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Show A Bath of Fragrance! Of the many enjoyments which civilization civil-ization affords to us, thcro is not one more delightful or more healthful than a tepid bath, in which a half bottle of Murray it Lanman's Florida Water has been mixed; it U so refreshing, so soothing, and so strengthening. 653 For sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's drug stores. RAILROAD WATCH. Travelers by Railroad frequently find their watches completely demoralized by the continuous con-tinuous jar of the train. To ovorcomo this difficulty hai Ions boon a problem with watchmakers, and it is now successfully accomplished ac-complished is the new graJe made by tho AMERICAN WATOU CO. OF WALTlliM. This Watch is made in the most Fubetan-tial Fubetan-tial manner, on the most approved principles, princi-ples, and combines all the recent improvements. improve-ments. It, has a new tnicrometriaal regulator, regu-lator, by which the slightest varittion can be easily corrected. It u carefully adj uf tod, and may be entirely relied on to run accu- 1 ratcly, wear well, and ENDURE THE HARDEST USAGE, without any derange- ment whatever. We confidently recommend ; this watch to the trade and the public as the BEST WATCH FOR THE PRICE IN THIS MARKET. The full trade-mark engraved on the plate of eavh watch is "AMERICAN WAICH CO-. CRESCENT-SI. , WALTHAM. MAS.." and it is distinctively known u the CRESCENT-ST. Watch. For sale by all leading J ewelert. ROBBINsi&APPI.ETON, GENERAL AGENTS, mjli 1 BUND-SI., N. Y. SPECLVL ADYERTISEUEHS WASTED. BOARD FOR GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, wilh;n two or throe blocks of Walker I Jlro'e. Address G. I. P.. Lock Box CVl. , niylo A FIRST-CLAPS ALE AND PORTER ; brewr: none-but an cxi'erieneod hand ( who can give t;ood referonco need aiply. , R. B. MARGETiS. UUn Browery, j myl6 Salt Lake City. LOST. STRAYED FROM THE 15th WARD. ON Moodily last, a larno light brown moro Mule, with a baltor on tho head. Parties do-ieriDg do-ieriDg it to the owners, Morris ii Evans, Builders, will bo paid for their trouble. mylti FOR REST. t TWO-STORY DWELLING UOUSE. . with nine rooms and cellar, aud one and a auartor acres planted with tho choicest fruil: located on Eighth East stroet. near First South, in the flth Ward- Jim u ire at A. Lovoathnl's Auction House. mj'J FIRST-CLASS FURNISOED BED-V BED-V room, suitable for ono or two Rentlo-men, Rentlo-men, ono and a half blooks west of tho Towosend House. Enquiro of Mrs. Fercu-son Fercu-son on the premises. iny8 FOR SALE. AHOQSR AND LOT. DWELLING House and bearing Orchard, Tenth WurJ. Eimuiro at this offioo. niylo CHEAP FOR CASH. THE BOX ELDER place ono blook east from Do pot. Land. I f by 20 rods. Orchard of choicest fruit agod trees- Apply to LeOrand Y'ounn. on the promises, or at tho oflico of Jos. A. Youdr, a30 m. DR. GROVES, QTTt Doritist, ' Office, Second South Street, Three doors wost of Rovoro House, half a block oast of Elophant Store, Salt La bo City. OffiCOUoan from 9 a.m. to a p.m. mil Jk Argewlo Lodge, No. 3, A. F. fyf A- M Stated communications p of this Lodco hold on tho first and r'YiA third Tuesday of each month, at jjasonic Hail, East Temple Street. Members of sister lodjjos and sojourning brothron in eobi standing ore cordially in- VUOd' E. B. ZABRISKIE. W. M. C. A- GOULD, Secretary pro torn, my9 A. P. HOT AUNG & CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTHRS OP PINK WINE 8 AND LIQUORS, 131 Jackson bt., Snn Francisco oI9 J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. C. P. MOORMAN & CO., Louisville KentucJcy, Distillers The Trdo and Consumers aro notiGod that the abovo is tho only genuine brand of Cutter whisky, and that the undersigned