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Show mASQNlC. Arnn(a Lodge, No.U. A. V. A, M, ST.ATKI) Coiumunii.'ntiuns of this Lodo belli "ti IliO hni anil Kurd '1 iiosilii) t ewh uionlli, at Masonic Hall, Ka.it lotnilo ilruut. Mumbora of tiint or Lodtioa and ao-iinirninK ao-iinirninK brutUrun in guud at&ndiog are our-toH,.!. our-toH,.!. A. w. NUCK0LS. W. M. W.Il. 1UKD. Soc'v. tli I'tali 1'linpler) 1, Jt. A. W, uTATKl) CONVOCATIONS OP THIS O L'liiu-iwr hold at Mofiifiic li all, Ko9t Tom-l-lo MiuL't. tho Fir.1t and'iliirJ baturdaya of ou.'h uiunth, at buU-iniat aovon o'clock p. m., hlitini. tijuuroiiiK conuioniona in tjowd slaod-Iuiiaiocoidiullj' slaod-Iuiiaiocoidiullj' invito J. Til E0. F. TUACY. IT- P. T. E. t."UJUECV,6oorinry. tti MEAT AND COAL Urn WARD C0-01'EKATIVK SI K ATJM Alt Iv ET & COAL DEl'OT, ls( Smilli Sl.,'Ml. ith cO 7(l Eosl Si. Wo will oiion thu nbovo il aco on Saturday, May 24th, 1873, "Antl will kfopci'n.'lanlly on hand tho very boat Cl'TS Ol'.CllUlCK (MEATS, CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, I Wo am rrrarcd ( furni'li coal in nny drnrnliloiinaniitiy.dolivorcil lo nil i'rt' tho c iv. liivuiuta trial and wo will su "ran too fMti3t'uctivn. ...... J. 1,. (HU NPHAND.Prost. I'Al L Pl'AllK, bupt II WALLACE, WHOLESALE ANU:HEI,UL CONFECTION E R, rir.t SoutU Stro.t, Halt I.akoiClty. Kjiksii; PI Ed. CAKES. CKACKEHS, Aid CKEAMICAKEd, KVKUY DAY.S WEDDINC CAKES Mndo toIOrdor. II1IS HBAVlli-C AND BSit ASSOKIKD STOCK OF l'l'RB C A N D I E S IN 1UE TE1UUT0KV, Cyujilry ilealors shouU cll uij oiftmino. OUANtiEa AN D LEMONS. SrociAl AUontioa Vftid to Onion. SPRINGPEpG SA8I1, 1001W, BliLXPS M0ULD1NUS l'U'KKTfl, SHINGLES, LATH, UKUWOOU, RlKiAK TUNE, I lil't'lvEE, And all kindd of BUILDING MATERAL IN El'LL STOCK AT LJTIMER, TAYLOR &C0S I LUMUKK VAKD AND SASll AND DOOR t'AOl'Ulik. On" HI K.t ol Uoi'ot. niaioU HENRY WACENER, Salt Ika Ctt-, l'tlx, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I.AtJEB ItKKR, Al.E Al nKTERt WKftLr3Lrt t i-nil SKiM.Nl) SnT i'U STKKSf. thDa do.im ASl SAN FSAKUoOlt HOTELS' LICK i G USE, Ctrraor M-jni-vaicrj aid 311;. ;:;ti. SAN FRANCISCO, Tho "1,-cV f.fTcr' uc;'jri a-'-e-l acM-cimo'la-Ih'O for 'loari-'W, Lvii: ecr.tril Ivcatu-i acd aavinic ii-jr; cr; irail lifjol li..,-city ix-i-m; U d'iUr. in ri,'jL.i ar.i ci'.m are un-&iiiallcd un-&iiiallcd ;ur ejf.Jri. w-;io i-j br- ;r.- Uill ii aeii.n.jwledihl Uj o.j tho in.;; elL-.-ar.t rovto ui iu kind in Amtrija, or trie C-jiudcel Iu C'ji.-LTio Is tx:z-i to no ir.:-tiiu:ion of iu kind; every luxury ui tee caj j.rei axwl by the aMa-t o: c.j..;:; bei.-.;r u,uiy i !a:ei on its table, In lact tho "Li'--" Jii to the 'ioans: a hums, wh-re every attnti .a is tuarantoeJ for the eou;:urt of ils ifj.---j triat ilo n. .