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Show Success of a Female Physician. Mrs. Fowler, a physician of Orange, N, J., has recently been married, and is now Mrs. Ormsby. In speaking of this latter event, the New York World says: f t Sho is a sister of Fowler, the phrenologist, phre-nologist, and has met with extraordinary extraordin-ary success as a medical practitioner of the homeopathic school. Her income from her profession has for years pa3t been from 15,000 to S20.000 a year. ' Sho treats pationt3 of both Boxes, has the names of over 000 lamilics on her practice books, and has more business ''. than all the half-dozen male doctors of ( tho place put together. In carrying on her profession she drives botween 1 forty and fifty miles everyday. Sho is a handsome woman of forty, clcar-1 clcar-1 headed, stout-hearted, strong-willed, . vivacious and intclcctual. Ilec hus-; hus-; baud is a New York merchaut. |