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Show The Army KeorLuuizutliuu. Washington, H. Among the details de-tails of the army reorganization bill not fpccially mentioned in the report of Liurnside'a committee is a provision pro-vision that hereafter all vacancies in the grade of second lieutenants shall be filled by appointments from graduates gradu-ates from military academies, by promotion pro-motion of meritorious soldiers in the army, and that general o Ulcers Bhall be eelected from the army, major generals gen-erals from brigadiers, and brigadiers from field officers of line, those provisions, pro-visions, together with tho Bection mentioned in the report which requires re-quires appointments to grades above second lieutenaucy. to be made by lineal appointments into tho army. It is claimed, therefore, by memljcra of tho committee that tho incidental repeal of section 3,218 ol the Revised Statues, which fjrb;ds the appointment appoint-ment in the army of a person who served the confederate cause, will not open the door to the appointment of confederate officers or soldiera. |