-t careful judifiaeot of ex.urivcti iiica 1X1 weir e eral caliiiiti, tin auid. taiio MORTON HOUSE, pjsi" s rnet r, abcv: KcahniY, BAS jTr'ilANCISCO. The beit accomrnoiiition" Kuaxantced, L'cuu.jQ coiitral Terms, to i.3U per Dnjr. W. G. Graham, fir29 1'rofrictor. GRAiU fiO!EL Os Mirket. Vet MoDteosery ftsd Socotid Bltocu. Ait rKAJBCIOCO, I. JOH.SSO & Co., 1-EOPttiiioas. SAN FRANCISG0TRAD7 DALTOS Ac Gil A Y, Commission Merchants ! And wholesale dealers in GREEN AND DHKD FF.UKS OF ALL KINDS, Also Produce, Nuts, etc., etc, nml 4Uti iiitvil at ret-1, bclwttu Washington anil Juckiton, Sun IrautUco. MACONDRAY & CO., IaiiJOrters of CULM & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS 204 and 206 SANSO.ME STltEET Wo are constantly in recoipt of froah invoices in-voices 01 CHINA and JAPAN TllAS, and all doao'riij Lions of Kasi Lmjia and SiiLilTa 1'ko-suce. 1'ko-suce. dB .JOHNSON & BEST, Manulncturcrs of OFFICE DEsKd, BUUK CASKS, WRITING TAJiLKo, biiuW UA&ii6, nnd all kinds of CAl!IiET WORK. Ordora aolicitoJ an! satisfaction guaranteed. guaran-teed. W nreroomg 31 1 lMnc SI MnuufnctO-ry MnuufnctO-ry 117 llurkclsl, ftuu 1 iniiclntu. aprl7 Einstein Bro's & Co., Manufacturers and Iinporlors of BOOTS & SHOES, And dealers in IiKATUEK, i-'INDlNGy, Etc., 4U mul Jl ItA'I'l'KIl Y N'l'KKKT, CO-Oi'LKAlTVE MAHLSLE WOKKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Successors to 0. Gori.) Manufacturers of nndUoaiorj in Monuments, Heacl-jtones, Tombs, MANTEL PIECES. TABLE TOPS, BLAliS, l.Ml'USINU Sloths, 1.1c, at loivoot prices. Particular attontinn paid to pacltinR goods for shipment. Orders rosiieutfully sobcitod. iAl I'luc St., lictwccn Montijamrry nuil kcKruey, I'mut; loc o. nprla' PAPER&STAT10NERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN G. HODGE & CO- Importers, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Stationers. Kocp a full lino of STATIONERY", BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL lionKS, PHINTEKS' STOCU, KO K UlN DELLS' MAlElttAL, U HAl'Pl.NO. LtOUK, and NEWS rAl'EKS, Ac, Jtc. Acent for tlio Carow Compaoy'a superior Lotlor and Flat Papers. Tlio Trado suppliod at loss than Chicago prices, 37. 3:i, and 331 Kacramciito St., Inn 1'rauoUBO. aprlt) JiiTABLISUED 1JO0. Importers of Teas, Fast India goods arid general groceries, 213 ami 215 Front Street, San Francisco- v'2$ Dnlu In Wd. ol SALMON AND HERRINGS All hi Ma o( Drtnl, 8mohd and Plchled Tit eonaUnU; an hand. ' MURPHY.6RANT & CO. ImporVora of Amorttftu and Jfurtvii Staple mill Fancy DRY &QQDS, CALiraHMIA. Call th aaontiori of ti rrs.le to t'ucU laraa ami eDBBBiate iock ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS' WM"h lny are now rcceirine direct from European ManuMct ircrs, cvui-ruiac in pari rriaih nartitoa. Wont 8(l, Wool Plilrt, frepch nrd Germau, IrUh rnch PopUna, Kwiril Cloiba, fftnlit, b!Kk and colored, Valvataaaai Aliaat black and colorad. SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS Auao QLOVES, S.id, Duck. Jrlitt (L.i:o Mi.'4M'.GnU, Hants' Undenvoar And kU kind. Ol Bants' Furnishing 6ooii3, BiMUr,,r. m; lM( In all I bracohM -- W HIi tiooi'i, f-jllnlkeri;lilra, tilrtlna; Llomi. (i1H. whs: (tnl FoitiIi, HTvk, D.rr, TrrkB. Ms-klw md Dojlt'. i... lu. K SANFRANCISCO TRADE. Jclin -pruanca.