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Show .COORP"1"- BOOTS AND 8HOE3 FOR THE MILLION; LOWE3I PRICES at J7 DUNFORD'S. Gllitr's Dodblb Extracts. Tbe p0Kit and Beat in me. mylO Foon. In 'be 16th ward last Sunday morning, a gun and ammuni-tios ammuni-tios belt. Ibe owner can hear of it by applying " this office. mI6 Cuoicb Sugar Cured HAMS at G. F. Brook's. , m'4 I , REFRIGERATORS AT H. DIN- mODEV'a. all Wanted. A cheap or second-hand phaeton. Apply at this office. mlB WATER PIPES LAID to order by HEESCH & ELLERBECK.OId Constitution Building. al6 GENTLEMEN desiring to purchase a Stylish Summer Suit can save 25 per ceut. by calling at my2 L. GOLDBBBO & Co'S. Coon Baos. offer the Largest Stock , of Ladies' Ready Made 8uits ever . brought to tbis city, from $1.60 up-I up-I wards. my6 Fob the best varieties of TOP and SPRING BUGGIES go to L. B. MATTISON, at the Blue Front, hall block south of theatre. a24 Giixbt's Lemoh Sugar makes de licioUB Lemonade. mylO Fob Sale. A house and lot. Both are in good condition and well situ ated. For further particulars inquire it the office of M. J. Egan, Federal Court Building. ml2 Wt have a FINE SELECTION ol Ohoviot, Percale and White Linen Shirts. L. Goldberg. & Co. my2 If you wiBh a FINE JUICY BTEAK, an excellent ROAST or a superb BOILING PIECE, do not fail to buy of CHARLES LUCAS. He keeps the beet. ml5 All kinds of WATER, GAS and STEAM fitting dono by Heesch & Ellerheck, Old Constitution Building. a28 WRLL P&PER 1 WALL PAPER! STAMP COLD, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED BROHZE. SATINS AND BLANKS, OF THE LATE ST DESICNS. ALSO A COMPLETE COM-PLETE LINE OF HOUSfi FURNISHINGS', FUR-NISHINGS', AT Z. C. Nl. I. CARPET DEPARTMENT. .10 Moved 0, K. They Hcunor & Bro. have moved into thoir new premises, once the "Saddle Rock," where they are prepared to attend to customers and . sellGuos, Pistols, Ammunition, Fish iug Tackle, etc., or repair anything in their line. They have a No 1 Shooting Gallery in connection with their store, 100 feet deep, to which they invite shooters generally. m17 GENTS CALL AND SEE THE "EltOS" HAT at ml" DUNFORD'S. Gillst's Laundry Castile Soir will do more washing than any cL'iiv. . mylO FINEST LINE, LATEST STYLES of LADIES -BOOTS, 8HOE3 and SLIPPERS is at ml7 DUNFORD'S. Use Gillet's, Cream Yeast, my 10 Gillkt'b Yeast Powder. The Purest and Best in the market. mylO We have jitst received some Clothes-baskets, Brushes, Cloths, Artificial Art-ificial Flowers, Trunks, and other home made goods. John O. Cutler, Agent, Old Constitution Building. j m!2 ' PARTIES WHO WANT TO BOR ROW MONEY at a low rate, or having houses to rent or wishing to purchase city property or farms, will make .money by consulting FRED. ANDERSON. Ho gives the beat ol reference. See him. 25 The Best Proof ofthk Sovereign Eflioacy ol Glknn's Sulphtr Soap in hitherto incurable skin diseases, ?hcu matic and gouty ailments, and in all malidies that aro dependent for their exielcuco on animalcular causes, is furnish. d by the fact that several unscrupulous dealeis in worthless noflruraa have introduced irnilalionu which nro recommended for a similar set of dUimses, but which aagravate instend of curing them. Ask for Glkkn's Sui.FHim Soap. Take uou other. Sold by drues'- Depot, Obittenton's, 7 Sixth avenuf, N. 1 mU SPECIAL NOTU'K TO WOOL-GROWERS. WOOL-GROWERS. The Provo Manufacturing Company Com-pany re prep-md to pny tbe bighfBi market prices in cash for wool. No Houso in Utah cn pay belter prices and our facilities for handling wool are excelled by uoue. Bo sure to give ua a call brfore disposing of ycur wool. Sacks and Tine fnrnwhid free of charge if returned in good con dilion. Apply to Jami Dlss, Supt., Provo, or J.no. C. CinxKR, Anent, my9 S-U Luke City. POB If you wish to travel by tbe CHICAGO shortest, quickest,oldest,&es( Hl