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Show LETIKR FH.OM STOCIiTON. New Foundlantl District The Froi-pucls Froi-pucls Value of Ore Stockton Smelters Weather, Etc. (C0RRKSI-0KDK3C1 OF THE HERALD,) Stockton, May 23d, 1873. After a long lapse of time I again take tho liberty of contributing a letter to your valuable paper, for throe lon& months I have been prospeotiog and closely watching the developing of New Feuudlnnd District, A description of which I gave in my last letter from that district. Since that time many new and valuable locations loca-tions have been made, and there has been considerable development throughout through-out the oamp. Tho pioneers being short of developing means have come out for tho purpose of procuring the necessary funds to thoroughly develop and prospcot the district, in which succoss will surely attend them, as several parties havo already started and others contemplate going soon with the necessary means to work and teat tho full merits of tho mines. As comparatively little work has been done I can of course only speak of tho surface indications and general appoar-ance appoar-ance of tho lodes which 1 havo visited. Many of the veins are traceable trace-able for thousands of feet almost as plain as a railroad track, the entiro length cshibiting green stain pyrites of copper, and also chlorido of copper, generally running north and south. Tho country rock is principally granite and quartz, to. Ono claim has a depih of eighteen feet, showing an increased vein of oro. Ono down eight feet has about ten tons ol' ore oo the dump, which will asfay twenty or thirty per cent copper and carrying gold and silver. The latest assay.which I havo, gives tho following: Copper, 19.23; silvor, 4.11; gold 2.68. This assay wasjiuado by Mr. McVickcr, and can bo relied on as correct. Quito a number num-ber of galena lodes havo been found, which assay in silvor from 30 to 41.su to tho ton, which is certainly very eneouraging.oonsidering that they are an Burlaw prospects. I certainly think tlm agood place for oapitaliBis to operate, a only developing capital isdcMrcd. 1 ho ores can bo hauled to lerraco on tho C. P. K, a distance of about twenty 'miles at' a very small price per ton. The' camp abounds in water and wood tor timbering timber-ing mines. Up to this litno nearly ono hundred claims have been located, and tho district has not been halt" prospected. Stockton, Is ooaiicg to lilo again, after an almost al-most hopeless slumber of fjor months. Four Bojcltors will bo in full blast in a thort lime, Carcoj and Buzzo havo one running on Utah Queen, Convjrse and Miami ores. Material is being hauled to tho Waterman smelters, with which to repair them. Mr. Prosser is oxpeoted here in a lew days to superintend super-intend the works, repairs, etc Tho Chicago Hilver miniog company, owning own-ing tho Chtcngo mine, in Dry Canyon, have kaned the Jacobs smelters, which arc now being repaired under the supervision su-pervision ol Mr. J. 11. Latey, the superintendent, with fiir prospects ot darling by tho lirst of June. Thin ouuipitny li.ivo ttbnut mix hundred tonH f ore on tlJ dump, and from tho up-pcaraoce up-pcaraoce of the mine they will not be 'Impendent upon other mines for ores Ground has already been broken tor 'icw smelters by this company, at the Lake Uouf-e, which thuy expect to uoujplete in about six weektf. HeVcral uudch aro being worked in this vicinity, in I act claim owners feel onoouraged with ho prospect of a better bet-ter market for ores, as well as the uhancc of mukiug howo sales of mines this tca?on. The Eureka Hotel is yet cloned, but rumor has it that it will nnn bo thrown open to the traveling public. The railroad fever is running prot-ty prot-ty high, considering tho long time ahead when toe whistle of the "iron Uorae " will greet tho Sucktonian's ears. Tho lake is rising, and the finny tribo aro looking alter bait, which has a smiling effect on the countenances of our citizens; several days ago fully ooc thousand fish '' bit " to their sorrow. 1 ho weather has been very unpleasant unpleas-ant for a full week, which has caused a kind of epizootio spread. in this vicinity. vicin-ity. No marriages or deaths to report at present, but dame rumor has been busy for severul days circulating scandal scan-dal which may result seriously, and oauso tho " turning of rules" and the attention of a coroner, Duy Canyon. , |