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Show Co mme r c 1&.L, Salt Lake City, Mat 17. Gold. Buying, 111; Belling, 114. Cork, Oats and Uarley for Ea!e in l''tU) Euil by G-.rdon Jc Murray, Half Block tiouta of liailroad Uop-jL ma-' For Sale. A House, bearing Orchard Or-chard and LfOtwel! fenced; Tenth ward, linfjuireat thia office. my 18 Leave orders for VAXDYKE COAL at Kithn JJro' Store and 0. K. Barratt'a -JO Alain-street. inylS Stilt, it Comes. Henry Dinwoodey is receiving every week new styles of Furniture, which bo is determined to sell cheap, and deliver it free of charge to any part of the city. my is One Hundred men of thoso who havo given in their names lo work on tho American Fork Canyon Railroad are wanted there Tuesday the 21st of May. mlfj A. Benson. Kt Hundrede arbeidoro af der.n der bur lndet dem inskrivo for at arbeidopaa American Fork Canyon, Jcrnbane naae varo pan, Pladsen Tirsdag morgen, ien 21 do .May. niHi A. Benson. Anotiier TriMmph by Steam Tower. FOUR DU'LOMAS awarded to 1. IX Ouln ifc Co., of San Francisco for JE L-I.l L-I.l KS, PICKLED and CANX ED FRUITSacd VEGETABLES. a!2 If You Want first-clues shooing done nt $ I a Bpnn, go lo Nay tor Brothers. All shoeing warranted. inyO Pricks Reduced!! Hinton Coal, bret in tho market, at pur ton, at the Utah Kuol Company's Coal Sheds, near , U. C. It. R. Depot. may 2 Rook?! BooksI Go to Dwyor's Salt Lake Book Store, News Depot and Circulating Library, where you can got tho latot now books and lirst-class novels nov-els all tbo leading newspapers, magazines, mag-azines, periodicals and nrst-clast stationary, station-ary, logal blanks, &c. nil 2 IVttino A Co California Canned Fruit, .lollies, Jams, etc., arc far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sale by all tirst-cl ass grocers. my 11 I. Amiss Linev Suit from $ l.'V upwards up-wards at the California Store. myv What you wast to know about Bathing, apply at Paluco Baths, IS Commercial-street. mylG IlO.VEV is- THE Comu, find FRESH STRAWBERRIES, at Z. C. Al. I. Produce Department, one door north of Bank of Deseret. mlti Dried Fruit. We will pay tho highest price for well dried, clean Peaehos, Apricots and Plums, at our Provision Department, First South SL, west of tho Theatre. ml2 U. B. Clawson, Supt. New Goods. Airs. Goldman, 101 Kimball Block, has just received a nieo invoice- of Real Point Lace Collars, Col-lars, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Thompson's Glovo-litling Corsets, Cor-sets, and Ladies' and Children's Suits, which aro olfercd for salo choap, a25 Geo- Showei.l is prepared to do all kinds of night work and c;iu bo found at ShoweU's Stables. " iny3 For the Finest V iews of nil points of tho GREAT WEST, go to C. 11. Savngu'a Art Gallery, 27 East Toiuplo street. Busink.i., Visiting and Show CARDS printed in excellent stylo at the Herald Her-ald Job Oiliuo. 