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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SL500 REWARD! THE ATTOKXBV-QKS'EKAL nF THE United States will p.iy One Thousand Dollar For the arre.-t mid 'Iclivcry to the I'niied State Mare an 1 uf Flah of WILLIAM H. McKAY, AM' Five llumlreil DoiLtrs For the nrrcit of JOSEPH HEATH, Prifoaers chanted wiih robbinr tbe 1 . Mail and I'A.-ftiwtir- tu-ar Ltuciten Cre k in J nab county. I tan 'lei ruory, fctuber -I, ISTiJ, and who ped Iroin cum .ay at C ' uit Ioukl:n on tho mmmr ot lin-ii'tn of December, De-cember, lt.t UES( RIPTIO.N ( McKAY i- about mx feet hih, aouiewhai 9to-'p ehouidered, dark eouipU.xioa. wnb black curie;' hair aud wh.-atrc aud black eyc-f, and is nbuul ih TeJM ulil. Va drc.-j-ei. wnen he lett, in a blifk tiock coat, darki pa 'U aud biatk touched hi. HEATH is about five feet four iQchei'hijth spare build, red ha ir and randy Cum plci iun grey cycj, no whi. kere, and is b jut yean of ae- By authority of the Attorney dencral o: the Uniied otatc. M. T. PATRICK, V. 8. illai IihI December GOth, 1-7". IocKct Jtoolv JLol, ON WEDNESDAY, TIH'KSDAY nl Friday la-t. between Main Street am the Tweuticth V npi. a I'oC'K EC B K. con Ltiniutf sundry Order and n muiuII amount o Cah. The lindt.-r receive $j reward bj leaving it at th;s Ollict. New Year's GIFTS ! Z. C. M. 6. IV K 1'llU'OSt On Friday mid Sal urIty or tii i j wj;kk. TO DISPOSE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GOODS SUITABLE l'OH I'llESKNTS. The Bazaar "n tliu tivo t'.ehini.' will In' FULLY ILLUMINATED And will pro em all ihu uttnuMiniM of tliu I'li-t. work. I A R G A I N S Will l. Hi". I'lc-r "I III" iliu. I, II. ('I,A'S'IN. fli-ci. THEATRE Positively Last Appearance OF Mil. AND MISX OouldocK Saturday Evening, Dec. 31, W ill kc presented the frreat Historical Play, by T. B. Do Vf allien, entitled L,UIS SI. ilr. C. W. COULDOCK as LOUIS XI- Miss COULDOCK as THE DAUPHIN. To eenoluilo with the Lauuhabe Fiuvc. entited UNCLE SAM. I MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block wcet of President Youny'd Kesidence. JOHN V. YOU AG, Esq., Prop. Native fientfttt, Birds ami Reptiles Wolverines, Bears, Foxes, Mountain Doer, Lynx, Wild Cats, &c- TinporUint collection of Native Minerals; Admission, 50 cts. Children, lO " Opnn every day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feedin- Time, 3 p. in. J. L,. BARFOOT, Manager. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLQSE FIRE lXSrRAXCE tO.lIPAXV. Assctts - - - $IS,100,000,00, J. M. MUORK, Agcut, P.O. llillldlns, Suit Luke Clt y CITY LIQUOR ST0BE,i Keep confUutly tu hand, AVholesale and Retail, Chnirc Iinporu.l LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowct Hnn-, GROESKKCK'S Bill, DIM,?, Kat Trm pic Mrei. TOXOIl IAL! If you wimt Fa-hi-'n.ihlu ruM skillful B TK n IV I N G- i.n T" UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S I Wh.. h.i-- ;i-.v-Uu-d with him -Mr. JlMm - A . t. kit, -it ili oid iHiijn wnd uuth Street. 