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Show An Unknown Pleasure! To every person who has not used Murray & Lanman's Florida. Water, Wa-ter, there is indeed an equisite pleasure pleas-ure yet unkDowo; bo delightfully refreshing re-freshing on the handkerchief, bo bracing and strengthening in the bath, and bo useful and agreeable at the toilet, is that great perfume. For sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's drug stores. 612 Startling, but True! The silent workings of (hose great remedies, Bristol's Sarsaparilla and Pills, are truly wonderful. From Portland, Oregon, we have the report of an citruordioary cure of ulcerous, eating disease, which, after defying ail other treatment, succumbed to these two great remedies. For sale by all Druggists. 646 SUHLIA SIMILIBCS CCRANTIJR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, an entire success: Aim- 1 pie Promi.t Ediciont and Reliable. They axe tho only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use SO simple that mistakes can not bo made in using thorn; bo harmless as to bo free from danger, and so efficient as to bo always reliable. Xhey have raised the highest high-est conimandution from all. and will always render satisfaction. Sot. Cents. Cur os 1, " Fever", Congestion, In9ammaLions..25 2, " Worms, Worm fever, Worm Colic ...26 3, " Crylng-Celic or teething of lnfanLs...25 4, " IiarrUoea.,0f Childron or Adults 25 5, " Dyneniery, Griping. Bilious Colic...25 fl, lioltra-Mor ou, Vomiting 25 7, " long lis. Colds, bronchitis 25 8, " Acuraljrla, Toothache, Eac cache. ...25 0, 11 Heailactte", tiick Houdacno, Vertigo 25 10, " Iyptpin, Bitliou Stomach -25 11, " SujiiircuBcd, or Painful Periods 25 12, " Wultet, too Profuse Periods 2-5 13, " Croup, Cough, Uitticult Breathing 25 14, " Sall it Ileum, Krysipola3.t;ruplion3...i5 15, ' KhtumiiUm, Rheumatic Pains 2a 16, " Fever nud Ague, Chili Eovor, Agues 50 17, " lUe, blind or blooding 50 16, " Oil"Ulmr andsoreor weak Eyes w 50 19, " Ctarrli, acuteor chroniclcauonia..50 2y," W Uooplng-Coagti, violent coughs , -50 21, " A"tui-, oppressed Breathing 60 22, " 1-ar JJticu&rgcM, impoirod hearing 50 23, " Serofui, on hired glands, Swell ings 60 21, " General Uobilicy, physical weak noss 50 25, " Dro(isy and scanty Secretions -50 20, " Nea-JlckiicM, siclinoss from riding.50 27, " Kiduey-Oieease, Gravel 60 28, " Kervoa Iebillty, Seminal KiumUiiloai, involuntary lJischorgos 100 Five II .xci, with one 52 vial of powder, vorv necessary in serious ser-ious cases. 500 29, " Sore Mouth, Canker 51) jj, ' I'rlnary W tikuo., wotting boL-50 31, " I'alnfiU Period", wjla cijiasms 50 32, " Snfferlug at change of uf0 ,iuo 33, " EptUpy, dpasms, tiL Vitus' Dance JOG J4, " IMpiherla, ulcerated oro throat. 5U FAMILY CASES Of 30 to 00 Large vlala, morocco or roicnaod ease, cuuialulng a apcclUo for every ordinary tit sense a family In aubjeet to, and book." of direction, ...from 810 to 933 Smaller Family and Travel-lug Travel-lug coses, with 20 to 28 vials, fromfO to 96 Specific fur all Private IHs-eaites, IHs-eaites, both for Curing and for and PocJtot oases 9'4 to 93 Poud's Extract, Cures Burns, Unities, Lamenen, Sorcncii, More Throat, bprnlna, Toothache, Enracuc, Xeuralgla, Kheumatlsm, Lumbago, Plle,Uull9, Ntlng, ho re Fyes, Itleedlng of the Lungs, Noac, "tomach, or of Pile) Corn, Clcera, Old eorea. Price, 0 ox.. 50 cent") Pint", 91.JVO Quarts, 91.13. aw Those roinodios, eicopt POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, by the caso or singlo box, are sent to any part of tho country, by mail or express, free of charge, on rocoipt of the price. Address, Ad-dress, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, No, 502 Bhoadwav, Nkw YoKK. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's Drug Store. 8 SPECIAL ADVEllTISEMEMS FOIl SALE. ryWO CAR LOADS CALIFORNIA WORK A Mixes, at Willard .t Orr's stable. Eor particulars apply to T. K. Jo.nkj, or to the man in chnrge. so20 POARDERS WANTED, GOOD ACCOMODATION FOR THREE or Four (iontlomon Boarder, in a small private family on tho Townsond Block. Aimiy at tho Fourteen lb Ward Store sc22 WASTED. rpWO BLACKSMITHS, TO WHOM Lin-1 Lin-1 oral wages will bo paid. Aiii)y tu tho Rooky Mouiituin Coal Co., at U. C. DoioU A FEW tlOOD MINERS CAN FIND steady employment and Rood wages, at tho Emma mino. Nono but steady men wanted. want-ed. Apply at tho mine, to s27 VILLAS WILLLVMS, Supt. 4 ( WOOD CHOPPERS. FOR AMERICAN 1 J lork and 1'rovo Canyons- Terms mado known on application to tho undersigned- For Amor icon lork, Air. Kelly. Citv Hotel, American Ameri-can i'ork. For Provo, F. Bough. Provg, or K. Cameron ,t Co., alt Lako City, two doors north uf M'ulkor lloiiio, up-stairs. e!7 A FEW fiOOD TAILORS. APPLY TO Joii.t TiYLon k. Buo., Morchant Tailors, Commercial fcuoeu soJu' A SEWING MACHINE Ol'ERATOR. AND V AFiritit. Apply at tho "Bit; Boot." ID Eait Temple, ttrect. b21 INFORMATION A3 TO THE WHFREA-L WHFREA-L bouts or address of Robert Lowiu and John Emerjon, who loft Ennland in lelS lor 1 Au.-traliu, and who ate now supposed to bo in Calilurnia or L'tnh Address J. A., box 171, Post Othce, iall Lako City. pJU DR.GROVES, TJortilast. OlBoe, Second South Street. Three doort weal of tJreat Wjtern Hotel, half a block east of Klephant titore. Salt Lake Uuj - OB rm a.a. la i p.B. all 31US1C. w;i-:i.Eirr in'stht-cthns for ymno 3 I. ii n.i in Voen nnd ln-tnimentnl Music by Mi" 1Iu.i:m 0. li.im.iflskl. (diuithtcr of M:ij. .J-t. H.Thmki or tliii nlv.) Remdenr-e t ir-t South street, opiKjito SU Murk'n Chuttbt (017 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT UKf THEATRE Saturday Ev'g, Sept. 28, 12. REVIVAL EXTRAORDINARY FIRST APPEARANCE In a number of months, of tho farorito Suit Lake actor Mr. d. Mckenzie. Who will nppeur as Jacob McCloskey. Miss Jean Clara WALTERS S 7. O F. . Mr. J. C. GRAHAM, for tho Grst time as WALKM SCUODEK- (iRAND RE-PRODUCTION FOR THIS NlliliT ONLY, of tho ever pojtular drama, entitled the OCTOROON. To co no 1 ml o with tho Intishiiblo burlento, entitled BOIYIBASTES FURIOSO. Tuesday Evening, Oct. 1st, 1872, BENEFIT OF Mr. W, T. HARRIS. NOTICE.-On and after MONDAY, September Septem-ber ;Wth,lS72, the Doors will open at 7 o'clock, Curtain will riao at 74 o'clock. The Best Stock of Candies AT II. WAJLI.AUK'S. Nuts, Raisins, Figs and Dates AT H. WALLACE'S. Canned Mackerel A Specialty AT If. WALLACE'S, GENUINE ANCHOVY SAUCE AX II. W ALLACE'S. ENCLISH BISCUITS AT H. WALLACE'S. CRACKNEED'S BISCUITS AT. If. WALLACE'S. CHOSS BLACK WELL'S PICKLES At II. Wallace's. All KlndM of Jnm,, JellteM, unci Pre lrrve, at If. WAI.LACE'N, so2S Flrxt Mouth Street. JOSEPH ORLIXSKIt ! CIVIL ENGINEER, - U. S. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SURVEYOR SUR-VEYOR FOR UTAH, Office: First South Street, nearly pppwito St- Mark's Church. scJ-i SHESP. FULL-IILOOD KENTUCKY COTSWOLD, Dreodina Buoks and Ewes, fully pedi- Feod. rocontly importod. for salo bv '1L-UKD '1L-UKD WOODRUFF and LORIN FAKR. Pricos reasonable and terms convonicnt 8 15 Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company. LOCATION OF WOItltS: Little Cot-touwood, Cot-touwood, ll&U Territory. Notice. Thcro aro dolumucnt. upon tho following described Stock, on account-of As-?p5inent As-?p5inent levied on tbo 14th day of August. 