121 C. W. Stay her, Holary Public Hies City LoU at Caldcr fc Sears. Haxdsomk Stock of Clotuisg just opened at the California Store. my'J AitnriciAL Flowers in great variety vari-ety at tho California Store, my'J Vandyke Coal $11.50 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil. To THE TKAVKI.INQ PUBLIC YdU aro horeby notilied that at Ogden city, tho junction of tho U. P. li. R. and C. P. R. K., there is one- cosy, comfortable hotel, well known by tourists and commercial com-mercial men, where comfort and cleanliness cleanli-ness and all of tho requisites of the season sea-son can bo found. A freo carriage- always al-ways at tho depot lo convey guests to tho Ouden llouse. a-t HALT LAKH THEATRE CHANGE OP TIM E I Door open at 7 5. Commence at S o'loet. Saturday Evening, May IS, Will his preentist. Watt Phillips's thrilling fivc-Ai l'nun, rtreot'r produced with too err vest succesj, entitled m ml Bcant'jul Appointments ! ChartictTttti'c Aj''ohttmrnts A.V 1 , ' Fold rful Pi'flribiiti"n of Characters ."' I . I Song ft lid Dance, J Air. HARRY LORRA1 HE. I MONDAY EVENING, MAY 2' mi. Re .irrcaranee of .'Mr.and.Mrs. F. M. BATES. I.ITTLK EMILY. I Administrator's Notice. - htrr':.;..;-: C -u -v til; L ie. !::. :? 1 i : .-. A.-.z-.rzMi-jji jar;: r'hc :"i . a 'e." A.VV 5.-n ka. ..r.- li-.n-.-tlTr- ir. I'-i-.-i-.j ..! MISCELLANEOUS. First National Bank OF UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wxxi HrraiT, C. L. Dhlir. President. Vice Prest. Ahthoky Oodss. Cuhier. Anthorlied Capital, - - 9300,00') PAID UP CAPITAL, - $150,000. KAREflXGS, - (136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. A Gf-enenvl I !m li iiift Business Transacted. AGENCIES IX COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. flt MAXIM GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. rpiIB Publiaaro especially invited tocx: X nmino our method of producing His for ligUtinK 0ITIE3, TOWNS AND VILLAGES, Private Residences, Public Buildings, Factories, Fac-tories, Churches, QUARTZ MILLS. etc i etc., et?., in city or country. THE MAXIM HAS WORKS arc different in their construction nml orcr-aiien orcr-aiien from anyihins heretofore offered to iho public. Iho Works are simple, vrry compact in form, 5 if a, reliable, automatic and produces A Superior Qualify- of Illuminating Gas,. ataVory Modorato CosL Tho Works can be sees at Walker Bros' Mammoth Store, SALT LAKE CITY, or at the office ef the Company, No. i'S Moatgnmory Sirect, Snn FraocUco. This Company havo already lighted flvo Town in California; vii.: Santa hofii.Siimu Barbara san Rafael. Watsonvilla and Hod-wood Hod-wood Ci'y. Works are also boinc constructed construct-ed for Carcon City. Nevada. Eureka, California, Cali-fornia, aad llealdsbu-g, California. WeeanaUo rofor to tho foliowirir Kcntle-mtn Kcntle-mtn who havo boon uriog our ionictio Works for ovor one year: D- 0. WiLt fi. Pret't Bank of California; Jonx 11. Bbdisuton. of Rcdington, Ilos-tetter Ilos-tetter Co., Sn Francisco: 1ko. II. Udwmn. Prcs't Homo Mu'.uul Insurance In-surance Co., of California; J. MrinA Moss, Vioo President San Francisco Fran-cisco 0s Co.; M. J. O'CirKSOR, of Conroy & O'Connor, San Francisco; Jamis 0 AHnt.it, Pup't Western Union Telo-griih. Telo-griih. fan Francisco; Raw C T- Mills, Mills' Seminary, Brooklyn Brook-lyn Cal.: John T. Doylk, fnn Francisco; B. A. Blobs. Lathrop. Cal ; TiL-twr uB HoTlL, San Rafael, Cul. The Cnniiy jironoxc to uinkc all effort lo Introduce Ill's Gnu Into Sitlt Luke t liy at an early (lay. Thoso dcfirinit furthor infirmn(iun. either from biifincs motives or otbernifc, can obtain ob-tain the Kii mo