11 ir Irc.--iii?, a :i vin(, Miam jio-ink. jio-ink. Hnd all kui'is of Hair Work, from u 'rii to a nir. done in a manner warranted to kitb sftlUluclicn. SHAVING k IIAIR-DKESSING SALOON. ' JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, KAST TB.1PLK 8THKKT, Firp t door couth of Bp. Iiuntor'a residence. t VllVllt ItODIUM J . For Cuttitijr and Drr-'iiie Ladies' and Chil-f Chil-f drcn'n li.iir. MAMFAfTlllKU 1 1 A 1 1 1 . ' Every description of Hair Work nmdo to order. A jiiRutity 'f Lad i pa' Switches OQ hand. Oriiatne-ntakllalr Vrk. Lad IP' and (Jon tie-men' Watrh liuard!. Bracelet. Kmc, Ne-kUceA, Ac, made to order. SOUTH Kit 1ST " MAIL & EXPRESS LINE Carrying the . S. Mull, And AVrll, Farffo A. Co. K,iprett. Th) unnTMK"-'d n"w riji:uiiiK a lily lino of Suiko." to PROVO & FILLMORE. On and nftr Nov. 1 'ill, TTO. nUnci "ill run on allornuto dit.vs lor Meadow Valley, Star District and St. George. I Cunncctionii outdo with ftufti' 1")' Tlntlc nnrl Hevirr Mine hnnpele nml A ri.nim. fjnud Mrah" and aet'oniniodntioim nil nlnrii tim lipn. Time to M. (ienrno and Mondow Vi'llcy Mintv, ;idapf l' Iioiiim. I lit 1 11 WII1TK, I'vop. (illi.MMit V .lls, Fiirno Co. V. K. fM ITU. (I l Ak.'iiI. TO PRE-EMPTORS. ) W c iri' H" iTi'i'im y I" iui iii.'i it iiMhi nl I.iiikI Script I'' T tlin loonti'in "I tli'Vi i'iiin''iil l.ini'l nl M'i" .i-r nuiTtor imi'tlon. MODi'l it, fc;j.UJiKI"'". Siill I,nl, l!v, N.'V..'l. 1 f , 1 1 D.DAY. 1.F.CULMER. ' DAY GULEIERj Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in DRY GG003, GROCERIES, ! HARDWARE, I QUEENSVARf, j GLASSVARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &C..&C. I WK MAKE i BEST TEAS SPECIALITY. JUST HECEIVKD, A FINE LOT CF DRY GOODS. Call and See tUeiu. First Door South of Town Clock Store. ! . iCKRISTfilAS AND NEW YEAS j IS70. 17! . The t 'li--.ii t an 1 Ur-l l'ltu-e iu Salt L-ike City to Buy all kiu.lj of CAAIt!S. Ace, C UK 5 ST M AS Vll W19 GIFTS VOll TIIK HOLIDAYS Main Stii'rl, wlu-iv a l.iri;i itiatilitv can bo founil ;.l jirioe-s iltat w.ll i ; I'AK ANXKK ri'KCHASliS. A .MKilKY ClIKISTMAS AM -V H ATl'Y NKW VKAK. AVO TMi:it AIMMVVI. of the crh'liralcd BLEF.S M:niX(i 1(1UK HARMAN, IVORY & CO., ;.m i s" i ci AND Real Esta'e Agency, L'd South St.. opposite Walker lro.". SALT I.AK 1'. CITY. Coin plot e oopie.i of MnriiiT Beeorder! Boo and .M'Mr;(.-f i.l"Tr:' !".-, l..m V.uu-t V.uu-t K--ordvr thr-'URlmut ttio JVrnWry to he found in our oitii-. Mmiiifr I'ropertv nnd Hr,tl Kstiitn li Mm ht and m d. lt.Mir rrnt'd and t'uliiviinn made. M oney 1 n rd. I'art it'iil.ir at trni :in g en to C'on ej ancmp. WA.MTK.D.TwoRnnil Mlnm ylrlil- lii Nuirllliti Ore, I'or vihleli will Ur pnlil. 11 A It M AN. A Co. WAXTK.U-A luiildins for a Store; alpo a ll-'U.-o with live or mx rooiiu and good OUlllOUM'S. IIAKMAN. lVi'HY A 0. V A.NTK I) TO It K . 