are tho sole Agents for tho same. AH other brands claiming to bo "Cutter" whisky are only poor imitations. IQ order to prevent pre-vent fraud, tho names of the Agents aro burned m each barrel, and blown In cncli bottle, with a fac-slmtle signature signa-ture of the firm covering the corks. None oilier Remiliie. A. P. HOTALINQ A CO., Solo Agents for the PaoiSc Coast, 4J1 Jackson Street, San Franoisco. California. CUNSINGTOS CO., Agents for Salt Lake and Utah, ail TOTHETHA.DE. For Sole In Store and Warehouse!: 2.500 barrels J. H. Cutter whisky, 600 barrels Daniel Boone whisky. 50 barrels Eldorado whisky, 375 barrels O. & M. Chicken Cook whisky, 250 barrels Old Bourbon whisky. 375 barrels Marshall whisky, 1,300 barrels other popular brands Ky. " 5,000 cases J. H. Cutter whisky . Also In Store and Bond: 2r0 !4 casks assorted brands Fronch brandy 200 octaves " " " " 50 pipes II ol land Gin. 150 S " " ' 225 li casks Port Wlno, assorted brandB 175 octavos " " " 200 H casks Shorry Wino ' " 2o0 ootaves " Orders Solicited, A. P. 1IOT AlilNO CO., 431 Jackson Strcot, San Francisco, California. Messrs, UISS1SGTON & CO., our AkouLs for Salt Lako and Utah. a21 BANKS DESERET, Salt Lake City, Utah. This Bank hoi organised a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, and will rocoWo deposits of ono dollar nd upwards, on which interest will be allowed at the rate ef eight por cent, per annum, aompoundodsomi-annually, f29 i.. S. HILLS, CatUler. ANOTHER EXCURSION ON THE BRINY DEEP. The Steamer ''CITY OF CORINNE'' Will make AN EXCURSION TRIP ON Great Salt Lake, On SATURDAY NEXT, May 18th. From Lake Side, on tlio V. C. K. It. Train connecting with the steamer will leave tho U. C. It. K. Depot at S o'clock, a.m., and returning will arrivo at7:;50 p.m. Faro for tho round trip, including transfer by wagon from tho cars to steamboat landing and roturn. S.00. Dinner served on board in a Btjlo unsurpassed unsur-passed on tho Pad Go Coast at an extra chargo of 81.00. All tho luxurie.- of the season to be bad on board at Sal. Lake prices. Every care will bo takon to havo tho company select, se-lect, and to make tho trip thoroughly enjoyable. en-joyable. Tickets for sale at the Utah Central Tiokct OBico. Procure tickoU early as they are limited to one hundred and twen'y-fivo. N. B. A party of Ono Hundred or more, wishing at any timo to make an excursion on the steamer, can be accommodated by notifying no-tifying us, in timo to niako necessary preparations. pre-parations. myll II. S. JACOBS b CO. ASSIGNEE'S SALEr In the Supreme Court for the District Dis-trict of L'tnli. In tho matter of 1 Stubbs Jc Kirkwood, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupts. ) The undersigned hereby gives notice that he will espusc at public lale at tho United States Court House, in Salt Lake City, on tho 7th dap of May. A. D. IVTJ.at 10 o'clock a.m., thofollowinr described real estate, to Eirhty acres of land in Salt Lake county, at the Puint of iho Mountain, 1 milej south of Salt Lake City, on Stale Road, with house and buildings thereon. And also on tho JKih day ot ilay, A. D. 17 J, at 10 o'clock a-m-, in front of tho Court Ilou;e, in the city of Provo, Utah county, a certain tract oi tannine Ind eontainins fifteen acres, situate in section U, township 6;sQUlh. ranpeJoost. Alto tract of .") acres in section , township 7 6outh. range 2 east. Farming land. Also Lot in Block in Provo City, containing contain-ing ) rods, corner Lot, with etore and dwelliofr h-inee thereon. Teima. Cih. D.R. FIKMAN. Aseigaee. Salt Lake City, May tth. ISTi my5 Ames, Sherman & Co., JOBBERS OF Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, UMDKELLA AND PARASOLS, JToi. 50 and T-3 Wabash Avenue, Chicauo ' GEO. C. AME. (iEO.C. IlEKMAN, JM.SiiEHMAI. mvli MISCELLANEOUS. PtomachBhw" Are indor?ed ond proscribed by moro loading load-ing Physicians than any othor o ti le o r b t i ita -nliint now iu use. 