-S. L. S;inlei"?-C. C- Chapman1 SPRUANCE, STANLEY &. CO., (SiKW-.-'rstsH. Wetter Co. ani J. Sl J. Spraance.j Importer! ft'lioleaaUe Dealt ra In WINES AND LIQUORS, So. 410 Front St.. SAN FHANCISCO. marj L. A- Sandcrion. T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ( Proprietors of La Eipanola Cigar Factory,) Sule Manufacturers of the Celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 113 FRONT STREET, Between Washington and Clay, San. I1 1 a. n o 1 a o o . api5 E. A. FARCO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Braiiies, fines ani Lipors, 310 Front St., cor. Commercial, B. B. xti. j2S SAN FRANCISCO A. W. WHITE & VO.s Coiuinissiou Merchants, And dealara in all kinds of GREEN AND DRIED FRITTS, BUTTER, CUEESE, EGGS, 11 A -M S, ka. Shipping; orders solicited. E. HiTDi5, "1 90 Wathlnffton St., J. 0. Mki.13, bn Franclico. A. W. WHiTtj aprl7 S. P. HOLDEN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 23 SANSOMB STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manntactnrert of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 Jt 220 Buniomt at., Inn Franclico. Nol8WarranSU Now York. 19 S. A. MifiiHlLL BO BEET BAIOHT. MABSUALli A HAIGHT, C0M31ISSI0N MERCHANTS, And Wholosala Doalors in EOOP, BirrTEIt, CHEESK, te.t 30S and 210 Clav Street, ap20 SAN FRANCISCO. NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, having boon legally nppiintod Jiotary 1'ublio by his Excellency Ex-cellency Governor Geo. L. Woods, is nuir pro-i.ared pro-i.ared to atlond to all business connected with tho Ullico. MLninK companies incorporated undor tho law; of Utah. SourchiDR of Records, Cunvoyaneins; and genoral Notarial business attendixl to with accuracy and dispatch. Ullico hours from S a m. until 6 p-in- Office of Truo, Son A Martin, at A'o. VJ Kiiubnll Blocs. april CMAS. "VV. 8TAYNKK, NOTARY PUBLIC, ' Xu.ljr (jualiiied and commuiiA" kw i OlYieo 1st door south of Savage's Photograph jOnllory, Sfilt Lako City. mJ SAVKYOUE MONEY By PurohailnK the WILSDS NEW MDERFEED SEWINB MACHINE. It will do U kinds of work, run easier, is moro durable and ooets from EIUliTEEN TO T1IIHTV-FIVE DOLLARS than any other FIRST-CLASS MACHINE. Calder & Careless, General Agent, . 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where you will also find the LAKGEST.BEST AND.CUE tVPEST , Stock of Musical Instruments io tho Territory. - II. B. HAS. "V'iU A3DERS0.- H. R. MANN & GO,, General Insurancs Agents, FIRE and LIF CAl'lIAL KEl'KliSENItD Tl 50,00 Office in Banking Uoujo of A. W. White i Co. MAIN STllEET, Salt Lake City. Information Wanted Of tie whoreVwit. if livinc.or rrf' of tho d'.h. of 'l.wh"ciwa.in imere.t 10 tlio S'.'-i l.edee. ia N -unrc.