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Show City Council. Procf b:liuKH t the city council on Tuesday pveiiii:, February 11, 1S79, Mayor Little presiding: A petition ws received from a number of citizens calling the attention atten-tion of the city council to the almost impassible condition of Filth South street, on account of mud and water, and aeked that the tvil complained of be rtnudied. Petition wes receivod and rtfernrl to the committee on atretta and alloy:'. A petition vms received from J. Acomb, sen., at king the refunding of money paid by him for a lot now in the military reservation. Petition received and granted. A petition was received from D. Chard, asking that he be refunded the money pul ly him (or a lot now in the military reservation. Petition received and grauttd. A petition w.is received from Wm. Noise, a$kirg that be be relundod $5 paid tLe city lor a lot now in the military reservation. Petition received re-ceived ar.d crantcd. Mr. P. H. Ltnnan appeared before the city ojancil and mado a statement state-ment relative to fha grievances to which the dealers in meat and other articles are subjected by the enforcement enforce-ment of the provisions of the ordinance relative to obstructions on BiJewalks, and asked that dealers aud huckster bo a'.iowtd Die privilege of hanging out from the buildings certa:n articles in which they deal. He asked that the council allow them a couple of feet for the purpose mentioned, and in support ot bis proposition directed the attention of the council to the ezisteuce of bay windows on the business streets, which take up from eighteen inches to three feet. A motion was then made calling up a petition signed by a number of merchants heretofore tabled, which embraces the request of Mr. Lannan, and his petition, together with the verbal petition preEented, was referred re-ferred to the committee on municipal taws. The committee to whom was referred re-ferred the petition relative to opening Apricot street, reported recommending the establishment of the lines of the street and that the supervisor be in-strutted in-strutted to ascertain what titles would be afiected by the opening demanded, etc. The report and recommendations recommenda-tions were adopted. The committee to whom wao referred re-ferred the petition of J. T. Wilson asking for a lease of the Tenth ward square, reported that upon inquiry it was learned that the square was already leased. The report was received and adopted. The special oommittee to whom was referred the matter of deliterious water flowing from the soap factory in the Nineteenth ward, made a verbal report stating that they were unable to make a full report as yet, but would do so shortly. They had visited the factory, and was told that the water complained of were simply salt and water. They were having some of it analyzed and would then make their report. The matter of the sale of tho city insane asylum to the county was referred to the committee on public grounds. The bill of William Hyde, jailor, for bearding prisoners for the month of January, amounting lo $485.40, was presented and the amount allowed. The following motion was made and referred to the committee on streets and alleys: I move that the sidowalks on East Temple street from South Tarn pie to Third South street bo brought to tbo established grade and paved; also First South and Second South streets from West Templo to First East streets, and (hat the sidewalks side-walks on tho following named strocts be brought, to tho established grade and graveled, to-wit: North Templo, from its eastern term io us to the Utah Contral railroad track, and First North, from its eastern terminus to Second West or southeast corner of Union square: alio South Temple, adi-.tancoof lour blocks east nnd weft from tlio Templo block; also First South, from First Ka-t a distance dis-tance of ibrco blocks east and a distance of (our blocks west from "West Temple, and Second South, two blocks east from Fi st Kist and west tho same d is: an co frcna West Temple, and Third South four blocks wiet nnd three enst from Hast Temple, and East Templo from South Temple to its northern termicus, and First East from i's northern terminus to Sevnih South, and Sccor.d East from its northern north-ern terminus U Third South, and Wost Trmple from its norlliorn torminus to Third South, and First West from1 Secor-d North to Third South, and Second "West tbo siime distance m A H llALfcian The committee on municipal lawj reported back again the bill f;)r an ordinance regulating the distribution ot waters u.jwiug into ine cuy, wuu the amendments, And itwastakui up for consideration. The council adjournal till nc xt Tuesday evening, at 6.30 o'clock. |