aDd the safest route between THE EAST, Omaha and Chicago, you muBt buyyour tickets via the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Its fares are as 4 low u the lowest. Pullman Palace Hotel Dining acd Sleeping Cars are run on its through express trains. Tho celebrated Pullman Hotel Care are run by this line and by this line alone, between Omaha and Chicago. AH coupon ticket agents Bell tickets via this route, Buy I b3 by no other route. FOR HATS THAT ARE STYLE-ISH STYLE-ISH and at "GOLD PRICES" go to DUNFORD THE HATTER. m!7 REMNANTS OF THE LATE NEW YORK FIRE AT REGGEL'S Auction and Commission House, 85 Main Street. Carloads -of Calico, Dress GoodB, Silka, Ladies' Hosiery, etc., received from the late fire in New York City, where our agent contracted con-tracted for same. Part of these goods are slightly damaged by water. We will oiler daily the above lot at Public Auction; also the latest novelties in Summer Clothing for men'a, boys' and youths' wear, which we will offer at our Reduced Prices. Those wishing wish-ing bargaina, we would invite them to inspect our goods and prices. Auction daily at Louie Reggel'a, 85 Main Street. my4 Louia Regqel, Auctioneer, PURE MOUNTAIN ICE , at the old Clawson Ice Depot, . between Deseret Bank and Theatre. Dodge & Ola wson, a12 Proprietors. A Remarkable Result. It makes no difference bow many Physicians, or how much medicine yon have tried, it is now an eBtubliahed fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given complete satisfaction in aevere casea of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of persona who are pre-diepoaed pre-diepoaed to Throat and Lung Aflec-tioua, Aflec-tioua, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Aatbma, Severe Colds aettred on the Breast, Pneumonia, WhoopingCough, Ac, who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Byiup. To uuch we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. com-plaint. Conpumpima try just one 1 bottle. Ragula Bize 75 cents. Sold j by all DruKi"t iD America. a2 BEER Wagoner'a 5 CENTS beer on A draught at GLASS ' the MILWAUKEE BEER SALOON. alG We are prepared to outfit houses from cellar to garret. Furniture and house goodri of all kinds. al2 Barratt Bros. PIONEER POULTRY 8TO8E General Groceries and Provisions, Fresh Butter and Eggs a specialty. Fruit and Vegetables. No. 84 First South St. Goodd delivered promptly. A.2i5 W. C. Bowrixo. Just Received 500 pounds ol BEAR LAE TROUT which will be retailed at 20c. per pound. Come on., come all, and get a treat at W. L. Price's. m?9 Pearl. Rubies, Precious Stones, ltd all kinds ol Jewelry. SQ" tW, Manufacturing Jewelers, two doors below Gjdbe's drug store, al4 One thousand men wanted to call at W. R. McCoraas' Siloon to buy his fine slock of Winee and Liquors. He keeps tb,o best brands in town, mil Cohn Bros', is theplace to purchaBO your Parasols. It is the Cheapest Store in the city for everything in the Dry Goods line. my5 ! Household Goods Wanted Cash Don't sell your household gooda aod traps until you consult John Crane, west of Thcutre. Hi- psje the highest cash price. nl Boot and Shoe Making-W. Making-W. J. HOOPER, opposite iheitre, makes, repairs and sells BOOTS and SHOES at the LOWEST RULING PRICES. He will guarantee all his work and material. o23 Cohn Bros. Btill maintain their well earned reputation of keeping the Largest as well as Cheapest Stock of all kinds of Embroideries and Laces. my 5 Grain, Feed, Seeds. Wm. B. Folaom & Co., 78 First South Street, keep a full supply of Grain, Feed, Groceries, aud Farm ,and Garden Seeds constantly on baud. Give them a call. a!6 Gold and Silver GivcD Away Or manufactured by Swauer Bros., jewelers, in exchange for Currency, two doora below Godbe's drug store. all FASHIONABLE CLOTHING fne largest and best selection of Summer