by addressing TiiK Maxim Qas Co'ii'iNT ok CiuiuiiNii, Moutttomory Streot, San Francisco- OmcKRe: President. J. 0. Eldridgo, of Ncwhall & Co., Inn Francisco; Vico President, W. II. Lndd, San Frnncisco; Treasurer, Chris, ltci, cf Rcis Bro', San FraneifC": Secretary. Kot I, Pay: General Managtr. Jamos U. Clark, my I t DRESSMAKING. Mils. D WIS respectfully notifios hoi lady friciuls find patrons that she has removed re-moved from Mrj. Wilkinson's to hor owr residence. WEST SECONO STREET, East side, halfa block south of Court House nth Ward. Mrs. Davis has bail a long and vaticc experience in DUKSSMAKIJIG, in Lon don, at Mies McLollan's. New Bond Street also in Philiiiolphiaand Washington, D. C. and is fully capable to execute all orden entrusted to her enro, mylii Taylor & Cutler, MAiN STREET, HAVE STILL ON HAND A Bit! STOCK OF OOODS, which must bo closed out immediately. GUNPOWDER TEA, A First-rate Arti-le, Japan Teas, A First-rate Article. COFFEE , CANNOT UK UCAT. SOAP, st m town. RAISLN8, LAliD, nit'E, KTARCII, YEAST POWDERS, LADIES, call .nd eo their GOODS nd Full Piwk of DRY G00D8. uMTTmMlIOTEL; O.N TIIK ElBOPEAH LAIf. I Pitutf-I in biiinf part of the city, with aooooj mod alio n for i: Ruesu. FIRfT-CLA1 arcomm jdation for Fatuities nod TraTclcr? . Rooms, jUc.,!'c, 91 .00 nd $1 .5 0 per tlmy. Dinins Hall and R-ta.urant under the tEan-itement ( M. U. Boardrley, la;- nf the M .rri.'n II u.r, Oiiha, and IichLur liooe. Line-. In. Neb. Board per reast, fj JH cbI, Oc. Place l"re daily f:r th mme. Laundry conoe-:;ed with ihe hotel. SMITH . BIGAZK, mylT 1'roprietorf . GEO. V. M. BOUTELLE, fiul Knztnefr and L. S. lipfral Surtp)fr for l iah. Api'.i-at.-n. f,,r -he Furrrff f M:c-t f'.: a I. e. ps-ei; t and :ht r-rr-ara-, n -f u.e ne'?,?ar. d,e:a:.; anl r; tj, w.U receiTt .;vf -. L- il i D-a-ine-P ar.1 all wnrk ccs"'.t'l -jLh the pioitinob oaitluiiy ai. i -rrt '..y ;-tr; r-.fi-':tt. i n 'Lei Eiii.:r.pr cccnri'J by th I 5-;.-rr--r CLt:.,'- "S. e. r ; c.ins ll t Io"ww4 K-ui'-. iali L&xe Citj. mtTLtwu : I 'r;- C C Ce-r-e::. V ?- Mir-ey-.r ' ; tz-i 1H'Cc I. M. Mvcre, Pilimwter. ea,i U ii. far,. p..T,. -p,- off-t-f R-n-OJ j --; V.s. ', r-- r r r t -1, jet. ii, MiiweU. iissitr t'. H. U ,-, i C-.a. Br. J. P.P. VANEESBERGH, From PrUMli, T II E G R K A T O FL JL EXTERMINATOR, Laic of SaoFrai.ci-o, C-J-, I Would inform the (ick penerally thai about forty years' es:ot:iie pr.-Lioe 't mci if mc nad rurerv ir. turi-fc ar.ii the fciifti Elates, of wiii.-i iwea:T-one have been ir Cal::rr:a. h.v. by elo observation aii ! Rreat experiuiect.. ccaae to the conclujin 1 that there are uiw cai and eh -onic dis c.i'cs by wi?raii, hy.iiaiid. acimaL-uUv or oiher ecie o: ec:roiea. The public Ben-eraily, Ben-eraily, or the pro'.e.-Ma a: larpe, are cot a it .ire of the cuicder of paitenu who are treated by eniincH phyr;ci.iE. for this. lha'. or suci a coui'lAtat. without any relief. I; the di(.iie fan- be io understood, a lew do5es oi Ub. V's Sovi:rk;i;n Wobh Kkmspy would havo immediately cured the cottiplaini, and have s.ived a treat miny livei. Dr. V. ha; collected a large variety ol" California root; and herbf.whioa. hy analysing, close obserr-aiion obserr-aiion anl eiicnsi.e csperiicent. he can coccicctiou!y fay thai he ha? discoverdl new remedies for the succct;ul euro of the following di--eaies ; xr Dt;i ersia. Chronic Affenr-ionf of the Liver iiL.i Kiur.tyf. irfi ami stooci ft ices ot ConfUiaption, While Swellinc. 