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Show That Bio Cottonwood Row. We had a call yesterday from Mr. Robert Johnson, one of the two Johnsons John-sons referred to Y'-.-terdny morning as j being implicated in the trouble a; the camp of Meiers. Meeki Jc Hawkins during the absence of those gentlemen Mast Sunday night. Mr. Johnson, 1 1 who appeara a quiet, sensible man, and who was not present at the diSculty, ; puts another face upon the affair by his statement. The two Johnsons and Clay came down from the mine to the camp, when this gentleman proposed to Clay to leave, but the latter refused, lie then left, himself, at which time there had been no difficulty. It appears ap-pears the other Johnson and Clay were in drink, and subsequently quarreled; after which Johnson went to Mill D. and got some three or four men with whom he returned; and that the pistol firing was commenced by Clay. It would seem that whisky was the beginning, middle and end of the affair. It has been reported very assiduously that the men came from Mayor Wells' mill; but the report is incorrect. Mill I) is the property of Messrs, Armstrong & Baglcy, never belonged to Mayor Wells, but was purchased some time ago from F. Little, Esq., by its present owners. However tho source from which the report emanated was sufficient to stamp it with discredit, It has also been said and published that Mayor Wells was up Big Cotton-woed Cotton-woed canon yesterday week, the day before the row, and "this and that" were put together to insinuate that he was cognizant of the affair. Mayor Wells happened to be in Provo on the day in question, and we were not aware that his Honor's ubiquity was such as to enable him to be in two places so far apart at the same time. But this is as near correct as the authors of the report ever get, unless when they make a mistake. Tho whole affair will be thoroughly investigated, and one more "Mormon outrage" bubble bo pricked. |