-in n'lir. Lear L.k" Minins LM'triot, Liaho, Xorritory. AdJre T. R. MILLER, nivj.t 1 1 'T Po; tot:i,:e. Salt LaXc Cit-. "tTill riRE-CRKK CO." 1'IKK BRICK ! FIRE CEMENT ! FIRE CLAV! OIF Sl'PERIOR QUALITY, roa a.Li ft se. UTAH FIRE-BRICK COM'Y. Standard Ko. I Brick $100 PEK TiUlSVNU. Factory ronur llh Snulli Mvrrt nt ttnli Sinihrrn K- B. Salt lJl" I tt-. tllKrr N. OO Ssln Street. Mr. T. P. ri-. :. f fam- V::V fr;iSi.r.'.Wi.oVi- w ,vai.ir.v.ir,iw:'; :--!! r,f ir. iMt-.x-i.;.! VrYuil.'ivA l.N'. A ALC.N t.. .v.,; ali lir. u ol r'ITiace. HOTELS, ETC. TQWNSEKDHQUSS, SALT LAKE CITL THE LEAD1XG ROTEL O W UTAH. JAMES TOWMEEhO PROPRIETOR, Thii Honsa U eentrally and pleasaaily to-oated, to-oated, well forni.-hed, ani haf acrcniii"-tionjfor acrcniii"-tionjfor 10 foeeu. TIIK PB0PBIET0K.ii now r-reparini te build tareo addition to hi: Hotel, whiih whiMi Unified, will ren xr it the CompleU Ett'ihliihmrnt in the ROCKY MOnmW RKGIOS mil WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE SI K LET, SALT LAKE CITY, "PUIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND X best appointed IIou?e in V;ah Territory, and has accommudatiun for three hundred and fiiiy uucjLs. Street cars and carriages connected connect-ed with the White Sulphur li atlas. Reading i Rooms, containin(t papers from all iinis. Baths, Bar, Tckvraph, Newi and Cigar Stand attached to tho House. IL S. GREELEY. A CO., dov21 Proprietors. TATLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. mrll Q. S, ERR. C. B. 5BLL1S UNION 'DEPOT HOTEL ASD RAILROAD DININC HAUL Situated on Railroad PlnLform, 'Junction Tj.P. and C. P. Railroads, Opilen. Villi, marll EHBiNELLIS, Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, Known as tho Chicago Restaurant, Opposito tho U. P. and C P. R. IL Depot, OGDEN, Utah. PASSENGERS wishins to remain over nfow days can obtain pleasant rooms and lirst Class accommodation. Terms Si. 00 and Si. 50 per ilny. A SAMPLE ROOM attached to tho lloiistv Lunchoa put np'for pascneers. J. B. CZACHERT. apl9 Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, First Class Quist House, ONE BLOCK LAS! Ol:- TUKAUlb. SALT LAKE CITY. Term, $3.00 per Day. Weekly and Ti le Hon rtl nt S enson-11 enson-11 bit Rnlci, J. C. LITTLE, no24 Proprietor. Washington House X laird SjloxatU Ktreet, HALT LAKIS CITY B..ray a.oas,g,p.ri 1 Da.y Board, per week, 0 00 Bedi, per week, - lB0to50 B.di,pr Hlghl - !5 to 50 ..i. - - - Thirty copies Eastern, Wetorn and Local Daily Papers. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second South Street, Suit Lake City, With acapneity for VO kuopK First-claaa accommodation for famihos and travolors. Room Der day from 50c to 11.00. Board per wee! f?.00, WeaXi, OOo. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barber shop and Laundry connetod with tho UoloL Ice foraale. For particulars arply to tho Otlico. SMITH . BIGAZK, myl7 Prowlator. THOUOUCiJIBREU GRAY STALLION Faugli-a-Ballaglil (Clear tiir Way), FoaIocI lOGO. Thin splendid Stallion was Sired by I Lightning and Lightning by LEXINGTON, Hence he is tho Grandson of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on tho Turf. FAUG 11-A-BALLAfi H'S PAM w the cclcbrntcd ira ported Thorotiehbrfd Mare. CICK IA" JOION; Sired by WKTHKliiUr-bv LlVKUroOL by HAMILTOMAN nnd so en down to tho wonderlul Bt-KTON BAKB Mare, ninet.-on prneraiions lhne who "ib t.i imrivve their horw en ec thi-plondid Million at the .!!..; .l Li. 1! Cl..n. n.T-.b-.v,-n corner oi l.th warX ,rrj7 At (iiij ta!'lo. gTTcuTmer & co OHOESUKCK BLOCK, GROCERIES aT Wholesnle ami Ketail. WIMXIW (iliVS Of all Sue. Nc for ci-tti to ar.j r.oi.iMl . aJliKii.vJ VARNISHES Wall KjOj. Best Lir.i id 0:! Pj.'.. FansUia, R.r.l-I ''''CFKIr'-S at irr KtJ. w-..,:o. V :t. v-:: ' " ; , V;''r. '--T art x" ' " 1 d Ola. T ' .-.i Var.;;. L..r... e8ti.mTt.es glve.n. mil A World's Fair on Wheels! Tlio Great Xew York aiulXew Orleans ZGOLCGiGAL AND EQUESTRIAN EXPOSITION! i- 'iV; i - ' U -j j TKAVEUNG OXLT AN'D EXCLUSIVELY BY KAIL! AXD RE QUIRING A SPECIAL TBAI-S OF CARS TO TRANSPORT IT TO EACH POLNT OF EXHIBITION, WILL EXHIBIT AT Sti"t XJaCvlsL.o Oily, "iVeliisl;iv. Thurwdar. l-'riHav and Saturday. ?lny 2Slh, 2!Ih, 30th and 31st, 1ST3. THE VHSEISrL GEOUNDS.1 Now on its annual tour, and positively the largest and finest in the West : A mammoth aeirreeanon, oreanized and equipped especially for the seaon ot 1S7:. TWO 1MMKNSK PAVILLIONS. COVK1UNG AX AcKE OF GKOUXP. AliE RKQU1RKD TO KXHIB1T ITS MAXV DENS OF WILD BEASTS, SAVAGE iMONSXEKS, bright plumaged birds fish-oat-ing birds, and co!lossal circus exhibition. TKCE MEISTAQERIE Contains a Liliputian Elephant, a Mammoth African Tapir, a pair of Roya Bengal Tigers, a diove of Bactrian Camels, a world of 6now white Cockatoos' Llamas, Jaguars, Ocalot and litter of cubs, Afrioan and Asiatic Z.bra, Gnu' a Myl Gara Monflon. Chamois, Ichneumon, Gazelles, Kangatoos, Ibex Mondrills, Chinipanzee, four large Lions, a Lioness, Burk's Cassowary, King Vultures, Sacred Cattle, White Peacock, (pair), Gorilla, Porcupine, Monafoe, Z.irguous ia all over two hundred specimens. THE CIRCUS Embraces over fifty artists for complete list see programme, J. C. Davis' educated troop of dogs and monkeys, a stud of thorough-bred trick and trained Mcnargo horses. A school of educated ponies, a ballet of children, Ptof. Conk-lin Conk-lin and hia den of performing Lions. At 10 a.m., there will appear on the streets THE MOST GORGEOUS AND GRAND STREET PAGEANT first tho magnificent swan band chariot drairn by a norol team of ten dromodarios, Mkmod by a LARGE OPEN DEN OF ANIMALS, I0I.UII'i; T.IONS, Tlr.KRS AND l.kOPAKI.S. TUTS IS A UK. IE A X 11 I' I'WriUTl. L'l' , il' Kl UN TIIK SIDES ANU EXl'.iKD TU VIEW, FliPf: I'U ALL. Note. N.'t tlio -lik-!it".i Jaiv-iT liooj lio ui'iirohoaJoJ us ari.inB from this iriil.wwoniliTl'ul foat. im tlio r:ii.:.