Show WELLMAN WILL TRY AGAIN will renew HI his s effort to reach north pole by balloon route washington glon walter wellman Wellin nii announced noun cerl on oil may lay 4 aliat liat lie ho will this bummer renew ills his effort to reach the north pole by means ot of a dIrI dirigible gIblo balloon or airship mr Welli nall will mil bait next net week lor for paris and normy this expedition expedit epe dlton on will bo be under mider 7 mr 1 r We Well limans mans individual ownership and responsibility the capital has been supplied by Aine americana ricans who arminter are interested in the enterprise on scientific and patriotic grounds no chil chainko tige has been made in the general Rei uial plan of 0 the expedition which is to tho the airship at the headquarters station allon si danes island spit in ili june ana july and to start thence northward through the air in august provided the weather conditions make a start with reasonable chances fr success the ship will carry a crew of three nien men pounds of at gasoline lne for the engines engine tor for a year ear sledges sledge dogs life boats baits and all the requisites of a sledging sled gine party should it be nen lice essary to resort to that ol of travel |