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Show Caul Marx Not Dead. A dispatch dis-patch received last night intimates that Carl Marx, the master spirit of the Internationals, is not dead, inasmuch inas-much as he is said to be presiding over a congress of the order now sittiDg in London. The doubt of the correctness correct-ness of this statement is caused by the source through which it comes; for no one can have forgotten the astonishing manner in which the New York World's correspondents used to have Baraine winning astonishing battles and performing incredible feats! of strategy and valor, to the discomlit-ure discomlit-ure of the Gormans, while he and his army were slowly starving into capitulation capitu-lation at Metz. But whether Marx be living or dead, and whether tho proposed pro-posed movement in Europe be correct or not, this congress of Internationals is one of those things to be carefully noted. |