'J hoy aro a bUKE PKb-VENT1VE PKb-VENT1VE for Fovcr and Ague. Intormit-tents, Intormit-tents, Biliousnoss and all disorders arising from miasmatic causes. They nro highly recommended as an aiili-dyspoMic, and in cases of indigestion arc invaluable as an appetizer ap-petizer and reeupemnt. and in cases ol lien-era! lien-era! Dobility they havo novor in a single instnnoo failed in producing tho moat happy results. They nro particularly BRSKnci.a to kkmai.ks, strengthening tho body, invigorating invig-orating tho mind aud giving tono and elasticity elas-ticity to t-io wholo system. Tho HOME B1TTEKS aro compounded with tho ercal-est ercal-est care, and no Tonio Stimulant has ovor boon ufforcd to tho public su plkasant to tiik t ast K, and at the sumo timo combining so many remedial agents, indorsed by tho medical fraternity as tho best known to tho Phiirmaoopuiia. It cosuj little to givo them a fair trial, aud Every Family aUould have a Bottle Wo ask every ono to rend tho following certificates from many of tho most eminent physicians in tho country: St. Louis. July 1S70. Jaiifs A. JacksoX A Co. ; Qonllemen As you have communicated communica-ted to tho medical profession thorcceipo oT tho "Homo Bitters ' it cannot, thoroloro, be considered as a sccrot or patont medicine, no patent having been taken for it. We have examined the formula for making tho Home Bittors," and unhesitatingly say the combination combi-nation is ono of rare excellence, all the articles arti-cles used in its composition aro tho best of the class to which thoy belong, being highly Tonio, Stimulant, Stomaahio, Carminative and sliglly Laiativo. The mode ot prepar-init prepar-init them is strictly in accordance with tho i rules of pharmacy. Having used them in our private practice wo take ploasuro in recoin- ' monaing moui io aw iiurauus luu 1 king Bitters, as being tho best Ionic and ( Stimulant now ottered to tho public. L. Cn.Boisusuaz, M.D. G. F. Pobtee, M.D Alfred Uiacock, Sl.D. O. G erics, M.D. , Dbaki McDowill, M.D. C. A. Ware, M.D. J.O. WmiEUiLL, old). Da. O. V. F. Luowio, ' E. A. Clark, M.D. 8. Q- Moses, M.D. i W. A. Wilcox, M J). Uurderi 1'rjhm, D. S. Marine Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8. 1870, Jas. A. Jackbus, k Co. : I have ox am inod the formula for making tho "Home . Stomach Bittors," and used them in the Hospital Hos-pital for tho last four months. I oonsidor - them the most valuable tonio and fitiuiu- lant now in uae. L.Mblcuer, St. Loina, July 6, 1870, Jas. A. Jackson, a Co, Having examined the formula from which your colobratcd"Stomach Bittors,"aro prepared, prepa-red, having witnessed tho method of combining com-bining tho different ingrcdients.wo can safely rocommend thorn as tho bost toniu with which wo are acquainted. From tho great care with which they aro compounded, and from tho choico materials which enter into thorn, wo havo no doubt that thoy will prove as thoy deserve to bo, tho most popular tonio and stimulant in use. Respectlully yours, T. J. Yasiine, M.D. T. J. Uosistock, M.D. We cheerfully concur with every word contained con-tained in tho abovo testimonial. Jons Conielmas, M.U. Jons IIartsias.M.D Ceas. Vastise, M.D. JousT.lEiiFLi, 11J) G.S. Walker, M.D. K. C. I'RAXKLrx, MJ Oikcinkaii, Oct. 19, 1870, Messrs, W.D. Kennedy Ken-nedy k Co,: Agents "Home Bittors"; Gents Agreoabto to your request, I havo osamincd tho formula of tho "Homo Stomach Bitters,' and find tho remedies it contains such as are in general uso by tho Medical Profession. Thoy aro scientifically and pleasantly combined, com-bined, and as stimulating tonics will be found ospccially adapted as corroborants to the treatment of low or dobitiutod stages ol tho system, whether arising from impaired digestion di-gestion or from malarious diseases. Dr. J. L. Tittlehs, L. A. Jaum, M. D., K. 8. Wai-ne, Cboiuist, O. T. Simpson, M. D., W T. Tauaierro, M.D., S. P. Dosser, M.D., J J Qci.vx.M D., C. S. Muscroft, M. D., J. U. BUCKET, M.D., G. W. BlOLER, M. D., W. R. WooDWAim, M. D., O. A. Doutiiiv.M-D. CulCAQO, Sept. 30. 