Show DIET MAKES FOR HEALTH proper sustenance the great means mean of warding off tuberculosis according to physician that every one la in more or less legs BUB aus cep tible to tubercular trouble Is ie matter on which all old ola fascione medical authorities author lUeg are agreed they tell us that we may pass through a phase and out again without knowing it according to dr T Y hull in 11 the dietetic gazette there Is only on one thing very certain and that Is that it if we keep in good health or adapt ourselves to a perfectly balanced diet the dan danger gerls Is slight lie advocates a reduction ot of vege vegetable t food relying more upon butter meat and nuts here of course one has to face the increased danger of tubercular meat itself probably a large contributory cause of consumption this Is dr hulls idea of a perfectly balanced diet calculated to keep the tb average individual in perfect health all the year round the basis tor for the diet Is found in meat eggs milk but ter bread potatoes and fruit it consists daily of two quarts of milk five eggs tour four ounces of beef one and one halt half ounces of butter two ounces ol of nuts pecans four ounces of 0 bre bread a d three and one half ounces of rice three ounces each of potatoes peas and oatmeal one ounce sugar one ounce ral raisins sins one apple and one orange |