-i til. Itioui unior ivrl'ect control;. I'olloiT.-d b r tlio fa v a'.oa.lc.il lain... nn.l tontlo-rn tontlo-rn iri'-of'n"1. 'li ' i'iJiir';? "H l'o'Oii '''Q" lh"J:r"''''lf.1". aaionl a.n.. crim.on an.1 Krutc; tuLy. "t.. coaolajtn Willi tho vaiiKiinr.l ol Before eacli Day's Exhibition a Grand .EKIAI ASCEKSIOjS on a Single Wire from the Ground to the Top of the Pavilion, over ?nn Vert in Mid Air, by M'LIE CHRIST AINS. nniitiiiurr the Dnya nd Dntcs, Mnj- aSth, H91,, 30ll, and 3 1st IB. J Admission: SI. 00; liiildroii under IO Years, 50 Via DOORS OPEN AT 1 O'CLOCK AND 7 P. M. PHI . I (3 5 is O S t o s . a is 9 3 ! PS s 5 e" a x : l 1 w H 1 - g hJn, S a-! H ss B Is -3s i mi1 SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wort fiJo of City Mar -tot.) All kind.! of SutionnrT. Uprisnt. or Locomotive Locomo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Mad or ltorairod. REAPKHS AND MOWERS AND TilKlll.N'J MACHINES 1).0U1 n is f r.nt in Hunnini OtAoT. W-.rk on the Sh-rlot Notieo. Boilora anil i'lutw le-'.iehi -r tiken in oxchanfo f-.r utk. Order by Tclecr; h or -Mail rrmttl7 t t-r.dL. t. ili J n M S' S l.i 'AN CO.. Prnrriator. WATCHES a JEWELRY I O. L. ELIASON. I .i: 1 .'.-r, r'.at be r -t itj t.,r,r:-". ir:--:r I:-., .ir. fao ar.d A l .-i ' .-.'r I.-., a: 1 ' ..r r. ;. tS r.. bi: iio l 1 m - .. r.. - ' r . tan .1 l-.oai 10 orJor, and .1 L't rorc -. o t nnlvol F'cin.Swi.. I..!:. . a. rj in tea. T.c tRAtRERS! lp7i(KERS! Crackers ! L..IL..I JLi.ji.jl lu-IU.) KE.'.a R. TL. DEPOT.; i-'-";':v!' -.-; " L8 u-i e aW-i .r.;ae, a;j,c , ' ..e Tin i F r..'. j K. i . a. : -- n & s a 2 a ' "5 hi ri 11 1 78) H f i ! H t U 5. S -HI Oft V 8j r- o m 5 c - H i; f t I T I.I MTII.1. D.IVIS & SO.'iS' IRON AND BRASS Founders. All kindi ;l O x s.t in g To or-! it. j GKII FITJI k V.-KDGK FATLM VKiill' L i- i: .1.' ili.L ENGINES AN3 SAW MILLS, HAL " S Shmglf and Hoa in g f -.ohir.ns , C'''PE VAX'T;,, yi.'.i j '.r-rTTI' i, C Mi'ANi'3 J' . : ; i'i t .V A ' ill.'- i.i'.i. SLR&l WBTT KT V. Y. J-T. PAR ROKTU j BAKKERS. SALT LAKE C1IY 1 NATIONAL BANK j iS.ili Lnko I'Uy, I'likb Tcr. Authorized Capital - $?M,000 j 8iiJ. 9. Dnltil), PrckitlBL. Jo.ti.li M. Knrk.li. Cthter, JM!-eT.o i :si?rs:n, Attor.-y. CORKESF ON DENTS I XK TOKF-J g?.?,?' L"2c LOSroN...Na:ivi:al Lik d Iw.-.h Anie-- 1 "V'.IU'A'IO T. 1 N.v.-..ra! P?rk. . I.;-' i ..l.,.ri .N::.:-.i. : :.--.k. l l-ii V. Ns;: : l- -- SAN I :i .iCLSi.'0....a:inil t-.o'.J Bank Ni'S".' ay Cvok, MoOu'.lcvh A O.v A. W. WHITE & CO B A N K E B S K.VN1 TkUFLK STKtCkT, At Lk -City. P oiler la BOLD DUST.COIN AKO BULLION. Exchange on clt tie Vtirtrni (Xfi q" tne I'mted States and i;.'vji Prticnlr sttentirn Kivn to Collivniont ad n-i?Mds remitte.l l Current ra- .01 Kcanso on day of pmhiku GKO. S. WIHTjN K Y, Attorney CORSk-SPO DlCKTSi Bank rtVHfcn.U tn fmuaaN. Lor at Waller - - Kr Y. tL ,xk C.t.iih NhtioDkl