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Show Gratitude compe's me to make the following follow-ing slut em eat, ttiinking it may do some Bond to my follow fuffererrt. 1 have bcpn atllicted for a lorn.- number of yuars with tho lullow-icg lullow-icg com plaint : I could not cat anything unUps it would 1 produce Rre.it pnn in my stomach and bowels, bow-els, always palpitation of tho heart, j-overe swelling and rboumatlo pains in all my joints; also neuralgia in my hoad, no locp, always resiiesn at niKUt; in faot. I was reduced re-duced to a mere helpless skeleton, not utile to walk alone, and gavo up in Despair. I must also nto I hud been doctoring with the mort eminent phtMciaDs of this State, also with ibo bost doctors of San t r neis -o. and God only known, without any relief, till I heard tho great currs Dr. J. P P. Van Denbergh had performed in and aronn i alom. I applied to him for help, and may G"( blars him for the restoration of my bealth. I have only ukon bis Hied cine two month1, and have gained, during that time, twenty five pounds in wot. ht. and am a-bie to do all my housework and moro. J A 5i K POTTER. Linn rounty, about thirty miles east ul the foot of the -a cado . Salem, Oregon. December 26, lfeTL |