17J, tho several ninounU set opposite tho names of tho respective- Shareholders as follows: NAMES. ij J Am't- 5 MiclleuiaaJ.il. I b 100 10 00 liidlouian J. D. , , S 100 10 t0 Didleman J. H. O'J ; 50 5 00 B idle man II. J. tW , SMX 2W 00 Bidloman IL J. W ' 10OO 100 00 liidloman 11. J. (w , 500 50 I H) Uidlomnn 11. J. 00 ' 2-') 2r 00 Coburn S. A. 18! St) 5 00 Coburn S. A. H i 50 5 00 Coburn S. A. 1-5 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. ; Iti 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. 1" I UK) 10 00 Coburn S- A. , 1$ , 100 10 00 Coburn 3. A. 19 ) 100 10 00 Livcrmoro II. 0. -il I 2.XW 200 00 Raymond Henry H . 2-W i"i 00 Havmond Henry " ' 45 3o0 Z 00 Hnyuiond Henry 4fi I iVJ 2" 00 Ravmond Henry ' 47 . SrO 2-S 00 Raymond Henry 1 4S 2-W li 0 Havmond Henry 1 49 , 21 ii 00 , Raymond Henry '50 1 Z'f Si 00 Raymond Henry : 51 2-"J '2S 00 TiKien Thomas '52 20 00 Tilden Thomas ; 53 . 2W 2l 00 TildenThoma , , 54 ' 2) a) on Tilden Thomas 55 3W 20 00 Tildon Thomas .W . 2o0 20 Do Tilden Thomas 57 I 20 1X1 Tildon Thomas 5S , 2i 20 00 Tildon Thomas I 59 j 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas I 60 i 2"0 20 00 i Tilden Thomas i 61 i 2oo 20 00 Washburn C A- , 1" 000 so oo Washburn C. A. 1 2J 510 50 IM , Washburn C. A- SI i &)0 50 00 Washburn C. A. 2:1 ; JiW 10 nt 1 Washburn C. A. 1 25 ' 50 5 00 Washburn C A. i 27 1 50 5 00 Waahburn C. A. 2S 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. ' 20 2,3 y 50 Washburn C. A, ' W V U 50 Washburn 0. A, 31 a" 1 50 Washburn 0. A. , 32 ' 2-3 I 2 50 Yjrgin i. J. (unissued) 3050 : 4'7 50 And in accordance with law, and an order of tbo Hoard of Trustees, made on the 14th day of Aucu't, 1S72, so many sharos of oaeh parcel of said Stock as rany bo necessary, will bo sold at public auction at tho ollico of tho Company, Ruom 5, No. U'2 Muntitomory Street. Snn Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on Saturday, tho 12th day of Uctoberi 11ST2, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, to pay snid delinquent Assessment thereon, toROtber with costs of Advertising and QSpqnso il 'rilo- WM; II. WATSON, Secretary. OITieo: Room 5, No. M2 Montgomory Street, San Francisco, California. se22 NOTICE. ALL l'KRSONS WHO HAVK CLAIMS auainst tho Kstato of IIEMAN COLTRIN, COLT-RIN, decoa-sod, aro required to present tho I samo for adjustment according to law. Persona Per-sona knowing themselves indebted to said Estato aro ro'iuesled lo settle immodiatoly. S.UIAH COll'lUN, Solo Executrix. Bountiful, Davis County, U.T. Soi'tembcr liith, 172- tti ASSIGNEES SALeT T'HE ADJOURNED SALE OF LOT SEVEN Dloek 101, Plot A, Salt Lako City survov; as aL-o nf South Hull uf Lot 4, Illuck 117. Pint A; and tho South Hair of North Half ul"L"t 4, DIock 117, Pint A, will tnko plaeo Suturdav, Soi.tomber 21'th, lb72, at 2 u'cluek p.m-se22 p.m-se22 JO. 1JOHDLN, Af.-i(.