Show 1 FA farmington R FRACTIONS read the ad of the bountiful furniture co else elsewhere wherein in this issue charles turner and wife who left here on dec arrived home from los angeles friday they had a most enjoyable time w while hile on the coast Ms mrs grace norman of blackfoot arrived here tuesday and is visiting with her parents mr and and mrs haight A J robinson signal main t alner on the oregon short line left wednesday for a two weeks visit with his parents at galesburg in floyd bell of ogden is taking mr robinsons robinson s place during his absence mrs heber J sessions entertained the club at her home friday 1 A party from out of town purchased the ann perry proper property y opposite the court house on the vv west ast saturday lavid cavid thompson shipped two cars of emi emigrant Z rant movables mova bles to his ranch in new castle saturday he himself accompanied the shipment mrs thompson wh who 0 has been stopping here with her sister mrs walter ramp since return returning in from the bos hospital p ital is expecting to follow in the near future their sons are already there mrs thompson is improving ni bicay cily |