1' A Mou?p with three or four rnoiu, Auitaldo Cor a jinall family, fam-ily, in nu elinihlr lor.idon. II AHM AN. IWWX A C". BASSETT & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE VII k.ibb. IIKAVY HARDWARE, li-oit mill Mill, Stoves and Tin Ware 111. ,( KN.1I I I'll I IIIU.S, A u i le i.H in it I I i,t li' hi ...il . , ml ill In lii 'I'util., VI l,,,ii i .1 llnl, ... III'I'IIKITK Nil I' I. VHK. IHU K. ChristmaS HOLIDAYS. GEO. W. DAVIS Choice Gunpowder Teas, Extra fine Natural Leaf do. Rio and Java Coffees, Raisins and Currants, Peel and Spice, I Prime Oregon Bacon, New York Cheese. Nuts and Granges, Candies and Candy Toys in Endless variety. Cheap the Cheapest Home in Tov:n I'or Sample see the window at Davis' OPPOSITE SALT LAKE IIOVSE, Vnd Th o Boom worth of Klmbnll & LHiirence'.. T. & W. TAYLOR Have received a new supply of DRY GOODS, consUtinjr of SKEETSNS, SLEACHID, CALICO, HICKORY, DINIMS, FLANNELS, LINStYS, SHAWLS, ETC., ETC WHICH THEY' HAVE MARKED CHEAPER THAN EVER. Also constautly arriving. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Roots ami Shoes, Cooking- Moves, Ac. Besides llicir Goods being of the Lest Quality, they aure their friends they will be underbid by noue. CALL AND EXAMINE FOK YOURSELVES. WEST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STEEET. P. A. HOFFMAN X CO. REAL ESTATE AND GENt-AL COMMISSI MERCHANTS. Ofltrn Klrl South Strrrt. Vi't door WrM of Kt in bull A. l.nwrriicc. Sull l,nkf ( II) . I inh. Koal Ftat boupht nd jold. ILum? i rrnir l. idlc-t to.u lUH.io. M or. liaiuim' ai d otlnT rrrponrtl propcrSy biMtcht mid .'dd ''" ' pri vntc f alo or auction. M oncy al aiu-od n properly to be ,-o.d. Loans nvi-liatcii. Convt.vau:tii duut1. II A farm of U aorcs in Orient on Iitr.ot for pale, '.'ho fa m t entirely Uiu'cd. In-. In-. quire at lb lf;il K'tate Vc.-n.-v. I Y. A. HOFFMAN A CO. ! 2-llalfa Lot iu lilooV SI. Flat A. only bait , n blook trom (he I" tali Ccnlial Kailroa.t io-1 io-1 po for half. J K. A. H"FFM AN A CO. I Koal Ltalt? AiMit. I o Fropevty wan'pd for biii-ies purpomvs on Main-trerl. lnjuiroat the ho a I L.-iate i A;cno . i F. A. HOFFMAN A Ct- I 4 Niorw and dwvllinup wantM to rent. I lniuuc at ! F. A. HOFFMAN A t'O. N-Koal Ftato liTMlrin ld.vk To. I'latt 0, ami ill IMoi R V, Fl a t j!. In.iiure :t F. A. 1101' KM AN .V CO. practical watchmakers. b ELIASCN & HAUERBACH, rvl Poor Knot ol (tie llei ntl. Arc 01 Union ww uol onl 1 opuir at. bo and ('l.'o;ti, but make m ohiv to older in any dotted f)1i or any 1 m ot !.-'m. fioni a pnnt w pinion to mi enlne at. .1. Win U Kirutril on Ploil, nlf 'I'ri ni. 1 KA.M1LY SEWING MACHINE IS THE Standard Machine of the World 1 Tli Speclul Committee n, to c-xamliie anil report on n,el bacilli. ot the North c.!'"' Stale Fair, held at Ralel.k!'" week, a arded a Gold Med.l . " Horenee Sewing Machine '" ! eae and q ulet neas ot 1 ts mov. e ,.e . f. cl Inn and large varletvnf aU and llHvalnable new fe.trI, ork' klnpt It the most valuable J!'J?-Machine J!'J?