-noo. n. k. RKKD. C, 3, KJ.tU, REED & KING, AUCTION AND CCMMISS1UN MERCHANTS, 3Pir".ST SOU TH M'Jt'IOffl HIT, Wont of liimbn.ll t Ln wrence'it, HALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash advances mado on consign monts. u.'l GROUXD TO RENT. TWO HUNDRED FEET FRONT BV twenty-six feet deep, in lots to suit, on tho new street just opened out to Edward Martin's house, oppoaito tho southern wing of tho Tuwnsond llouao. Emiulro on tlio promises of eelb ROBERT L. CAMPBELL. NOTICE ! Dr.T.P, P. VAN DENBERGH WILL leare Salt Lako City on Sopt. 15th for San 1 runcisco. and will roturn on or about tho 5th of October nest, and then bo will locate hero pormanenOy. He would respectfully re-spectfully inform the citizens of Salt Luko City and i'tuh Territory that ho will continue to pructico his Medical and SutRical l'n'fc?ion in every branch ; ti furty-ono years oxtenaivo expirience in bis prulVniion. in Euroe nnd the I nitcd States, should bo a guorantco ol his ability. Office, opposite Theatre, Salt Lako City. sl3 Dissolution of Partnership. -MlK CO-l'RTNKItSHIP LATELY FX-1 FX-1 isriMi between Konol A Uddurd. liiiur- ham Cnnytin. bus this d.iv been di-(dved bv . mutual cun.-ent, Mr. lmiiliro M.-rrii h:ivin'K btjuK tt out tbo Intercut ull' rod. J. Keii.-I in iho late firm. Iho n-w i,rm 0f Mt-rria A (iuddurd n--uiiJM all liabilitioi and pnvs all dbw r well as collwta all outstanding duo tbo late firm. , KEISEL A nnDPAHD. M AlOlUUb Jt UODDAUD. I SepL 16, la72. ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co., SAINT XOXTTd, Manufneturen and A cent IGRIFI'LTIIRIL GOODS. uardwsn Specialties, WIUTKWATKK H'Afi'lv, Office ka Samrlu: 13 SOOTH MAIN STREET. Warehouse o,yI 111. 116. 118 KLM BTRKBT. HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEN Manufaoturert and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BKNT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. 5 19 North H. In ttre.t, mrl9 PT. LOUIS. HO. ARB UMDOCBTItDLT THE Cheapest to Buy, Beet to Use, Easiest to Sell, and never fall to give entire satisfaction. JIAVIPff A FULL STOCK OF COOKING & HEATING STOVES FOB THE USE OF BOTH WOOD AND SOFT COAL, AND ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE WANTS OF THE WESTERN PEOPLE Wears prepared to flU order promptly at prices that will be satisfactory sat-isfactory to the trade. Oar stock, and nstortmtnt of STAMPED, JA-PASSKDand JA-PASSKDand FHESCH WARE, and TINNERS' Stock la one of the largest larg-est In the Meat, and tvs GUARANTEE GUARAN-TEE Ol'R PRICES as low as the same class of gtvods can b purchased anywhere. any-where. New Prlcs-Unts now idr. Addrssst EXCELSIOR MFG. CO., 612 & 614 Main Street , ST. LOUIS, WO. $300000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by State Authority and Draw D in Public in St, Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class J, ts b Drawn Oct 30, 1879. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. 1 prise of 850.0001 0OOpriEsof9 100 1 prize of 13,430 9priieof 1,000 lpr.ie of 10,000 Spriioaof SOO 1 priee of 7,500 9prix-of 300 4 prices of S.OOOj 9 priiw of 9&0 4nriEMOf S.500' 36priiMof SOO 90 prises ot I.OOOl 36 priwaof 150 JlOpritesof 000' lSOpriteiot JOO 40pHiMof 950 5,000 priiwof 10 Tickets, tlO. Half Tickets 5. anarters, 89.8 0. Our totteHn sro chsrterd bj the SUU, sra slvsji drsvn si tbo lime named, end ell drswing sr nndor the lupemiloD aTavom cemmluloaera. The officisl dmwiog will be published in the St. Loois pepen, end s copj esnt to parchsMrs of Utt"ti. sy We will druw e similar scheme the last dsy of ertrj month dnriQc th year 1S72. a Remit st onr rink by POST OlC MOSKY 0RDKR8, BJtQ 1ST K RED LETTSR, DKAKT, or EXPKKS8 Send for s clrco 1st. Ad. drwts M URRAVi MILLER A Oa Post Office Box a 46. ST. L0DIS. Mo. mrl7 ..a a CO LO o H 1 P3 PQ iT" 1-3 Eh . -1 Ph g 1 C?Z CO t I & 4 W I m ttt r r- Q -S r o iu : f d E P" & 9 m " O hi o o z a T -s s Q . I, g.S n J O 8 3 5 0 -I I i,i V- S" " 2? g o i i q i : - i a S X a CAUTION. tjik rrni.ic is riKitKiiv cavtionkd 1 nwutri'i I'nj ihk liny uf my Troi-orty. or anv ftioxU, Iri'in uiy iff. Kliialmth iirca'. flci', KU1U-KT UltEA V ES. IltOA fc COAL. ii:n hocksof natihnai. wkalth, !