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Show Casu Pah. for Buckwheat at D. GrciigV. adv FrsE Fresh Honet iu the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv I A Frk.sh Sl'IM'Ly; of genuine Kng- ( lisli Ale, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' fopt. Lambs' tongues, &c. , &c. , ai I Phil. Margotts,' 2nd South Street, adv ISoiRKB. By announcement elsewhere, else-where, it will be seen that a grand sniree will be held in tho Salt Lake House, December 20ih, for the benefit j oftho Catholic church. Mrs. Cover nor Vaughan, Mrs. Marshal and Mrs. Becd have the matter in hands, and a fine affair may be expected. Prizes will be given away, among them a sewing sew-ing machine, valued at $125, which is now on exhibition at the sale-rooms of the machine, next door south of the Co operative- Drug Store. I ! A Nkw Stuck Of the linest 1 brands of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe- stems, walking canes and notions generally for gentlemen, bought per-Hoimlly per-Hoimlly in San Francisco, and for sale by Ed. Harris. adv 1 - - TaRIS is starving, tho Prussians I say. Golightlv fc Harris, though, keep tho Globe well supplied with the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manul'iu'turo I bo choicest quality nf pure cundicr.. Try them. adv Winter is Comixo ox. As that is the season of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocks and ' '!. at Call C. A-ums-en's new jew-' jew-' ivY and toy store, ilust Temple street. adv Jon Simmons receives daily, large, fat and delicious oyaterd direct from Baltimore, which he spreads before hit patrons surrounded with superioi condiments, tc, &c, at tke following low prices : Stew, Toe; Fry, 75c: Raw, 00c. adv Matches. The Great Western matches, manufactured by Paul Lech tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep iu auy climate Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the 19th ward co-operative store. adv. Go for Him. George Chandler, determined to continue to please the public as he has done heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2 right hand, entrance of Meat Market, Mar-ket, adv. Lvportant ! Bon't forget that Joe Simmons' Saloon and Restaurant, hotel ho-tel basement, 2d South Street, is still well supplied with Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Sardines, Lager Beer, Tennant's XXX Porter, Barclay Bar-clay k Perkins' London Stout, Shep-ton Shep-ton Mallet Pale Ale, Brewer, Bemas & Co. s Omaha Ale, J. C. Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great speciality at this Saloon is Fresh Oysters, large, flit and luscious, served up in every stylo. A supply just reeeived. This is tho place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at very cheap rates. adv. An "Evil Spirit" Cast Oct of a Man who hap been "Possessed ' roit Eighteen Years ! Salt Lake City, Dec. 1st, ISTO. I horeby certify that I have been sorely alllioted with an evil spirit, or demonia-ical demonia-ical possession for eighteen years. No tongue can ever express bs rr03i''ll and physical suflerinss I have endured from this cause. The contortions of my body were perfectly terriblo. I was ofteu c impelled to act in a very ridiculous manner, without being able to help mji-elf. Two weeks ago I couiuiencod taking treatment trom Drs. Roberts aud Goss, who, I am only too happy to say. have suecoeede i in casting out the evil or undeveloped influence, by the power of psychology aud auimal magnetism. I am all right now, thank God. (Signed E. Anderson. Sue-scribed aud sworn befire me this first day of December, A. D. 1S70. J tI A. S. Gould. 1 5EAL- Notary Public. Drs. Roberts and G.ns will remain at the Omaha Uonse, Silt Lake Citv, until Jan. 1st, 1S71, no longor. adv PIANO KAFFJLE. Only 300 C'liance. Rl One Dollar Eacli. A seven and a half ocUre Pkm- cost 1423, ExHtnine tho instrument and buy your ticket." tor the Kaffle at MRS. COLEBROOK'S. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring1 Baths ! Private and Plnnge. 