Sum-mer Clothing at ty2 L. Goldberg & Co's. YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CHIL-DREN'S SUITS, AT ALL PRICES AND BTYLE3, AT all 6IEGEL BRO'S. EGG r.NCfl! MILK. PUNCH I The Inimitable Auer & Munrnr who over six yoara ago created bo much excitement ex-citement by establishing a "iJU" Jlouse when all others were selling at two bits, nro now ready wivh better facilities tban ever before to dispense to their numerous customers and the thirsty public, all thu most niodorD cooling beverages, in a practioul manner as only Bur keepers o! experience can do. They have thu finest Uar in the city, and also tho choicest selected se-lected stock of Liquors and Cigars, at the "Occidental," Wo. 35 First Kouih Street, MALQUIST & PDZEY Olive Street, one d.vr Wast of BsiB Wagon Depot, Blactsmitlis anl WapMers. RE WIGONS H&OE TO ORDER. All Kt'D of RKrAiamo Djss. HORSESHOEING IN THE BEST 8T Y LEi Work Warranted. my5 JOB PRINTING neatly, cheaply' and quickly done at tbii office. Wool Hats, Good quality, only 1 at tbe Great Slaughtering Sle of ml-5 Lipmas i Davis. Saspeuders, Good quality, only 30 cents, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Lipmas &. Davis. W hile Vests, Good quality, only $1 50, at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo LrpsiAS & Davts. Whit Sliirts Good qaality, only 75 penis, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Lipman & Davis. Linen Dusters, Firat-cass quality, only $1.75 at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo LtrsiAX &. Davis. Cheviot Suits, Good quality, only $10, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Llfman & Davis. Fine Silk Bows, rirei-eiaes quality, only 10 cenie each, at the Great Slaughtering sale of LiraiAx &, Davis. ml5 Percale Shirts, Firat-claas, only 7a cents, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Lipman & Davis. Merino Underwear, Good Quality, only 25 cents, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Lipmas &. Davis. Brown Linen Vests, Firat-olass quality oniy, only $1.50 at the Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman & Davis. Silk Handkerchiefs, First-class quality, only 75 cents at the Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman & Davis. Cassimere Over-Shirts, Firet-class quality, only 75 cents, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman & Davis. Brown Duck Overalls, Ten ounce, only 50 oents, at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman & Davi?. Cantod Flannel Underwear, Good quality, only 50 cents, at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of ,, J ml5 Lipman & Davis. Alpaca Ulsters and Dnsters, Friat-class quality, only $2, at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman & Davis. J, (i, BROOKS, Wholesale Milliner, RIBBONS, VELVETS, BILKS, LACE AND FANCY GOODS, .'TrimM anlQntriraei Hats, And all ldnds of IiUli04 Children- aud Iiii'aiil.s' Umlcrivcnr, MAIN STREET, First Door North of D worst Bank.K SALT LAKE CITY. P. O. Box 509. EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE. C TJTTJTC M W. II. YEARIAN, A gout for WILSON BEO'S SHIRTS ARD LINDSAY BROS., Tailors, Chicago, Ills. SHIRTS AND SUITS TO ORDER, A SPECIALTY. Fiy GUARANTEED. 1 CARRY in Ptook a Full Lino of tho boat dc1 Uioit tinloi of GENTS' JUB.NISHINGS, CoLifiiiioB of Uodorwear. Hoiicry. Lntoat Aoveltioi in ISeckwoar, a full line of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, A largo viriety of Enmnlc.i oT Frorrh rhoviuia nd l'anun, for Fsnoy Khirta. Mr Hdq ui Cloths for SuiiinBB la very l&rgo and ol the bent and latoot Stylo. Any eoodi not (iviog 11 tinf action will b oxoliaugod or moDoy rofuDdud- W. H. YEAltlAX, Romnoy Block, next door to W hito House, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE W.T. Harri?. - . Lessee laJMinni: iMlTELR PERFORM l.TE MCKCAT ETESIS5, 5T 101, 'IS. JOINT BENEFIT St. Mark's and Sf. Man "s HOSPITALS. In'.ioJuciDj; T. W. P. ob 01 uaa't Groat Play ot CAbl Jii I Mr.O. F. Whitney j Goorso D'Alror Mr, "J. X. Fercaion as ."