1S70,J- L. Smith, Esr.; We have examined the formula of tho "Celebrated "Cele-brated Stomach Bittors," and fiud it to be composed ol' articles that are considered tho best tonics used by the Medical Profession, and one of the best bitters we know oi in use. Very respectfully, II. S. Haus, M. D-, B. McVicar, M. D., J. B. Walker, M. D., G. A. Makimh, Nqrmas S. BAaSEs, M. D. For Sale by all Drugglita Grocers. Jas; A. JACK-SOi & Co., Prop'rs, Laboratory 105 & 107 jN. 2d St., julU St. LOUIS, MO. NOTICE TO MINERS. PERSONS buying Mining Claims of Wil-lium Wil-lium Lewis, on tho Southern Extension of tho SUNBEAM LODE, Tinlio Mininc District, aro notified that I hold a Deed lor 20) t'cet on that ground. raylO Hujlo CLUFF. JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Plain Street, Salt Lake City, tin Raid's Building.) City Lot?, Stores. House?, etc., bought, sold and leased, Loans negotiated for parties on reasonable terms. inylo NOTICE : fpHE Co-partnership heretofore existing X between the undersigned, under tho lit in name of CALDEK, SEARS & DAY NES, was on tho 30th day of April dissolved by mutual consent. 1). O- Caldtr, S. W. Soars and William Calder, known under the firm name of Calder Jc Scars, will continue the business, collect all dobts and assume all liabilities of tho late firm. D. U. CALDElt, 8. W. SEARS. WILLIAM CALDER, JOHN DAYNEii. m16 JOS. J.DAYiSES. To Whom it may Concern. WE, tho undersigned, George N. Savago and W . H. Rager, claim and own two hundred and twenty-hve (225) foot in tho Rod Pino ledge in Dry canyon, latterly known as the Iria and still later known as the Kear-sareo, Kear-sareo, said claim having been located June 1S70. by W. H- Rager, et al., and duly recorded re-corded and the law complied with in othor respects. And wo heroby caution parties not to trade or barter for said claim without our sanction or consent, O.K. SAVAGE. W. li. RAG KR. Bait Lake City, April 30, 1S70. myl REMOVAL. Geo. Clark has removed his harboring establishment from 2nd South Strcot to tho third door south of tho City Liquor Store, (up-Btnlra) where ho would bo pleased to see his friends and patrons. my 10 NOTICE. I 'HE annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of the Utah Central Railroad Co. for tho Klcctlon of Office i-s Will be held on Saturday.Junolst. at 10am., at tho office of President Young. GEORGE SWAN. Secretary. Salt Lake City. U. I.. May luih, ls7i my 10 B. W. Allex & Co., mm 47 Broadway, New "Vorli. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent for tli Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY I ". S. F0STIR, Ageul. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. : THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ! j if IPS T H El 1 GREAT CALIFORNIA I VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER, HIOII IN THE SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful btatool California, grows an herb Inn known to the Indiana us an nbsoluto cure for Ullt-U-MA-TISM. UOUT, NEURALGIA, and all diseases dis-eases in any way springing trom impurities of the blood, tieionco has at longth brouttbl to light ita virtues, and of this potont here has compounded VERBA . SAN1A. n preparation prepa-ration for the PERMANENT CURE of Scrofula, Salt