1'alsy, "-ptr-na;vrrhn-.i or K c.il weakness. Nervous Debil-ilv. Debil-ilv. ti-i.ep:ic Fits, hlieiuatisii), Neuralgia, Diarrhu L. Incociiiiacce it' lriae .i ravel, r'iuor Aib is, Uiibt-te?, Droi.sy.at d all those ilisi-;ises which arc kuiw:i uniicr the name of 'emr,il. sucli as Syil:ili, in a'-l it-" foruij. I'onorrhca.tilett, Strii-mres. False Passices. l:,;l.immaiicii of t!io JJi.t JJcr and I'ri'J'.r.ite Ulan. is. Hicoriaiious. 1'ufiules, Files, Pimples. Pim-ples. Ulotohcs ui.d all Cutaneous K:ui'iions of ibe skin. Ctrcr Tumors oured with or without operation. In Keeeci Veaeral Diseases, Dis-eases, the Dr. ejects a cure in trom three to six uays, or no cliaie. i-or the Eyes. Er mid Throat, Dr. . possesses pos-sesses new and invaluable remedies. Dr. V. would advie tho.-e ladies troubled with Irrcpuhirities of the Uteruus to try his new remedies and net cured. Dr. Yin Dtuberijh'e lulailiblo Worm Syrup forchildron. 1'rieeSl. Warranted to expel the worms, or the money relundcd. Dr. J. P. P. Van DeuucrchXIIairTonic-a pure cure to destroy all animalcuho of the liairFolhcles. prevents falling out and pro-i pro-i uiotirc the growth ol iho liair. Price si. CO, , warranted. j 15y consul tinj; and u'jdercoing a simple ei-I ei-I amination, the a:iivted can Darn it their uis-ea.-es i; caused t1' Worm? or not; at all events Dr. V.-u Denberuli can tell them from what diseases they are sutler inn. Consultations and csaminations FREE of charco in all cases. Dr. Vim Denberc cuar- antees. in all eaies, lo expel tho worms, or no cha-ge;. Card from Judge Frier, of Polk Count y. DR. .1. T. T. TAN HKXRKRQ : Dear Sir: I lake pleauro in thanking you i untidy for tho res -.oration of my healtn after nineteen years of treat suffering mentally men-tally and bodily. I doctored a groat deal; was afflicted wr.h alnui;t every lumcinable pain ami despaired of seeing a well day HKain. When I came to see you at Salem, phi sji I you would removo the cause oi nineteen years' suffering in live hours. 1 eoul i hardly boliovc it, but after taking the five tasteless powders you gave me. atiout ;n0 worms passed Iroiu me. and now, four-' four-' teen davs aUerwurds, I feel like another , raun, and nm able to lollow my business i without pain or in. on venicnco. 1 rciuiiiu. Yours respectfully. A. II. FRIER. Bethel. Polk county. October 10, 1671. Hemnrknble. --- Eight Hundred Worms Kindled. I think it n public benefit to make the following fol-lowing statement, that 1 Have been afflicted for two ycrs with cuutant pains in tbo stomach, and, in f.iet, pains all ovor my body; no appetite, and lot uio cat what 1 woulJ, it niwuvs put ino in distress. Mo medicine would relievo uicand I grow worse and worse, until cir 1 am a mere skeleton-Nobody skeleton-Nobody could t-U me what wf tho matter 1 with me, until I consulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Donber.'h, in S)cm, Uroeon, and he told ma 1 was atliictcd with worms, and thoy were the cause of all my misery and pains. I took tho Dootor's medicine, and ho expelled SOO worms