Bivak - Cliumrv Hitoktll Sl. L. uu Suie Bank ol Nebrask - - Ou.svha Mji WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers autl Uealtrsiti Excbau D rails on Knror. Knropftan Collnctioni promi-ily at tended to. Kut Tampl jtrl. Salt Lavk Ollr ml3 Thio. F. Tbaoy. AEtnt. First National Bank ol Utah WALT LAKK CITY. 06 Hfcial Advr-ricmert on Third DESEKET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITT- UTAH raid up Capital, $200,000. Auihoriicd Capital, J 1 ,000,000. IV m. II. IIOOI'EU, rro?idon'.. 1 11. ELlJliKUi.K. Vico i'ros'i, liKIUUAM YOLStJ, )V. JE.NMXUS, Dirooton. JuliN til. A HI', J. I. LIT ILK, L. & liLLLS, Ciuhior, in UOI.D II ST, OI., KXCII NJ LAND HAKKVMN, IC-LUt-t hl'mi', clo. UoUeolioaB .iiiaJjy rromriUy rc-FOREIGN rc-FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON aavlugM Doposlt. LEGAL l. il. CaUtTKR. C. C. W1L80B CARTER & WILSON, ATlOliXEYS-A T-LAW, Olhcoovcr Ut Not. I-nnli. octS 1 LAI I'LL" STKELf. C. E. WHITNEY, iiTTOKNKY- AT-LAW, Oliico over D. tironitc'i Esturo, MAIN Si'KEhr, ISA 1. 1 LAIi K t'lI'V. BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Atjonti for PurcbMkC and ISkLo of .111 rici A. Lattd, 9K0.C. llATKS, ) 1 IS nit I.nke III,-, CHAW-KB W.OkmhBKR.J I lull. Wrnr Karll. T. M. bmubi KAKIX H. 811TII, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LAI OITT, Kirit Snath Street. Hoomf 11 and 12, No 1(6. Kimball Ulock. J. B, KoitxirouEh, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOKH KY 8 A T L AW, Nalt LRkcCUr, I'tah. Oflie. lot South Street, Grit building out Uoeerel Dan k cgrn or, icl J4M:1'1I UOHI.IMSI1I, O I V I Jj ENOINKKIl. U. S. MIM'HAL AN' I) PFITTY SL1U VLiUKi'Ult LlAlJ, GfT"c: Firt South Slroot, D tally oi-t-t-'ilo tit, Muli'i Church. kJj fit, HA THOU. C K. 01I.'')1ILBT UAVDON AGLLCIILUST, TTCTKNKY8 - AT - LAW SAL.T LAKE CITY, Office otot 1 NRtional Hank of I'tnh. 12 0. H Hmi-fte). M. Kirki-atrirk. HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Atlornrfi-il-l-aw, Main P'.rcet, oiTOFito W oil. Fario k Co. i.t ui c nr. al'l H, M. TRI'lt, W. R. Tl'"!, Iir-"TT W7iH. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 00 lilmliaira film at, SALT LAKE CI'J Y, LJ All I Y. I', li II '. Y. K.'sts l.-.-ic'it aid i.l l. Jl-.y.- ,-! - - ... .. i ,-,h rt-al a'tiato u.J u.iow 1 1- mt nj" ii, u i ' W' TK1K. F'iN k MAltTIN. I ' FOIL SALE. F I P T V V O K h O K O X K N onk iii:nm;i:i) vokk ' f I ur ar. I J I . a ' .1 J S T l'Z : li H , i v. ii i ;.; i I y ct '-r rijj:u lift.' i' ii A i.l- i. -. At the l'n.r,'-T r?iMe. J-ocu.rl S"titb ,-trort. COAL AND MINING CO Y. ,y, ,n:s : f.rfcr.l"!i ' i K .'-pr'K' ,T;o t Coal for Sine.tTs, j fiixaiiLH aad Housenojtl Wl, IC-f 7H1. ,Vj -M i.l. h i; s i i i; i it a t i: s. I r.- M Yar-l. 1 INT o far tho T-arxii Work m A. L. y.'Yx j;. t rr:if. L i 0-0, t L.-T''H . L7C'IU'.tv iATt IK-UHl g MISCELLANEOUS. U. X. EV. j,. o. ucaraa Pacifio Assay Offioo. s,orM hi;,- .It Co". 