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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. CALIFORNIA. The residence of senator Crane, at i Sharon valley, was destroyed by fire recendy. A Chinaman cook was the incendiary. The grand old sycamores about Sao- , ramento city arc fast dying. The Yallejo Record wants tho boll rung evcy night at 9 o'colck, after which any boys found on tho streets unable to give a good account of themselves them-selves shall be taken in charge by the police. 1 Five lots of ground have been purchased pur-chased in Salinas cily as a site for a Catholic church. The project for a railroad from Monterey Mon-terey to Salinas has been dropped for the present. The commissioners to locato the branch Insuno asylum were much pleased with a site offered them near Petaluma. An excellent coal mino has lately been discovered within eight miles of Watsonville. Corn planting has commenced in Los Angeles county. The 11 artson ticket beat tho Goodman Good-man ticket, in Napa, at the lato election. elec-tion. San Bernardino has over forty artesian wells within its city limits. Travel on tho Yallejo railroad has been interrupted by a serious break. in the road. Catherine Brown tried to drown herself her-self by jumping into tho bay at Long Bridge, San Francisco, the other day. The road from Milton to Murphy's, and thence to the Calaveras big trees, is in splendid order, and the weather is warm and pleasant at tho grove. Many tourists havo already left for the trees and Yoscmite. The prospects are that the county seat of Fresno county will be removed from Millcrton before tho close of the present year. Mr. Curtis, counsel for Laura D, Fair, proclaims San Francisco a sensational sensa-tional city, only rivaled by Paris. A sister of charity, 10G years old, resides re-sides in the Market street convent, San Francisco. Judge Edward Norton, formerly a member of the California supreme court, died recently in London. . Dr. Stone's new church edifice in San Francisco, will bo dedicated next Sunday. Gold has been discovered in the mountains in the vicinity of Santa Cruz. Tho residence and stable of Leon Leoto, at Vallejo, wero destroyed by fire a lew days ago. Tho court has decided against the contestants in the Solano election case. It will go to the supreme court. NEVADA. The Sutro tunnel is in a distance of 2,872 feet, and the ground in the face of the tunnel is still very hard. George W. Maynard, banker of Gold Hill, has brought suit in the U. S. district court to recover three hundred hun-dred shares of Crown Point stock, valued at $526,000, as administrator of tho estate of G. W. Whitney, a minor heir deceased, in Boston. The stock was sold while deceased was underage. Ben. Butlor is oounsel for the heirs. Some very rich quartz discoveries have been made recently in the vicinity of Unionville. Carson river is spreading all over Carson Valley. The Carson mint coined, and stamped ingold'bars, to the value of $1,107,-lt $1,107,-lt 3.90 in April. The miners of Virginia are preparing to give a grand ovation to J. P. Jones on his return to that city. The Virginia and Truckee railroad company has 5,000 ties on the ground at Washoe, and the same number at Keno. A juvenile Piute was run over by a railroad car at Gold Hill last Sunday, and lost a leg by the operation. OREGON. Wasco county is over-run by polecats. pole-cats. The weather at tho Dalles has been very hot lately. Rev. Mr. Cordon, of the Dalles, lately injured by a stage accident, is recovering. The anniversary of the Oregon branch of the American Bible society was celebrated on the 7 th. Kev. Mr. Dyer preached the anniversary sermon. A movement is being made to secure a daily mail from Yamhill river, at the end of the Oregon Central railroad, at Junction city, via Corvallis, and Monroe. Mon-roe. Burglaries have been very numerous in Salem of late. One night recently seven private residences were broken into. The State Sunday school convention is to meet in tho Congregational church in Albany on the 28 th of May. A large attendance is anticipated from all parts of tho State. |