- I mil nii.l L'.inl. I'lu-UivliaU call un mc, 1 uirn iu 1 will dn ulo AUilrcas, N. M. DLA1R. 1U I'.O. Box ISO, Sail LakftCHy.'V ' AVe, the nndcrsisued citizens of Salt Lake City liercby certify that our families are using the COLBY WASHEH, CHAS. W. STAYNER, that it cives entire satisfaction. IT WASHES CLEAN; NEVER BREAKS BUTTONS; DOES NOT INJURE IN-JURE THE CLOTHES; CAN BE HANDLED BY A CHILD, and is certainly the best we have seen, H. K. WH1TNKY, President's Office. W. C. DUNBAR, Herald Office. WILLIAM FULLKR, Herald Office. B. H. YOUNG, 13th Ward. J. NICHOLSON, Dos. News Office. JOHN E. EVANS, Herald Office. Clias. Stayner, IVEXT TO SAVAGE'S GALLERY, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. WALKER BRO'S. CUN'NIXOTON A CO I Walker Bros & Go., WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IX WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Have a splendid stock: of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, CASE LIQUORS AND BITTERS, , AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we ofler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. H. CU1TER and S. T. Suit & Co's 'celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au21 One door East of Elephant Store. BLINK BOORS, STATIONERY, SEWING MACHINES. IB fSS IS CALDER & SEARS. IE TL TXT O , We ar Ajrentj for tho ARION, STEINWAY & SONS, CUICKERINQ & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respeouully invite our Patrons and the Public to call and examine oar stock of the abovo named instruments. We are also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Whioh wo have proved beyond all doubt to be the best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTKY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest fc'tock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STdDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of PIASOS, ArCORPEOSN. rOCERTIAN, iMirnr.E n IKS EN, OKJANf, IttKI,OII.V.S, VIOI.K KI.I.ON, SVAlti: DKl .TIS, Vll,t,i, (illT.lKS, Fl, M.KOLEri'N, U .j4 IHttWS, BAA J OA, ILC IIAS, I'll'OLaS, VIOLA-, Etc., Etc. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Piano Ntonli, Vlalln Strlngri, nltar Strlngi, Violin FnrnUhlngi, Cinttnr 1'nrnlslilitf;, Aocortlcon Fiimtuhliipii. ltrlim EurnlHiifi, Tuning forks mid l'lpc, Mttalc Pnper, HlnnU imlc llonk. nnd Cnrtls, Miect Music, Imtruotlou ltookt for nil ImtruiutuU, Etc., Etc., Ktc, W aave soourcd tho eorricoa of lYofcssor Carelow. so long and favorably known in this community, com-munity, that our patrons may havo tho benefit of his prut'c&Monul jcrvicw in lukin thoir ccloclioD uf imtriuucou and musical muichanoio. BOOKS STATIONERY. Our Stock consists io iiart of The Publication of th American Tract Nnclrly. Miiorllnrnui and Rtib -tcrltitloii llooki, Ulnnk ltookt of all drscrliXloua, Inkilnudi, M rltlng Ink, Mtrrl IVin, In Krrnt -larlcry, I'm llolilrrt, lrncil, Enfiltill Potktt Eulvei and Sclori, Jlnnn'i Patent Parchment Copying llooka) all qualm os and ivcihtsol' m MiZmrn c: -m. Not, Letter, Cup, Bill, Lrgnl, 'lt ( ap, Folio rott, French Note, Initial Not, Envelope, all iits and qualities, 1 ard Ilonrd, all colorn, Fortlgu Tlaau Paper, ail color, Jraivlng Pnprr, llrawliig Uouk, SCHOOL FUK.lBllI.UH OF EVERY 1 E S C K I P T I O N , SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. W0 havo a larya and splendid assorted ttock of Cards and Hooks from tho larcti Publishing llouao of T. Nelson i ons, which wo ollor at their regular Wholesale and KeUil prices. L. PRANG & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. lUvimrbr-en nppointr.l Solo Apenta for I'tah. for Iho sr.lt of their niflcnilVonl Cards and R.M,ks for ,Vh.