-Machine lor family Hue. Kew'S Paitits coutempLatlug the cbase of Sewing Machine! re rJ quested to read the follow In j fr0ll the A'ew York 'Tribunew of Oct 19th, 1670: SEAVIXG MACHINES. V.'e have recently had occasion tomk eome iD'juinea into the protres of imwo'V mrnt in te mecoaoism of eewing maiE-Aii'i maiE-Aii'i were not a little surprised to learnt'-.' the central idea in toe firt iiivn'ioD-t'i shuttle still holds i-E pac. ibuazh air, u tempts have been mad to eapt-cweit The -buttle, in c mbin&tion with the need' is still tne - eans ued to form thtirM ':-the ':-the leading machines and we fin-i'hat t'e gT'.wth of trade U chieEy with tiie-hutiL uv.uz machines. The improvements that are takinr hold iu practical u;e are, therefore. necit rily in c.-nnecuon with the shuttle, either in the detail of the thuttle L 0r in other prt5 rf tbe machine connected v. it h it. to cause tne whole to operate more perfectly and uniiormly, and to simplify in M-'ny important gaiui in directija mnJe ?ince the firt great itTtn-.i'jn. are cn-douhtediy cn-douhtediy embed. td in the "Floreiic." ma-chide: ma-chide: and we recommend our reader? 1$ careiV'y inspect the "Floreijce" before ini-! ini-! a choice. i Le p'.dct; reculia.7 to thi: mfiiL? ire: , An unusual amount of money li j.ci ia 1 n:as:'.L the "Florence," thereby iecirist j tbe be-t tuaterial (steel, for initio;?, 12m other? u?e ca-r-iron i, and the uest Siiifni important i-aris 'the shuttle, for eiitpk being rit'idiy rejected if it variti fro a thi st.ijd-rd 1-2 !.': h of an inch!1 It ucw-struoi-'d on thetimple-i scientific prirciplb, eiiti rely diip-c ing with the c"'??. iod cii, n' d link w-iich .-o often get perrer;elr vat ofordorand sorely perplex every ote tbe pr-toti el u.a.a:iiist by their iiLst mutable mut-able tre.ik;. i ne "Florence'1 if so t-Zj j mariced. ;nd it; use is so readily !;-?., iimi an ordinary girl of ten ha !er:e ni mn.-cie enoug-h tu run it perfectly. I:.e stitch, mnuc by tbe "Florence" ii trj re ulara.u-1 perfect. Tery strong and ti!. j and is drawn intu the iabr:"c ernij, f.ii-; f.ii-; ualli , exac ly, without jerking, ata wi:r. j cau;ii:g the jeatn to pucker, or ctrairiEji ; thrc -d so as to endanger iu bressice; i ;--juently, ye- y fine threads and lijtt tjtr.a ! c:a K- u-ed. Be?:dei thi?. the ' Zi?rr:(r in ai: bu: the che.ipts: style;; a!?o iia ; hree additional stitoae a double k-:i. i ?ingle kut't ad a dubie knot wiii.i Lt s;r.r:.cr ni m-re elastic than atretic stitch, and whih are made by no otter n-12c n-12c "1 itn nee" is the only rnwi it taat hi aeveriio e ced. wheredj i-rootin i-rootin '.f i3e sevin; can be ir.:i;ui caaLired witbeut tioprdn the work, hzm er; o in; the operator to quilt or ebr:;-:: ith unusu.il taoilny, to str bakw.