...Ecoles Mr J. A. Mahoa Crtin Danirta Mr .Ned WHin... ..... ..Sam Gerridge Mr. Joab Lwrenco.. aj Dixon Mrs. Martin Hlrkness as Polly Eco oj Mri Joab LawrenQe as Esther Ecolet Miss Emilia O. Regnard as Marquiae de St. Maur There will be a Full Orchestra in attendance, introducing New Aire and a Duet by the following well-known well-known gentlemen: Mr. Mark Croxall, - - Cornet Mr. Geo. Hedger - Flute jstrff- Doors open at 7.0 : Per-foriuikDce Per-foriuikDce couimpurrs til PEiCiS usual theatre bates. Box office open on Saturday and Mori-1 Mori-1 lay from 10 a.m. to i p.m. my lb" 1 A rniih, Conled tongtio is a suro sign of a deranged KtoajRti. Jt is Nature's thormomoter, fboiriog how tho svKtcm is workioe. In all sueh oasei rosort should bo had at once to Tarrant's Seltzer aperient, It will unco at the tongue, by romovinit from tho sjetsui tho online ol tho disl ui Livedo. It ouren. as by a oharm. all who u-o it. msH .-OLD BY ALL DhUGUl.ST. cIrtiir, EVA1S&C0v Closing Out Jit COST- L . OWING TO TUB INCREASING DULL Titiies, wo have deciilod Lo retiro from business, acd shall from this at oloso out our Entire Atock of Goods, coBsistiog of 5,000 lbs. Plug Tobacco, 1,000 " Chewing Tobacco, 1,500 " Smoking Tobacco, 100,000 Cigars, Pipes, Notions and Sruokera Articles in General. A full line in lnck of KIFLE3, SHOTGUNS. PISTOLS, AMMUNI-TXON, AMMUNI-TXON, FI8HING TACKLE, Etc., ; All of which most be closed out immadi-1 at-ly. Doalers i-i general aro ioritod tjonll and nia-uino Goods and 1'ricos bolore uiskina their ior6haea. myT I THOMAS TAYLOR ' INVIIES Conference Friends and Visitors To inspect bia stock ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS CAPS Etc., Etc., Which he ib fully determined ahll be Bold as Cheap Living Prices will Admit. N. B. Goons Dklivkred to ail Parts op the City. nt lee Million Pounds n 1 hi hA.Wi l i n AT SIEGrEL So G0.5S. We have just receivtl orders from several of the largest Extern Manufacturers Man-ufacturers for Wool, and are now nuly to coutntct lor cither a statti or market price. We will advance fifty per cent, on the amount of Wool contracted for, and will pav the Highest Market Price in O A S IHE Wool growers will find it lo their advantage to call and see ua beforo contracting. Wool Sacks Furnihd. $?n Sheaisvr Self. Si EG EL & CO, Up town office at Siegel Bro'a, Cor. let S-.iuili and Sti West Sta., SS Main Street. Ntr th? DerM. Mfalker ros. UL Jr0rO UUUUO UJJ(A)1 BOURETTE CLOTHS, In all colors and qualities BLACK GRENADINES,. In Iron, Fourette ani Fancy BOURETTE GRENADINES, In Navy, Myrtle and all (o'ore CASHMERES. In all tbo Summer Shades SUMMER SILKS, Fancyp, Stripes and Chocks LACE POLONAISE GOODS, With Laces to match BLACK AN D COLORED SILKS, Of reJifllilo nnd beet woarinc mnkes DRESS LINENS, j . Willi L:ucn Embroideries to match I Dress Trimmings, FRINGES AND G A LOONS, Kxpnesly for Trimming GiouirJincB CASHMERE LACES, For GrenaditiPs 1 ud light materials BUTTONS, lu Ivory, Pearl and Silk, all r-hadea Guipure, Yak and all Kinds of Laces. Cashmere Fringes, Embroideries, Ribbons. FO CARPETS CARPETS ! CA1.L. OX Walker Bros. isroTioTs, , " GR0GERIES, STAPLE 1D m DRV GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY Ribbons, Hosiery, stoves FANS, I'AHASOIS, 5 'f ffSfjl B00TS AND SHOES CARPETS aod OIL CLOTHS, itSlf clothing, Klc, TOlc, All New Goods, Jus?; Received, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICFS WE INVJTK OWE and ALL to GALL And Savo Money by Examining Quality and Prices before Pui cLa.sing Elsewhere. WIvI. & BORIS, I.Kle I niporiuiii. Kail J.nhe i lly. Vtnit. , Aaents Dupont's Soorlinq, Ride and Blasting Powders. ' |