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Show PiCIFIC COAST 5EWS. CA.HrOK.MA- Mosquitoes of mora than ordinary fe-roaity fe-roaity swarm io Hayes Valley. A child of Mr. Bradshaw, of Capelle valley, Napa county, died last week, from eating poisoned melon. At the late base ball game in San Francisco the NeTadaa scored 31.27 and the San Francisco Eagles 82.27. The old Presbyterian church, on Mission Mis-sion street, San Francisco, is being crumbled by the tooth of time and brick-bats are hurled through the windows win-dows by the hoodlums of the locality. Santa Cruz is wakinj op to the importance im-portance of a railroad connection with Watsonville. Oer $100,000 have been feubscribed, and it is thought the work will commeDoe this season. It is to be a narrow-gauge road. Alonsieur Peri, of Marysrillo made an exhibit of hia large case of California Califor-nia birda at the Cbico fair. These birds were embalmed by the Crane process, pro-cess, and look aa natural as if perched upon twigs of the native forest. Judge X L. Brown, of Lavisville, step-father of L Steel, died at Davis-ville, Davis-ville, October 5th, at the advanced ape of 68. The deceased was an old Sacramento pioneer, having crossed the plains to this State in 1849. A. S. Hailidie, president of the Mechanics' Me-chanics' institute, in a lecture delivered lately, expressed the opinion that the great number of vagabod boys is due lo the unfair restrictions upon apprentices ap-prentices demanded by Trade unions. P. Fcsler, a well known teamster, engaged in driving freight tearua from Marysville to the mountains the last sixteen years, and only known to many by his sobriquet "Big Pete," died in that city October 3rd of pneumonia. The deceased was aged 31 years, and a native of Virginia. Ah Hong was on hia way to evening prayers at, the Chinese temple on Sun-jay, Sun-jay, when he Baw Frank Livingstone lying drunk in adoorway. Hong paused, acd gazing upon tho prostrate Caucasian, Cau-casian, murmured: "Will 1? or will I not? That is the question. WhethoritiB Nobler in the Mongolian mind To allow this fellow to snooze on Or t... Hist.nrh his filunihnrs hv stflnHnir his boots. Aye! there's the rub. .For If he should wake I should go to the jug." Hong pondered thia question long, and concluded to take cbanoes on the awakening of Livingstone, he accord' inyly pulled off the boots. The inanimate inani-mate form never stirred, and Hodc was 60 far encouraged that he pulled off Livingstone';) pants, and then departed. depart-ed. Livingstone subsequently awoke, and reported his loss to an officer, who arrested the Chinaman and recovered ibe boots and pants. Ah Hong wiil soon soliloquize in the County jail. S. F. ''Chronicle." NKVADA. The Eureka "Sentinel" says that jolly old joker, Jim Nye, is still slashing slash-ing around the country, with an eye to the main chance, Arirginia oity a?ks who wants a girl thoroughly versed. Austin calls for one timed io rhyme. The Pioohe "Record" devotes a Suodny supplement to its citizens wanting want-ing office. J. W. Woodruff of Gold Hill lost his pants and $80 oh Thursday night. Burglars. On Tuesday Carson mi at trained $12,000 in gold quarter eagles. The Virginia city base ball Pilgrims were beaten by the University olub of Oakland. At the Pbenix smelting works on i Tuesday an explosion of gas demolished the blower and scared the engine, but did no other damage. Kendall and Goodwin, candidates for congress, will oanvas the State together. to-gether. Spring Mount mine, last Saturday, had two blasts at tho bottom of a 300 feet shaft. One hanging fire the workman were going down to enquire the cause when the explosion occurred clevatiDg their ideas and smoking their faces but doing no other damage. Eureka has a mysterious murder, a Chinawoman, on Tuesday, being shot through the heart, while sitting in her house. No clue to tbo assassin has been found. Tho new furnace of tho Phoenix company is running successfully. Senator Stewart made a political speech at Piper's opera house Virginia oily, last Saturday. OKEGON, (to. A Chinese lodge of Masons has been organized at Oregon City. The sleiinicrs on Paget Sound are said to be ruli ot passengers and freight. A large number of new buildings are in course of construction at Seattle. Snow is reported six inches deep in the Blue mountains, on the Meaobam toad. The Democratio Territorial convention conven-tion at Olympia, is reported to have been a signal failure. A couple of cows devoured a lot of eggs belonging to S. D. Pope at Oregon Ore-gon City. Tho "Enterprise" says so. Newaukum, tho name of the new railroad town near Claquato, is defined to mean "gently flawing waters." A man named McEroy, while hauling haul-ing logs on Snohomish river, had his foot bo oruahed that amputation was necessary. Work is being done on the Albany and Santiam canal. It is expected three milos will be completed before winter. A saloon at Albany has been closed by the sheriff because the proprietor permitted gambling to be done there. Two persons, Charles Brown and Alexander Keid, broke jail at Albany on last Thursday and escaped. They i were in Jail to await their trial tor stealing a span of horses and a buggy, j Tho "State Rights Democrat" says: There waq on exhibition at the Albany ; county Fair some fine specimens of stone-coal, from the Beaver coal mine, north of Lebanon, in the forks of the Santiam. A party nomcd Brown was arrested on the Albany Fairgrounds, on Satur- ; day of last week, by some of the mar- j shals, charged with gambling. Upon , trial he was found guilty of trie charge, : and fined $112 fine and costs which : he forked over- j |