llhtum, anil all Krup-tlve Krup-tlve and Cutaneoua DUclt. Gives immediate and permanent relief in DYSPEPSIA, ERYSIPELAS. Ring Worm. Tumors. Boilst Scald Heads. Ulcors and Soros; eradicates from the system all trace of merourial di3ooso. IT 15 PURELY VEGETABLE, It is thoroforo peculiarly suitablo for uso by females and children r.s a 1JL00D PU1U--! PIER and RENOVATOR. MOT II KIIS Vho wish to find a medicine peculiarly .dapted to thoeuroof UUMORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children, will find a safe md sure cure in YER1JA SANTA. For sale it ery where. HKDINGTOH, UOSTKTTER CO Agenti, SJ19 and 531 Market St., San Franclaoo. redingtonT" kostetter & co. Importer and Jobbers of rORKlON AND DOMESTIC DRUGS m CHEMICALS Pine Essential Oils, Gumi, Root!, Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Sktna, Pomadas, .c, And all ether Staples connected with &4 Wholesale and Retail Drue Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic product. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, HoBtetter's Bittors, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolfs Soheidam Schnapps, Newoll's Pulmonary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Mediolnei both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Not, 5'-i9 and 031 Market S treat Between First and Second, San Francisco, California. my 31 ' MINERS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. Co-Operatirc, 335 h'lmt Street, San Francisco Angell, Palmer & Co., o27 MANAGERS BOOTS AND SHOES' California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, US Front Street, San Francisoo. California al2 A. G. DIETZ & GO. importers -or PAINTS, OILS Varnishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, Bet, Sacramento! California, San Franclaci m A. J. GRIFFITH Dealer Iu gStS all kinds of SALMON AND HERRINGS 193 Waiklngton Street. All kinds or Dried, Smoked and Pickled Fis constantly o hand. J4 R S F N R fl 1 1 M i FRIFDMAF 24 & 24 Battery St., San Fran, Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Corsets, Xiibboiis, And full lino of mallnaree. m6 GRAND HOTKL Oa Market, New Montgomery and Beoond Streets, sajy FR&nrciaico, gjh. JOHNSON &. Co., PaopRiEioEa. a Michabl Kakx. T. N. Ward. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Humeri Wand A. Co.) Importers and Wholeialo Dealers in WLES AND LIQUORS. Propriet&rs of Hunter's California Wlioat wlilaliLoy. I Also A genu for Joseph B. Finch's celebrated Pennsylvania RYE WHI8KEY 801 and 009 Front. St., near Jacksoa, SAN FRANCISCO. my 31 I LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Do-mcslic Do-mcslic Fancy and buiiilo DRY GOODS. Depot of Gfotwfj Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consnlidatcd. S5ASi7 Marktl St., Hum Fra uylS pari : Uuo De L'Ecbi-iu WcsalE Lipor Dealers, 08 Front Street, San Francisco Proprietor? of SllLLLK'S EXTRA OLD LIOURUOM And sole as on Is for . r. CUFIU'S tXTnA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Con tantly on hind, n full assortment of all tho ard lira nils of Whiskies, Fin Urandla Foreign and Domestic Wines, m5 Ulttsri, Cordials, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. IMPORTANT WORKS -ON MINES AND MININC .rpal Titles to Milling Claims and Water lliKbti. lly OroBory Yiilo. J7 50. 'roccaass of Uolil ami Mlvcr ki traction, fortiuneraJ Use. By Ouido Kuctel. uliliiirets, Whst tliey are, How Annayod, and How Worked) By Win. Burntow. $1 00. Die Itlln I hit and Metallurgy of CJold and bllvur. By J.Arthur Phil-lins Phil-lins SKI SO. rite Metallurgy of Ltnil, Including DeallvnrlinLluit, and (Jupelliillou. By John Percv. 