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Show Tiie Cliency Case Again. Chicago, 16. The Episcopal Diocesan convention of Illinois, at its afternoon session yesterday, adopted, with but two dissenting votes, a report from the committee on legislation, instructing instruct-ing the chancellor of the Diocese to take prompt legal measures to rescue the property and revenues of Christ Church, of this city, from the custody of its present wardens and vestrymen, and restore the same to their legitimate legiti-mate and godly uses. Chief Juitlce Cbuae. Chief Justice Chase arrived in this city yesterday, and is the gtiost ol Judge Dunlovy. He declares himself to bo in greatly improved health and feeling better than he lias for live years. Suicide of a Profesior. New York, 10. Professor Mohan, of West Point, comuiiU'd suicide by jumping off the steamer Jury lJutcel( into Ihe Hudson river to-day. Telcgrnjililc Trnnafer of money. Washington, D. C, Iti. The Treasury Treas-ury today made a telegraphic transfer of half a million in gold from San Francisco to New York through the Bank of California. A Shocking Case. Pouehkecp.Me, N. Y., 10. A dispatch dis-patch from Fishkill Landing says that a little boy, aged seven years, belonging belong-ing to the strong woman attached to O'Brien's menagerie, died ol' starvation starva-tion at Stounville on Thursday night. The dispatch adds that while Ht Sloun-vi Sloun-vi lie he was shut up in a room alone, with his hands tied behind his back. Looking from the window he begged a a cook to get him a piece of bread, and she got a ladder to ascend to the window win-dow and threw bread on the floor. She says he looked as if he had not o drop of blood in him. It is stulcd thai the woman bought the child iu Paris for a hundred dollars, to perform wiili her in the menagerie. The poor little fellow wag buried yesterday. Steps have been taken to arrest the woman. ' Dedication of a Monument. Providence, It. L, It). The city is thronged to-day on the occasion of tho dedication of the monument erected by the State lo the soldiers and sailors who fell in tho late war. The procession proces-sion under General Burnsidc comprised two or three thousand veterans of the war, and an entire division of the State militia. At the monument, after an : address by Governor Padclford, the figures wero unveiled, and the oration delivered by the Rev. A. Woodbury. Sew York Kcwi. New Yoak, Iti. The political situation situa-tion here continues the topic of conversation. conver-sation. Governor Hoffman is said to be desirous of having Sweeney continued contin-ued in his position, while he is not un willing to have Hall, Tweed and Connelly Con-nelly displaced. Sweeney is known to have been the originator ol tho principle of the prosent city charier, char-ier, which has been the cause oi the municipal corruption in this city. There is a strong sentiment against him among tho Tammany politicians'. pol-iticians'. Tho Democrats will make strenuous efforts the coming fall, to have the strongest and best men, who nro opposed to corruption, returned for legislative officers, and to this end propose to act in harmony with the Republicans of the city. The divisions divis-ions ot' the Republicans here have almost al-most destroyed the power of the party lor doinc anything in the city. The 'i iimmany Republicans, as the 7 i de.-ignatos those following the ! leadership of Horace Greeley's com-imitlee, com-imitlee, arc holding their county and i senatorial assembly conventions, before the lime fised for the assembling ol j the S:ate convention at Syracuse, thus seeking to have their ticket Sided W-fore W-fore the State convention can have the I opportunity of deciding their rit;ht to j tut a ticket in nomination at all. It is believed that the grand jury of I Brooklyn, to-day, presented indictments j in the cases of the alleged abortionists. Perry ar.d Ruhkirk, aln of Jacob i anJevbiii, Captain Brai.'tcd, and i others connected v.ith the fctatcn i Island ferry. Governor lloflman had a private j interview with 31ayor Had and Comptroller Comp-troller Connelly to-day, t he rc-ult of j which has not transpired. I Trotting. Minneapolis, 1(1, Tn the trot here i to-day between ''Goldsmith Maid" and "Lucy," the former won. The I second heat was trotted in 2,17, Lucy coniing in only a nock behind. More Racing. j L'xinirion, Ky. K In the three mile da-h to-day "Lose!"-. Hew" d'.d no: start: the race was wva by '"Pi.crim" in Ca'5,. Old Tnriiuun t'tad. Paiif Ky . li". - .i,.-,;1) Shr:.'. the o:ii .-. t ir , ..- .... . :;e v. . oidest citizc-r.s of the Stite, died at his residence near this c:;y last night, from the eneets of a fIi from a horsa while returning on Tuesday nicht from the Ljxinirton race?, where ho had wen to iook a:;cr h:s entries. He ws in his ninetieth year. tvuiphi -i Temp! art. Bihimore. lu. Tee Kn:-h:s Templars Temp-lars of ibis ciry have n:aie preparations prepara-tions for the rccipiion cf their orethren. T'cieations have arrived from various places ia the We;: and the brccit assemblage of Knights Fempiais ever held in the Toned States is expected. TLe Sew VorL C om pt rollc r ill 1 New York, 10. The T'm?$ tomorrow to-morrow will publish a letter from W. T. (Havemeyer n Comptroller Connelly, Con-nelly, advising the latter not to resign, but to appoint Andrew li. Green, deputy comptroller, and leave him to exercise the full powers of the office without conditions or interference, and with ihe complete custody cf all book and papers belonging to the office, with the appointment of all persons he may think necessary to protect the public property and interests, and enable him to carry out (he most searching investigation to aid the committee appointed ap-pointed for that purpose, Connolly has accepted Havemeyer's advice, and appointed Andrew H. Green, deputy comptroller, rice Richard A. Storrs removed. In accepting Havemeyer's advice, Connolly states that he is governed gov-erned by a warm desire to restore the city department over tthieh he presides, pre-sides, lo the oonlidencc of the community. |