-.H and lor I U I urK-r. iro nro i.r.r.ir.-,l famuli tlio Tni.l- and ,,-li.-..l Com-milicos Com-milicos from our Block olchoicoeolocuona ni iho l'uolishors Wholwaleand lietail pricw, THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectfully invito tho l'uWie to call and examino onr Sewing Machines boforo purchaaioR elsowhcre, which wo claim to he the best, cheapest, and tu.wu durablo in tho market. W'c suaranteo every Machine wo seil to pivo entire mtiataouon. All aro warranted lo sew, with perleet ease, Ikuver. Uuckint, Jickin, Denims, Domestic, Cambric, i.iuen, Muslin, Law, So., and W i a ii""'! Ur,ic1' liind' CorJ' tlicr in '" "I" " kmds of work. A rU- j rart guarautco given with caoh uiaohiuo. lustruotious I'reo by an ciport on tho proinisoa, ,j MISCELLANEOUsT" i,rL.r .T..Lt ".., VI'KKI.E Si JiiIIVmiv, Vitl .lrvnie dmlun- In Staple aid Fancy GROCEiliES, IIQU Hi. KOU ND BltON, u';, 1 Council Bluffs, la, iola AkodIs Tor tho Oriental and Ohk. my28 Powdar Comranie. uar""i THIS WELL KNOWxiiuxiT -OF- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT Grocery Department. U. B. CLAWSOX , 8t W.T.REYNOLDS k CO., K. B.ZAItm.ti, Sao yranoisoo. tjiUt Lk. Cu, WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE i CO. 1IAVI TOR SALE A FINE LINE Or WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AOESTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGIIT AVUISKIES. THE FINEST 3 1 IN THE CITY CONNEOTED WITH THE HODSE. 64 MAIN STREET! Two dean aouth of Wells, Farf C'i Bank. Dii ;Furnaceiueii, Atteution. A 1 Fire Brick, SCOTT, DUNHAM ICO. A J.SIITS TO THf GOL.DICJI CITV PIRIC BEC1CK WhIo arc qaal if not superior toft Soenisi ratal riren hr the oar lod MUSIC I MUSIC! MUSICAL KSTRUMKTO Of ail kindj, Lncludins the BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNE3 & SON, First South Street, Two doors cast of Uodbe's Dm; Si:n. angU STOCKHOLDER'SIYIEETING T11E FlllST ANNUAL MEKTISti li THE "EMMA HILL CoaaolldBted Mining I'ompanjV Location of work?, "Little Cottnooj.?t" Lake County, Territory oi L'tat." kt t--. t." lion of Trustees fur tho enduing year. transaction of such other bu'iness a mi.' ' before tho meeting, "ill bo held at the-:--the company, No. oU2 Montgomery itii':.-u Francisco. California Kooui H on ilj-A October 7th, l&T:', at o'clock m- L C. r'OWl.LK, Scckut San Francio, Sopt- 21, I Herd's Tom WapSjri This it tha beat Waon Spring ia tub t wai awarded the FIRST PBKJIIl'a BEDAl erer the Elliptic and all other ecwK''"1 u the American Ioetiiute in the city ci" Tor, in November, 1 i70 ltis no tji1' plied by the WaU LIKk'AKTM KS 1 ernment Waironi going oa Ine Plata It la Lighter, It ocenptu leaa Kpace, It rKlaea tlic Va;o J" than any other Spring, a-d it otilii" most porfec; meaus of eluti ia- i-namely i-namely the torsi n principle, otrrjui ci'y from X), to i'," ib. v-ti 1 adrantaaea the Spring is tti a: n:?l er price for the same carryioi " any other Spring in use. a ..-r For full particulars appy t 0- a on'l wagon shop, '2a& Sa'.i ttTe,'i, , dor we-t of Wil'ard A OrrVW"" Samples can alo be i I ham A Oo'a. aud at K naa jjX, So'aAgw"- LUMBER All Kinds of Ll'' DOORS, WI'W'S BLINDS, MOULDIS65, SHINGLES, LATHS, " I T. R. JONES i |