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Show PACIFIC COAST JEMS. CALIFORNIA. Professor Agssit has been elected an honorary member of the Mechanic's Institute. Jerry Jones, a San Francisco hoodlum, hood-lum, was fined $400 or 200 days io Lhe county jail, for assault and battery. One Antonio Moralez, who committed commit-ted a robbery recently in Napa, has been arrested and is in jail at San Francisco. The big snake of Calaveras county was seen again at Spring Valley one day last week, and created considerable consider-able excitement. It is rumored that general John F. Miller and senator Wm. M. Stewart are about taking up their residence in Brooklyn, In Oakland lately poundmaster Bennett, Ben-nett, while lassoing a cow, got entangled en-tangled in the rope, was dragged thirty or ibrty yards and considerably injured. The M. hi. conference and orivate subscriptions produoed $40,000 toward an endowment fund for the College of the Pacific of that church. Miss A. Swetland, who has been a teacher in the public schools of Peta-lnma Peta-lnma since July, 1867, has been compelled com-pelled to resign her position on account of failing health. The vein of gold quart recently discovered dis-covered near Fort Tejon, siity miles fro:u Santa Barbara, gives $260 per ton, on an average. A mill is to be erected at once, for working iL The San Francisco board of supervisors, super-visors, at their session on Monday night, adopted the Ravenswood bridge compromise, and rejected the North Pacific and Santa Cruz railroad tub-sidy tub-sidy propositions. Coionel Linden of Oakland, has succeeded suc-ceeded io getting over 1,3U0 names appended to the petition for the removal re-moval of the couniy seat of Alameda. It is reported that one of tne female attaches of the California theatre took a dose of laudanum several days Bince with suicidal intent. A stomach pump lin the hands of Dr. Miller saved her from the consequences. J. Hubbard of Vallejo, has io his possession a petrified potato, which was picked up at North Beach. It is a very singular curiosity, retaining the exact appearance, even to tha "eyes," which it possessed in a vegetable state. Alfred A. Mace, attorney at law, was arrested recently in San Francisco ou a charge of assaulting and beating his wife. Mrs. Mace, the wife of the attorney, was arrested on a charge of making an assault on Meroedes Camelo. Dr. Shurtliff, of the insane asylum. was a witness in the trial of Mrs. Fair, r Tucfcday, and, after listening to all tht - testimony which had been adduced tc prove her insane, declared it as his ( opinion that she was perfectly sane when she shot Crittenden. Joseph Edwards, of Petaluma, was drugged and shanghaied in San Francisco Fran-cisco recenily. He was takon on board the bark "Sonoma," about to sail for Liverpool, and while unaware of what by was doing induced to sign seaman's articled He was formerly a composi-ton composi-ton in the "Crescent" otfice. It is a fact ellknown to many in this county, says i. 0 Mendocino "Democrat," "De-mocrat," that the j.'dians on the Round River Valley rcst,."v,tion ar literally Btarviog to death. 'ete are but few or no acorns this season, the very scant supply of food doled ou to the Indians by the reservation au- tborities is not sufficient to keep soul and body together. HJCVADA. Piutt-s about Austin ask $50 a cord to saw wood. They don't saw much. A lady ot Humboldt has just reaohed that town, having journeyed by horseback horse-back from Baker city, Oregon. A Sohellburn citizen on Monday swallowed a full set of teeth. He was at a surprise party. The "Escaped Nan" is now lecturing lectur-ing in most "chaste language" m White Pine. Some people believe all she says. Mrs. Geo. Shaw, wife of the sheriff of Logan county, died at Dayton, on Tuesday. Cornelius Buckley, sentenced from Lander county, Maroll 16th, 1870, to three years imprisonment, for assault to rob, has been pardoned. The funeral of Peter Larkio, at Virginia, Vir-ginia, on Tuesday, was largely attended. at-tended. The Virginia "Chroniole" advises everybody to hear Edith O'Gormao. "Le bon ton styles of New York" are displayed in Eureka millinery establishments. es-tablishments. Local politics continue to fire the hearts of all Nevadans. A large fire rages in the mountains west of Carson. Pioche is to hava. ir TT,milt not only a new telegraph lino, but also a daily stage and a daily mail. Pioche is to have Maxim gas works. Bullionville has a Grant club. The jury, in the trial of Courtney for tho murder of Sullivan, in the Piocho district court, gavo a verdict of not guilty. Courtney has been rearrested upon charge cf murder in Storey county. OREOS, C. A correspondent says Hillsboro has received a new invoice of famil-ica. famil-ica. William Davidson, a well known real estate agent of Portland, has been put into the insane asylum. The old building at (he Dalles belonging be-longing to the Dalles Woolen mil company will be used for a grist mill," Forest Grove is still pushing improvements. im-provements. This town bids fair to become one of the finest localities to bo found in Washington county. Persons bringing fever and ague with them from the east divest themselves them-selves of it in forty-eight hours after their arrival on Paget Sound. The clam diggers of Pugct Sound are in ecsucies, owing to the low tides, which eoablo them to procure the bivalves with facility. Chinamen are pouring into Olympta by droves from the Northern Pacifio railroad work, from which they have been discharged. The proposed wagon road to Grand Ronde valley from Summerville is be-ine be-ine agitated, and it is probable work will be commenced upon it this season. A directory of the present Oregon legislature shown that every member of the senate is either a married man or a widower. There are only seven sinrle men in both houses. Owing to the many cases of dead bodies found in the river and elsewhere within the past year, the papers are advocating the establishment of a morgue in Portland: A Walla Walla paper says: "Immigration "Immi-gration is still pouring into this portion por-tion of the Territory, the great bulk of which goes north of the Snake river, to settle upon the vacant government lands in that locality. The region is specially adapted to stock raisiDg." A collision occuiTed Tuesday on the Oregon and California railroad, near Kopeburg, between two contrrjction : trains, by which five or six ChiDamen wer killed, a car smashed to pieces, and the locomotives damaged slightly. , |