo-day which were distributed among eeuatcrs and representatives in exchange, ex-change, for greenback dollars. A WHACK AT ECHUBZ. Mr. Sargent, in the Senate lo day made a severe arraignment of Secretary Secre-tary SuhutZ; for hia policy in punishing punish-ing men in the territories who have cut timber from government lands. Ho claimed that it was contrary to tbe cuotom which has prevailed fur many years, and that the present policy if pursued years ago would have come before the senate. A DRUNKEN F. F V. A very disgraceful sccno occurred j in the house to-dny. A discussion was going on in committee el' the whole ou tho diplomatic appropriation appropria-tion bill, with Conger ou the floor, speaking in rtlatiou lo tho claimB of a Bouthtrn pOEtmnater, when Kepre-eentalive Kepre-eentalive Beverley Dounlasa (Virginia) citme into the house i n toxica '.eJ and interrupted the discussion. The rht-ir aUcmplc-d to rap him down, but Douglass continued to talk incohe iPtiily and shake bis fist at Conger. MemberB attempted to quiet him, but he would not stop, and all pro-ceedingi? pro-ceedingi? were eur-cendtd. Tbe chair-i chair-i mmi directed the fergcant at arms to rrtt.ke Doughty t.'ike his S'-m, but the execution uf the tinier whh resisted, and it was not titUil ivurly all tho Virgil. ia Htlt-g.,t;t,, gathered, around j 1 'nutii.its ihut he would cmi'-enl to; leave the floor. It 1ms hfcnuifi an i a'nn at dmly occurrence (or Djuglaes to uppear upou tli 11 or in au intoii-1 cattd condition. ' |