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Show FOREIGN. EUROPE. RESTORING THE TCELLERrES. Parii", 6. Tbe TuellerieB roniniir sion has resolved lo recommen.i tne restoration of that ruined palace at a cost i. f about 4,00i,0(i0 francs and the ipiimpriitiun of it to a museum of modem art. Trie chamber- will bt-takfd bt-takfd to sanction the scheme THE MAY LAW3. Bthn, 6. Contrary to Ihe expec talioos ra;?'"! In the recent concilia-oiy concilia-oiy ftUitu.i" . f the puprii-v, tho- Pni-S'Hu p i - 3 in receiplot novero unit eiipeuua have been aeked by Jardin.l Catherioi, perfect of the :onf;reiat'on ofsMcel counci a, eith r rt-nounce their salaries or declare .heir opposition to Ihe eccleaiatical VI.y laws. FKE2JCH ELICTIO.?. Tha supplemental elections held yesterday for members of the :hamber of deputies caused by ' tbe invalidatiooB of previous electims, resulted in tbe return ot six republi- -cans and two conservalivey. 1SSURKECTIOS CROWING. Ptra, 6 Advices from Adrianople aud PuiUq oppolis ol ibe d ma nut, report coutiruid tik-hting ahout Haa-ttoi, Haa-ttoi, in whii u 'li-irict twenty one Mahomm' dsn vill iges bve been destroyed. 1 n KusxiaDS are laying the blame ou Bulx-'riai.s at.d the. Bniirnri'Mia laying u on the Ruesianc There have Oven many airrBls at Adrianople among Bu!gtriua accused ol complicity in the il est ruction ol rurkinh villages The insurgents huve uot yet descended into the plain laither w-r-t than Hiskoi, but tho PomakB (Bulgarians who h.we beeu converted to Islaniism), of Dritabma valley, cooperate with the main body ol the insurgents in luruiBhing cou-1 cou-1 tingent and holding mountain passes. To counteract this muvtmeuta Rub sian lorce ia marching frum Sophia. In tbe Houlh tho insurgents have Uken Rahova and olncr placet". Thirty eight wounded Russians bavo been brought to Philip ppolis. The maiu body of tho insurgents is estimated al 30.000, exclusive of the scattered bauds. Information has reached us that a large number of Creeks have ioiui-d and that there is communication between the leaders and insurgent bauds of Thetaaly, which secmH credihlo when it u remembered re-membered that the Gac-k insurrection insurrec-tion was auti Sclav rather than anti-Turk. anti-Turk. There Bcems aU-j re:;u to expect a strong Albamuu contingent will join the insurrecii in. THE INDIAN TUOOrS. In the house of commons, Sir William Vernon Harcourt queried the right of government to craplop Indian troops without the consent of parliament, parlia-ment, Norlhcote defended tbe act as constitutional, and being merely ft movement ol troops from one part to another part of the empi e. Goven msot he aaid did not publish the news and did not expect it to become publio bo soon. The government's policy ia Btill to obtain an amicable settlement, but it may be disappointed. It, therefore, feels that it is ila duty to take pre-cau'ions pre-cau'ions The expenBeB of the Indian troops will bo brne by the imperial ex'ii'quer. He apprhnded they would nerve under the Indian military act. |