1 Thwt ct'lel-ratM hatha nre opou to the jinblic at nil ' MK.mi, Their trpicmal ruHTt!M are so widely I known thl it ia needle to enninerats thorn. , Bveidea the Private Bat lis, the larp-e and haodsooj-1 haodsooj-1 It furnished Plunge Battitt tor La4iti and Gentlemen ire now o-va. H. AKXULU. FOR SALE! A t'ew hundred "Feet' in the "Tintic" and "Lfa7tte" LodM. Tintio Mining Diitrict. Euquireot JOE M.n.MO.NS, Omaha House Bajement. TRUNKS, VALISES, &C.,&C. Manufacture! by atr rvv m On bund in variety at the O lot li luu- Dc)nrt meut. COG BOXEb. APPLE BOXES, And General Packing Caiet, Udt to ordvr at the Trunk Fac; orv at the n. B. CLAWSON', SUPT. H . WALLACE, MAStTACITRER OF PURE CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES AND I CIT'-CO UN HA.OB ketr .ar "tied w;-,h OKOliKS, LEMnx. Sl'TS, K NC Y OR.OOKS.1KS, iJlOKED TUV'il'O. BOLO ..VA Als luCS, CONFECTIONERY, PIES, PASTRY, Flnot FVosli 15 rf Bil. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, ii' 1 1-? t- in Diel'OiJ, Bah.Tiiin I C'c, CELEBK 4 TED CINCINNATI TIRE AND LlRULAR PROOF SAFES, W E . PRATT A; COVERT. Ge-oa! igc:.is Waifair-gwa ret.. Chicago H. B. CUWSOV, Knnl. Z. C. .1. I., Agent for Itah Territory. nn nnn ou1361 ZU.UUUiHONANa STEhL J At lla-t X I loirman's. j tppolte alt Lake Hone. ' TO PRE:EMPTORS. I Atricullur.il i,;ntl Siiijit T - r I :. e b : m iT.:,ri,xo.: L :. J : llOOPItll. F.1.HH KIfB 4. lO. s-o 1 r. ,. . . -- 3H3TELCOOKIXG STLVS , . 12 C oiilplt ti . I Unwell . llofTnian'f, ' ppai'.tr aMu I. aire lio.M, ialH ftc-. ! SOUTHERN 1 MAILS. EXPRESS LINE Carry-ing the 1". S. Mall. Aud TV ells. Fargo S. Co. Kiprtii. Tho ur.dc.-iifiei i? r .uriL ; a PsI.y PROVO & FILLMORE. 0 and s:Vr N:t. .-.fei w;:: run a.:erzi;e ia.y ; . r Meadow Valley. Star District and St. Ceorge. Cvnec-im? maie with s'sji! :: Ttntlc and Srvtrr Mint-. ?anif aud Arnoiia. Goi.a Meai srd s,v -.is: r.- :.'. j.i? the l:r.'. T-n:o t-i S ; '.1 e ri;e Xcii. vr Vshey iline.. 3dsy, iu r.oi:r. HI GH WHITE. Prop. VM. H. H. SHARP, ,v - Resident Dentist, SALT LAKE CITY. TrrTM P3t to a full et insertfd I T I H 11 "' P !io Si vT. AA-' AA-' LL .p.-.s,. B-." Vulcaitd '--'"'sber. f-OTn S'.O i-er fu.i set, ica 5A: isf.i.'iin cuar .a'.ri n a.1 .to5. Teeth Filled wlih Oold and War. rant e A. Trtlh Extracted ulthont Tain. OFK1CK Fir-OT d.wr e (if D Mrt News COAL ! COAL ! I" C. l'.ji i tio.ive.ea in any 0 dor- k ftn be Ir'r f.t Ce-ope"nve Drup - s; Ki:kWivj's. . rrit- isit 11 kori;k fHis.nox. T. & W. TAYLOR ILVVE JUST K1'.CEIVF.1 A LA11GF. LOT OF COOKING Al PARLOR STOVES ! Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AMI :SEE Til K.IK Splendid Assortment of New Goods! J SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN V,E FOL'ND AT TEASiEL & CO'S WHO ARE AUK NTS Kull THE CK LK li U ATf.I BLEES (11ACHINE Link Motion, Lock Sliicli, Sti-Miplit Noi'.ilc. aiul will i(tToim with ftocuracT llio lU-aviol -ml Liluol Work. Mom: 3ivinii:s to vrhivi: in a vim days. Our Dry Goods, Crocery. Boot, Shoe, Hardware and Crockery Departments Are Wing daily roplr nislici with a full variety and ai prie.-s t,. satisfy all. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANV:S PAINTS, Embracinp ovt-r A IIUNDR ID 1I KKIIH KT S.li 8 ...vi.-mnl t. r immediate apjilicai on uid r.'.inrn.v no mixing, j.ir- r ooivod DRUG DEPARTM'NT z. c. m. s. Tho inrrodionts f ,).,P l',i,. :lr ;.,,!,, ., , ;,,.,.,,,;!,, tie- witli , tvli,,!, ,h,.y rerm,ond .! wlv- a,v : Cl,.,,,,,,,,, .W.l.j , ' . rioiity of color, an unu-uly smoo.l, an I cU-v a ,,,, .av. 1HL ,,'.,' ,1 in la.vmi:. no trouble , llxiK, will , i,v , ,;,i. , ,,,u. , r, ,k ",,'r ll "1 W"h "'"''-P i'Tic cI.hm. nor ,l,:,lk ..If l,v Hi,.,,,,,. Tl,eyre ,h best, ohoap-'si. n...t .luraM.' ,,d n,o-t .. ..oilar I'.o.i. ii, Tli.AVKKlIL WI1ITK l'A I N I is a Zl.N'C IM.VT, .min no pad. :.nd is of e.al sii-n,.nty and popularity. K 15 III NO ALONG YOLK I'Alvr cans ,'KN AND HT1UIASK A lull linn of Foreign, Doitieiir ;, i ilsv iahuovs. At the p:lrr,,-,,f , .. C. M. I. li. . V Mipf. Zion's Co-oi)erativo Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, i.i.DKKix.i: Ai ;l,wm. hi m.dix.s. Vr-ii r:,tj tin l at tl.,- I j ur ii.'t t of 7,. '.'. M. I. a bftt'r rtr .f LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, MINING I ' Ol.S, ;l,STIN(i IWDHI, staple and J'ancv (.lotcilo, He. And !,-, Get More fsr your Mney and Orders thin ou can ?t any ot!-er House in Utah. II. 11. CL Vfl'tdiV, fcupt. |