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Show THE MISSISSIPPI OVERFLOW. j Nuw Orleans, 'Jo. Additional ac-. ac-. counts continue to be received of dev-. dev-. astation by the floods and the suller-i suller-i ings of the people by being driven ' from their homes. A letter from tho 1 Red River country nys: ''It is cn-j. cn-j. tircly overflowed; oil of us are bankrupt, havo no provisions, no ' money, and many aro starving. Tho wnter is ail over the country, and . still rising. Cows not drowned aro , dying for want of food, sheep and hogs aro drowned by tho hundred." A letter from a planter in Corral , Parish says; "From tho overflow ' there will be twenty-seven plantations ( in this pariah that will make no cotton at all; eleven that may make 1 half a ciop, and twenty-nine that aro good for a full crop." The water from Bonnett Carre and McMullcn ere-vases ere-vases have overflowed Grand Point settlement, in St. James Parish ; forcing many to leavo their homes and feck protection in othor localities. locali-ties. A resolution of relief at a mooting moot-ing in Point Couple Parish, states that in consequence of a larpu number num-ber ol persons living behind the Grand level having had thoir homea complet.'y swept away and nothing saved, they bomg wit off Irom ail communication with other parts of tho uarieh, it is essential and necessary that imnie-iliato imnie-iliato action bo altbitled to prevent Htarvation. Contributions lor the suf-fncrrs suf-fncrrs flrc'being received from New York, Bohton, St. Jjiiis anil other northern cities; anil tho general government gov-ernment has ordered tlic distribution of army rations and blanket. Mot iroo, La., It is impossible to give nn idoa of tho extent of tho overflow hero. Tho wator is tho highest over known. Tho town is on an island two and a half miles long by half a mile wide, from which there is no exit only by buats. Uusi-1 ncNS is almost completely suspended, ! Fully a thousand people hero have not rations lor three days, nor money to buy moro with. The town is full of starving stock of every description, Tho river roso an inch last night and it is Htill raining. Tho plantations in the vicinity aro all submerged and thero aro no prospects of crops. What tho people aro to do God only knows. |