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Show J-d'c-.al ATilrs. Yesleriay w;ii b remembered aa a1 ! red letter dAy in L'tAj j-J.ikl a:T:r. 'u.Terrior Emery o.n to ti; relief of 1 !;:.:;ir.u inJ attorney in ti.. d;- 'trictly a-wifcT.iag .Ac:Ate J ijt.;e Bo re ma a to the rx-nzh hre, ami chanplr.g the time tiT holding the court, Uiua miking it p-ible ( t ; b-iicd to be trAnsActed thj !! and J winter. Tne president alo pre m a i chief justice, tl.ii eg the pre rue I r.' h, I i and imbuing the p'le wit:, :i ' ti.at Vuh may aaio have courts and enj' .y the benefit ar1 prrecti .n I law. There are so few cnur! her' 'and so little buiin"-ss dune in llicrn, j jtht anytijir.g w;,ich gives proniL-e , imprrvement in liiis r"spei.t is w-1-' I crme by the communi'.y. Of Judhf White, the new chief jiistt-je, httia m known in Utah. He m a southerner who, the New York Wril aii?, deserted bis cause and fought against his own principles; but th H'.r.f not on Judge Wmte's side of the political pol-itical fence, hence its a-uertiona may be Uken with a saline grain. What ever he had been will not elTet the tact that the people here rejoice at bid appointment. The community, as regards a chief justice aro in alout that frame of mind in which was the single lady who had readied that period known M a "certain ae." She went into tho woods and praytd God to send her a husband; and when in the mid of her matrimonial petition peti-tion to the Almighty, an owl pi. tin- tivcly hooted "Ou, ou."Tho ipinnter,; thinking the Lord wai asking her to make choice ol some one to sharo her joys and sorrow, sprang to her feet and exclaimed, "Who? who? O Lord, any man will do!" Of one fact all are convinced without with-out evidence ho can Uj no wor-ie a judge for Utah than was a certain "high-sou ltd" chief jiintico ol this territory, while the chances aro that ho will bo a great d.;vl belter. Jt would be too gre,t a slnim on thing mortal for two such men let ex:il in one generation. Tne chief jiniice have all been assigned to the Thud (lutinct, nenco the appJiuliuo: .1 ol Judgu White will probably h.ive tin-i-flect of returning tturenmn U S;cOi-d di.itrii:t fir which G.-nnt or I Providence, or both be praii-i. TIitc ifln't a corporal's guard in the Third ;ditri t wiio like B reman as a judgf, hrn'ft he had better be kept in hn form it place where he will ni"et fewer peplo who dialiko lii'ii, be (aue there are fower jvcopic in tin-dislrict. |