-i? i:i easily strengthen a seam who re re deseo. r and, dually, by a tew repeated (tiiect. w ) faten ends in the quickest and s;.;.? way. It U the only machine that hi! ':-aaj ':-aaj KtT.g shuttle-ihrejd tensic-a. s;.'i works (in per fe-'t ly that the operator c&s ra across tbt beavie; feam; ttid Jew tie I Lnen and ibe toicsesi broadcloth ia it- ' diate ucission wnnont breaking tie:z"ti ana wr,ti. u: ch.ir.tm the needic. itu:S tension, fse "r 'w ence" draw :he lirai into ti.eoN'th wiih ur.c-juaied prejlsion ni , cert.nitt . by n?e.ms '-f an inpcnious sue-I sue-I tiia;:o "taVe up" wheel, which disP-j? 'f tLo .-1 i -k th re.. J loft after tee ftiica w.ii u I accurate pron-ptne-f tfc.v. r" m'DU a I mi uii or dr'i p;n.c of stitches, sJ s,,'-w?; i ( "peraior m sow nacKwara, or 10 r.u . i i ci'vn a!-J t. acain, with perfect imr'i.j. 1 It h..- an urpror.d elastic hemtner. eif ! sivolj its own. which it managed with et-k j and wi.l u-.ake a hem of any width on m i material It not or,''y makes pertectfiu j and sews it (o a band at one cperat;:a, t 1 j it h.'tn. jiiid binds, and fcl , and :r.t:i c-r.i? ;mu moss, and gathers, c4 wi-houi b.i-tirc. wch special provy; a icade a:a i rourious wMr that tt ' l i ir-v o" is ciaimevl and iruaranteed by u.' j pany to iat twice as lone without rr -1 anv other shuttle machine in th iiri'i without the lu-hIest dihiculiy. rer? ol the "Florence" is so perfectly aad o--1 nently a.i.uito-i, and il has so few .ii:w t points ol trict-on. that it run? w;t; ::J ;ii,'-t ease. 1 ho nee-ile is sf. threaded, aud the stitch is UzftSttN. shortened. or reversed with izt ir ino-t ca.-e. In usiuc the "Fkrcac "cii" the work nor the operat r"f drrss :. iu?: be sowed. 1 lie "riorence" with u e ai u- to vapor iority. sells at tie sanii a ( titer Urst c'a.-s muchines. Thc? tacc- : i.ioor.ility in ui,.uu!aciure; t-miplioiiy ol construction; Faculty o: ioaii:emeOt: ' itu'iv ot t tohes, HexerMble to d; olt-ad'ii"tinv to-sion: AutiMiiaiio take-ui-; 1 iu it ve t ben m er; Fioiion .itamsi e; F itivt and p ruianent a vusti-i"'i F.i- iuu .Hiodi'! needie and sti.:2. uc.i ;i 1 uu an 1 c iiea i Bi; , Tiio be.uitv :r.d hci tiu;h ofta '-- Make t mo "Horri.c." meder: !P I ini. a mat L in o hu h to be valued. nl! to b tno.i. No ta'i i i - o in .sriord to be itt ' in. nuchine. and we hop is'. "Jt one ui-iy touud wherever "Tb I?''rs is welcome. TO THE LADIES r !lt I.nkeritv. nd I""''" I out I lie Tcrrltoi-te. v( I Idaho Moiil.n. j V y o m I n a . j i1 a oorilial .". nl our ci'ii-o. sn.l OMmir.t ill-" f , K.'llnily Si-Mire Msotin w!lf I sii;iuiu: iiiuiu-viialo jniri'lissc iir "" ! Is OUT I'llMHf-.-. aiiii lilcAJUPP ' '' : i loi' I'Vamip-iiM'ti sH(Uviu!-',,'p : l:n mi i'xIiiImiiom. in ,,r,i'T',.1 ..J ! I'a-llv I.' i-vplam l-'UIISi't . I whii'h mo i I .i i mi s;Vi"K'riV.i: t4 I I'llllH- l-l !.. IIIS'i-'- r,ll"j"' -rt " ii;,-..,.,-, i:.k,.r. Mi-.scr J '.:::,tT i .v w ii..,..!. in i'm'k I Mm, nu uiiliur a.ii anlaiO T1,1 1 ,.f rival liiaihm,-, lull lh'; .,, I j Ui.'V Mill 1.,. I'V CW""'.. l.'iiiin.i , ,!.,. of fnm;, i;--,t IM'llll' l'l llll'lU IV.U11V V U'' " I uivr us a l.-i'iMiii'i ix o. 1 ! CHAS. S, HAMMER. ' (., , , .1 'sm.t i .a uk. orrv.rr"1 |