from mo. I bey uro liko leaches, with long tails, and measure from olo to ono and one half inches iu lonttb. I only took six li;llc powiiors, and they brought tho worms within four hours time. All tho?o hlllictod ihiug to ee me, can find meat Sam Ken-lot's Ken-lot's stable, t'alem, Oregon, V. CRAIQ. Pubsc ibcd and swo-n to before mo, this 7tn day ol -September, ls71. J. J. Mi:iU'HY. J. P. Paid worms can be cm at Dr. J. P. P. Van Den berth's office, Opera llouso blooa. Court street, balem. A Card. DR. J. P. P. VAN DKMBERit II Jkk "flit: I deem it my duty to maY.n tho (ollowirg (tatcuiont: Vr tbo last three years 1 navo been siiflering with coDSluiil gonwing pain ami a .juivering ecnsalion in my f toiiincU. also pain in my chest and lioirl; my fuod would nt Jigust.and 1 waf fo nervous nerv-ous that wi ll dilliculty I could follow my occuation, which has bocn here in Salem for tne past ten years as a practical dentist. : In f net. troiu tho constant pain and misery 1 ' bad Hasted awy to a mere skeleton. I bad been doctoring a grout deal without any benefit, and be'ioving there wiu no help lor ino but to linger on until death would relievo re-lievo all my sullcriuff. Some of my friends thouiiht I had woriua anil had bettor see Dr. Van Ueiiborth. Ho told mo nt once that ivorms were tho muse ot nil my troubles, so he gave me fivo smalt and tasteless powders, and in four hours about TiJO worms from ono ioch to one and one-half inches long, came away Irommo Ibat day, mid the following nlfc-ht suae un.ro came, and now I am happy to sny L feel like another man acain, aud am i gaining strength from day to day. 1 II. SMITH. M.D. i Salem, Oregon, Scptembor 2Jd, IbTl. Auollitr Ureal Slaughter I Wo think it our duty to make tho follow-; tng rtatcmcni, in h"pos it ninj do fomo good to siuk children : t'ur child hud been tick !"..r .-umc ii i.e. Tbinkirg all the timo our, I it ho t-iie was tin u tiled with worm;, we tried i lim y aoet'jre nd a i:roat many rcmediof.l without n n; relief. Sunt neigh bo rs told us wc fhouli Rn an'ltry Dr. an Denborg. the ! Worm Doctor, iu aleiu. Wo did no. mid bo, gave us one bottle ot bis celebrated Y orm ,-yrup, and utter gn itig the medicine, to our great iii-tonulimeiii ittxiut b ( wurine passtd iiwa' truiu our dear elnld.and now, thank heaven, she is well again. I. D. (1KIZZLE. i Salem, Oregon, Oct jhor id, 171. ! 1,300 W orms Uxncllcd. After Feven years ol mlTerine. puiu and debility, and docmrn.t: t-T many c.-m plaints, in. w proved tha" 1 dol nti iiav e, and taking difterent kind? of medicine I nut: many eminent emi-nent piiyMCun1, I g ive up in drepair. t-iink-ing it was so ufe to ilrt-ncli my pnorst' iu-ach iu-ach any longer, and that 1 m-it waste awaj until iberc was riu'.hmi; led ot poor me. Dul bearing of the astonishing cures that Dr. J. P. Van Den berth ha penonned in so short a time, clltrcung curoi in a lew hours, and in? friends ii'ivi-mg mo to mtiko one mrire effort, I consumed Dr. Vim Dciibergb.iuid he told me that my nn-cnci wire c'ueed by wrrmf.and hewcuM expel liieiu in about 6 vc hours. Af:cr l, king tiC small i-nwderg, about filtern hunircd wormn piwrd in; from me. and 1 am happy to say tht 1 am bettor tan I have bobu 'or a crest while. P. K. JiVKS. fuh'erlbsd atH fworn to before me, this lb:h day of cptcjiber, 1-j71. J. J. MURPHY, J. P. Oratitude eompe's mo to make the following follow-ing e'-atcuicnt, t Ii in king it may do some pond to my Jell'iW suliertr.