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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Genera! Sherman has gone to Naples. The Paris ti'mrfvis is again suspended suspend-ed by the French government. The straight Republicans of Mis souri met in convention yesterday. The recent storm in Minnesota i-'iii'.l he-iJes a ereat destruction of mtperty, the loss of a number of lives. Processions, banners, meet in its and speech makings, etc., was how Wash union's birthday wxs celebrated iu SeW Votk. The national labor convent ton yester-lay yester-lay admitted, as delegate, James Kil-iruve, Kil-iruve, representative of the Internationals. Interna-tionals. Washing lou's birthday was gener-illy gener-illy observed in Washington, P. C, with all ihe government offices closed, nnd congress adjourned. The bodies of two soldiers, missing from the Nation asylum at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, were recently discovered under the snow back of the building. The Indiana Republicans have nominated nomi-nated Tom Hrowu for governor, l.eonidas Sexton for lieutenant governor, gover-nor, and Godlove S. Onh fur congressman congress-man a'-hm- A Pole, an apothecary of Posen, and who ehiiuis to be in the papal ser vie-', was aiTC-ted Ibr I hrcalening to Ussas.-inale liismarek. A pistol was found on his person, and ho acted as if fanatically insane. The excitement about, the hitch in the proceedings of i ho Geneva conference confer-ence is ding out both in this country and in nuglaud. Mr. Adams, one of the aibiti.ilors, who is in Washington, expects u peaceable solution of the difficulty. |