81. MX), k Itlnmtnl of Practical Assaying. By John Mitchell. K. . S. fl3w). Dronkc'i and Rotirlg's Treatise on Metallurgy, In tUrce vols. Vol. 1. Silver and Lead. Vol. 11. Copper and Iron. Vol. lit. Steel and Fuel. Etch vol. sold eoparntely at S10O0 per TOl. The Metallurgy and Mining or Copper. Cop-per. Bv A. S. PittKOt. M. D. $1 SO. A TreatUe on Ore Drponlli, By Boru-hnrd Boru-hnrd Von Cotta. 81 50. A. System of Mineralogy. By Jamas D. Dana. M. A. 810 l0. Any of tho above works Bent by mail on re-oeipt re-oeipt of price in ouin, or its oauivalont in ourroncy. We also hnvo in addition to tho above, a Inreo assortment of Scientific, Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books and Stationery. Catalogues furnished on application. appli-cation. Addrofs A. ROMAN fc CO., Publishers, Uookurllcn, Importers and Stationers. No. 11 Mon'domcry St., Lick House Blook, ban Francisco, California. a6 E3TADL1BIIED 1 8 60. C tVaV& V CAW Y S, , Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 21S (i7td 215 Front .'itrcct, San Francisco. &li CRAY, JONES &CO. DEPOT OF T 11 E SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, Ko, 418 Battery Street) SAN FRANCISCO. Eiiml-xd Jor.s, 1 a, r, Samuel O. Ghat, JcsEFii liosto.v J bnta Lrul' Ban Franoisco. ap6 LEslabliBHedm 18-51.) C. VEN ARD, Manufacturer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Pacific, SAN FB.A.CItiCO. a5 L. A. Fan dors on, T, L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Proprietor! t,f LaEspanolaOigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street, Between Washington and CUy, SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 , CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS 0V 1 Fancy Crackers, Caies & Biscuits, 803 Battery St. near Broadway, , SAN FRANCISCO. a6 ' E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Branflies. fines and Liprs, 310 Front St., cor. Commercial, D. B. ntr. 128 SAN FRANCISCO. i. cnm-ovica. waitm hooe, h. b. aim. isi. onr:EiiiOvxom n co., importers and wholesale dealora in FINE WINKS . LIQ.UORS, SOU iOESTS roa JESSE, MOORE & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON ( AND RYE WHISKIES. D1BI0T raON LOUIBTILLE, XT. 601 Front Sl, 8AN FRANCISCO. ap4 MICI1KLS, FRIKDJLANDHR fe CO., lKFOiiiis or 9 Furnishing and Fancy Goods, No. 7 9 Battery St., (Oriental Bloci) San Francisco, California, Sole Manufacturers of the IMPROVKD YOKE AMKKICANSniRT. ftpj j. b. wooaiaa. p. d. suattdck. WOOSTER & SHATTUCK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Wholesale Dealers in ' Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317310 Front t.,cor. Commercial, a SAN FRANCISCO. al " PARKER, WATTSON & CO, ' (Successors to Weil A Co..) Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 221, 223 and 226 Front at., oor. Sacramento, ' OO SAN FRANCISCO, CAli. jMURPHY,GRANT&CO. Importers of American and European Staple and Faiicy DRY GOODS, SA.IV FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trade to their Its and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, 'Which they are now receiving direct froml. Koropoaa Manufacturers, oomprisinc in pari French JHcrlnoe, Wool Satlnea, Wool Plalda, French ad German, Irish and French Poplins, Emprin Cloth, Tamlie, black and colored, Velveteens, Alpacas, black and colored. SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALBO a-x. o s, Kid. Back. Berlin (L.diu'. Mijau', Gents' Underwear And U klndi of Gents' Furnishing Goods. lottery, roicptdc In all IU biaachee W hite Good. Ilntirtkerchlefi, bhlrtti.fr Mucin, Ullta, wliil md coloifd,: Uninkiki, bruwn loom and Mecw. Towtli, Iluck, DtapiT, I"rkih. Bfniklni and Doyll", ita.. aiq coal.: coal.:: GRASS CANYON COAL!!! I am prti'ircd 1c forniih Oiui : Col. in nnj qu.nlitiM. dli"f " "I r.rU or thoClT. Ord.ri l.tl li"". Son',. Kut Tempi. 81.. will r.i pr' aitonUon. . .,.. ,a) c. J. imi s |