-. 1 have heen allliriBtl for a long noniber of ytars with the following follow-ing dini-lHinf : I could m.l eat anythinir nnlenf it would produce great pun in m t'.mn'-b and t-t.w-el. alas pal'iUtion of the heart, revere celling and rhi-un, ilc izmt m all my j..iD'f; als-. neufiiitia in u,j L-id. no tlerj., i aiaayp re-tic at iiigdt, in f.i .i, I wiu-re-, duce l lo a :i.(j-e he. lo- rkel- ;on, not able to walk ml i ar,J sic up in Oe'pair. I ma it alfo fins I hj oren dociormg with ,tbcns"H erinrieHt p:, F' i' i an! of t Li i Piai also with the oe-t d-.it ,rt ol bun frmnsr and Uod only know?, witti'iut inty reliel. (ill I hear.I the great rurn hi. ', P. P. Van Jimbergh bad j f-.rcu ' J in and around J-i.lem. I ai-i'lied to him f-.r lt:p. and mr Ui blOiS ti.m f r tr,e rert'.rat; - n of my : heilth. I havc'.nly t-.r-r. tn. B.t-l.-me two I rn'-r.tn-. and have g.t-'l. ilurirw tbattime, twr.iy-five pout j. in utLii.t. and mm abie to do ail U.J homew jrk 1 j rn. JA'E POTTER. "Lir.n rr.unty. a'.'.ut thirty m.le east ol Lh Biieoti, Oret-.n, Dercmber l(; 1-7L Long Htsiidlnt; Cotigh, wll h Kices- Ive Kiprcioralion, Cnrtd la Four Weeks. Thw if ;o rrr::'y that I hnvc h"D (r'.ublt'i f'lt 'mA'i..l:.'t Ue,0.J,'"'- Tt Vi -i-f V.Tm-.jZ,. . .Jgr, ; I L..t -L CO-ifr, e-'l'.r. j.' P."l' JV1.c'Dr,nr',f. arl'u.-n ;lk: v. hi; tk.il. i,'Urt , a.-- , ;ui Jt-i: "r;!. aL.- l w a.;- I Tr LL.TKi ar. 1 tt.i:.-j-.it:.i' 'un i aud" ai ai-.'j lu u'j ill; g.L'l iurl wj.-ji. LEWIf- JJ.ELD, i Salem, Oreen. December OFFICE S2 .-Mai,, rett SALT LAKE CITY. EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales and stock of earpets have induced Z. C. 31. I. to open another lan;e room 50 x 00 feet, for the exhibition of newest styles C A R V K T 8 , ii Brussels, i, 5 Tapestrv. Three Ply, - b lx- Super, "5 -i 3 Super, c : Stair, , -lo'2' JIattins-s, &c, ets'J ' Shades, - Ji-s I orn ices, 7 Cords, 5 4 Tassels, 'iSu T Friiiiies, g -2T I Fixtures, O E .5 Brocatelles, J Damasks, K Swiss Lace, "5 Tambour Lace, Xottingliam Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Q,uilts, Comforters, B c d V e a t h e r s, of various grades and prices. Persons desirous of house furnishinn; should first examine our stock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cash. II. B. G LAWS ON, Supt. FLOUR! FLOUR! FAMILIES, BAKE KS, MINERS AND ALE OTIIEliS WANTING GOO "XjhOIT SHOULD BUY Wm. Jennings' Flour, To l)C luid by npplyin at the olllce one ili.or wcsl of (lie Flour 7W Mi-oliouHo, on First Souih St., between Ktisl and' WeM Tmiple Si h. , Salt L-.ke City. n7 DUWFORDSSOtSS. Mammoth Boot. Shoe & Hat Store. Wholesale and Retail Departments. -B GROCERY DEP'T, z. a. Jul. x. WJIOLESAEE AND H ETA lb Groceries, Hard ware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, 3Iincrs' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a low Leading Articles at Low Prices. ; AI-.L OXJPt GOODS VRE OHEAP, DEALLKfl IN TUB StnLKMtNJS ANJ JJ1N1K0 TOW.VB WILL FIND IT TO THLIii I.NTLIIKST TO CALL , AND ENQUII1K 1T.ICKS JjKFOKK 1'1'K'-II si', |