1 .r V. Min Sr.t, alt i-l ;lr.Av.v,vi. Ar.!?.. ira ! r. aa.l,iu. iaT:i.j7"r. rid ICC. "E'.."i ' N:;L:iv"-v: '.1- UAVK THIS TIN, COMUIEEM lUslUiiuir ami Plumbiug, lr.i, i.iiij. -... jVi;;;;. u,'t;" Hi t.. i.l. io u,-.... a :.ar . ( ,;.ii0 n.;..:....3.l....:..1o.Hi to c.n. u . t. i.i ..i.... . ,i.iiai liiauuM, mi j AlITCllKLL & JAMES, .North tfialo ol F:rt Sa-ath Strwt. botwMa Ll i ....i .o.x;, GRAIOPENING Pan's, London and Neiv York FASHIONS. l.N Lailii's Hats ami i:,,iin,ii liNO OTlllak llecliciThe .(ioods, IT MSS. COLEaOl'i TEMPLE FASHION, orrosuh bisikh1 niwri'ii'S. LUMBER YARLl All Kinds or l.umLx-r 100U8, WINDOW 3 buhds. moulu1nus, buunulj;s, latiw, JUNES & F0RMAN. aa lVXiA jj. .utroot Salt JLaT,o City, Contriu't fui iho orwtiun of ST A3I i SIJ.LS, Ib.MELTI.Nii l'l' KNACKS CUMI'LLIU In any 0 ".tlio minniif disinets. ,uf I'tah. Atvnl for lliolullowiDB .Mtin.ifaclurori:.B H'-ot'h Kt.iaty i:lat lilowcr, J(l:.k.' Kiinwl, H' SU'uih I'uiiij.o, Acw loik no Kjj,., ,M'i k Tunnel Kr.il Iron, J-',r0 Uriuk, knd MlltJltlH HlipiMU';, t'MLTulIy ,t iunu- laoluiy iiriL'ts, infill uuJiitl. r-.ilo Anon t- Iir Itio UKi.o, tiitttiulncliiu ir.t.I'all kiuda ol .Uaui.im.-u' and (Jummikh iy ordor. ATLAS IUU.N WfJUlvS, niftnu!o-tuiuir, niftnu!o-tuiuir, ul Hut Aii Jiiiihi I'uriiftWB uuii Kuiin Mm Mucliiui-ry. U'iiOAfti-EA.M EN'ii INK CU., ool- cbiAiL-d 1'uitiioii! Euriinij nud Jiylj. Ol-fl Mud buw -Millr. 7,IW iiuW iu UMJ. btuuk uu Liiud iur iiutuoaiauj delivery. de-livery. T, It. I'ULLIi A jiJifj., si Luui-, U"HUUlHUIUli.JftUI Jluu lTUIllH, (Jap, Ac, lur Luiiuiuk-,, m.d (JmitujctJUU liuu V. urk ul nil kiudh, bole .Manmnaut or anJ l7...rioU,n of tb lioUhoir JJuIl l'ulverlcr J'it cr J-Lina- Sd.oi nrw Ji v, U ,11 rruli lif lilUCIj II- li t- ,,a. (.,.(, lutMijr lur iuiuiii.n. tl,.'j. JiHA.NCll ..')) yj.-L.-j , Ol Hindu, IOI..I. I in u ft, low. ni-rlh Ara'.EKinapj ni.(iiL(ui;ron.iTiu. Ciiiir (J.ni'i : if, Fmnl.Iiri Arenu, (sr. 1.01 in, CAPITAL. $.r00.000. L 1 ,M 1 J , t 1 ,oi, u Oi l l lillll HI f. .f i,, . j'. v.. 7,wur. '!!' .-a i j; j;. r :j .( p m,h i ,: ' 'J' "' ir,- u j.. ii I I. h-untr l.-r ''at I'll. !--.! tl,,. ,.. nut", i a M-nal In mi- ii ..ui I- i-n,'.-'. (.. . ' -r , ' . ,,., n i...-.-,l . ..-n,!,- i-J .11 kin l. JI-.-..IVO .,r iciiJi t nd r L-: -i , i t ,. r p-.-..; - t- iu i.M.ir.wo ('..iifrv j'.., i.. !,, ,,, JieiM all-wft'J i,r, J.iu.l. A.- .titiW. Y-.'jr bu-ir,,.. , , ri.r j, r "ltc.itl. Tl -.f 1 1, 1. f-.,n ..rati'-n I uianw4 IU It l,( 1 lilta i P'ir- -1-1 - "r..W.f tl.'. Fm.Hi,, j. . 1 r, f.. v.r,iiii v j-.-,- , -. y.i--,.,,, , a',, I,,; jiamuaL II 'I. v. ; i.i r..-t '.- L t L..., F-,irCT j.-l.. . ', i H ..c: i, ; a-Uana. ''-ia'n" I'ir'"1'" 1VIBL IaiiIi ! :r. i.;r,-...f v,v,.rfi c-,rSna i,!,. ai.j V, o t.:,t k, l.aNk. w r. v. ri'.-:-:. rn1 r Vo, H. ,,, k - f i : i' i r rt. L,ui i ii. Laiii, ajl , ue.'JTlJ ba,iL(i L'aiiJ-1 L'aiiJ-1 U A |