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Show DON'T MARRY A MAN TO SAVE HIM. BY BAR AH K. BOLTOH, A. letter from Oregou to the New Tort Sun begs for a large number of good, true women to come out and marry the men who are "lounging about saloons" and going to destruction. They must be every way "worthy, noble and able and willing to wrk." Thequeition naturally arista: "Would thoie woman be any better bet-ter off than to remain stogie, or shall thay forget themselves, and, with missionary , spirit, marry these men to reform and 1 purify them? A cry comes over from Orejjen For a car-load, not of women wan, But women of blood, and brain and brawn; "Come marry these men to save them! "There are thousands here, in these haunts of Ein, Spendinjp their money in game and gin Corrupt without and corrupt within Como marry these men to sava them! ."They have been somebody's pride and 1 joy Somebody's petted and pampered boy Spoiled, lor lack of a maiden coy; Como marry these men to save them! "You must be healthy, and pure and Strong; Able to breast and bear tht wrong; Willing to carry a burden alng; Como marry these men to save them! "You must bo leader, but always seem To bo gonlle and helpless as love's young dream, And leaned upon when you seem to lean; Come marry these men to save them I "You must bo clean and kind and sweet; Making a path for Ihuir Godless feet Up to the grace of the Alercy-eat; Como marry these men to save thorn 1" Oh I "Woman, you're sold at a fearful price, If you wed your virtue to that of vice, And trust your soul to a sham device ! Don't marry a man to save him! A life that is pure needs a puro in turn , A being to honor and cot to spurn An equal love that shall constant burn; Don't marry a man to save him! A woman's life is a precious thing; Her Jove is a rose unwithcriog; Would you ury it deep in its early Spring? Don't marry a man to save him! You can pray for hi3 soul from morn till eve; Yeu can win the nngels lo bring reprieve To his sin-bound heart; but you'll always grieve If you ma)ry a man to save him! God gives to woman a right to press Her claim to a man's best manliness; A woman gives aii should a man give loss? Don't many a man to save him! |